Results for: they are all going to jail

Terrorist Hijacks French Elections
– Not that all people of Merah's profile should be subject to undue harassment, but those who fit such a profile and make the same holiday-destination … , will evolve to be practiced by those who are a far cry from Merah's profile. … I just expect that should they choose to express their inspiration on a canvas of violence, we can rely on the authorities to deploy…
Spike Lee's Vigilante Trayvon Tweet
– with a police investigation All of the above Smells like all of the above to me. … Isn’t Lee’s tweet akin to what he and his ilk are accusing Zimmerman of? Oh, the irony. … We’re going to have to wait and find out whether or not what Zimmerman did was, as Spike and others believe, vigilantism and a racist…
BP Ledger, April 16 edition
– And when they ask me, 'Who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan?' I'm going to say, 'You know, I don't know. … "And then I'm going to say, 'How's that going to create one job?'" … "Because you never know who is going to hear this stuff.…
Shouldn't Results Trump Intentions?
– Our friends who are social conservatives believe traditional values are the best way to strengthen the nation. … Our friends who are socially liberal believe that all Americans should be able to live the American Dream in whatever way they want … Our leaders are not confronting our biggest problems. They are not factual, not strategic and they are threatening our future.…
Lie, Cheat, Steal: Save the Planet!
– Don’t we mere mortals know that our puny powers of reason and deduction are impervious to the powers granted to the Society of Ethical … No; they must be crazy, with due respect to Ms. McArdle, who I believe is sincere . … But when the doctors and scientists seek to muzzle the rest of us it’s all A.O.K.…
Lawyer Defending 9/11 Suspects Wearing Burqa in Court 'Out of Respect'…defending_911_suspects_wearing_burqa_in_court_out_of_respect
– Later, he shouted at the judge that he should address their complaints about prison conditions because “maybe you are not going to … “Maybe they are going to kill us and say that we have committed suicide,” he added. … a case that sparked international condemnation, has reportedly been sentenced to nine years in jail for allegedly "acting against…
10 Things That Would Be Happening Today If Obama's Policies Were Working…hat_would_be_happening_today_if_obamas_policies_were_working
– If that was going to happen, Volts would be flying off the showroom floor as opposed to the meager 7,700 that were sold last year - … , we'd be winning, not losing in Afghanistan. 5) Mexican criminals are supposed to be in jail today because of Operation Fast … Have "too big to fail" Freddie and Fannie been forced to dramatically reduce the number of mortgages they hold to help prevent a future…
BP Ledger, May 1 edition
– Baldwin County Sheriff Huey "Hoss" Mack said, "Pray Gulf Coast provides all of us who are Christians the opportunity to unite in prayer … "And today, all of you are here as an expression of your love for Eva to help us dedicate the quilt in her memory." … All those things I take for granted." Prayer led to action.…
Illegals Immigrating Back to Mexico
– Illegal immigrants are hesitant, especially when they have to sneak in, face deportation and even jail time just for a chance to join … They aren't going back to get into the back of the line. … They are going back because they think the American economy has come to the end of its line. It hasn't and doesn't have to.…
Pay No Attention to that Man in Your Bathtub
– And the rest of us are expected to doff our caps, fall to our knees and thank them for their benevolence. … Clapper to Snowden, saying Clapper belongs in jail with Snowden, talking about how all phone calls are being listened to, trying to … These days, many Americans say that they assume the government is listening to their conversations.…
Happy 42,014 New Government Regulations*
– From now on we are no longer able to buy 60 or 40 watt bulbs anymore. … rooms.Plus, they are more expensive and dangerous because you need a hazmat team to come to your house if one breaks! … their photo you could face up to a year in county jail and a $10K fine.Bet they didn’t know that.…
Obama Picks on Someone His Own Size: Little Sisters of the Poor Catholic Nuns…s-own-size-little-sisters-of-the-poor-catholic-nuns-n1777583
– OF course they defend Chase, Dimon, all the boys on Wall St... this site is there to teach you that the gansters are the good guys. … him politely to tell Hansen to shut the hell up because they think he’s a nut job and a fraud. … And make no mistake, the other Arab regimes are lining up against the United States, helping to finance the rebels now because they
Why Pro-Amnesty Republicans Are So Desperate To Pass Immigration Reform This Year…e-so-desperate-to-pass-immigration-reform-this-year-n1785691
– If they can transform 10 million, 20 million, or 50 million illegal immigrants into citizens, they'd be happy to do it because they … Your taxes pay the bills if he goes to jail. … to get them to keep the gravy train going.…
Obama Criminalizes Dissent, Goes After Dinesh D’Souza
– Sadly, lawyers and judges with an agenda are able to twist the law to achieve a desired outcome in our judicial system. … “They jail dissidents, they put them in reeducation camps. … Matt Drudge, founder of the Drudge Report, tweeted on January 23, “They are going after the Obama critics with indictments.…
Bill Clinton's New Old "Bimbo Eruption"
– It isn't news to anyone that Bill Clinton has had, ahem, a difficult time living up to his marriage vows. … Again, we all know about Bill Clinton's character when it comes to women. That's hardly news. … UPDATE: Now Tom Sizemore is admitting that he made the statements, but is denying they are true.…
5 People and Groups Abused By the Government For Opposing Obama…groups-abused-by-the-government-for-opposing-obama-n1789181
– Obama and his administration seem to think they’re above the law and after seeing how conservatives are being illegally mistreated … Instead of trying to correct the abuses -- which are still going on to this day (I know multiple people from conservative groups that … Now, what's Congress going to do about it? 5) Ben Carson: Former surgeon Dr.…
Crony Capitalism in America 2008-2012: Legal Predators
– Why did they choose to forego the right to trial, when they arguably had a good case, because it is difficult to prove that smoking … They are overwhelmingly poor compared to the rest of the population. … When legitimate law firms are hired to defend against the Prop 65 legal “bucket shops,” they may like the settlements too.…
Saudi Arabia Declares Muslim Brotherhood to be Terrorists
– The Chinese claims to islands and sea areas are based on ownership. … They are groups that fight moderate Muslims and are causing troubles around the world. … We are mobilizing; we are preparing to react to foreign aggression."…
Christians Vow Civil Disobedience if Home-School Family is Deported…civil-disobedience-if-homeschool-family-is-deported-n1804004
– “They are not on welfare,” he said. ‘They are not trying to live off our system. … I would hope our country would be able to accommodate them. They are an asset to our country.” … “If they come for this family, it’s going to ignite a movement that’s going to be the same as when they told courageous Rosa Parks…
Cronyism, Corruption, and D.C. Nepotism
to gradually monopolize the functions they perform.” … They think he was just happy to be done with snow removal, even if it did mean a trip to jail. … There probably aren’t many places in the world where citizens are allowed to own flamethrowers.…
Democrat Liarship: Liars Lie, and then Lie to Cover the Lie…at-liarship-liars-lie-and-then-lie-to-cover-the-lie-n1803109
– Then Justice John Roberts, conservatives’ hope for an honest broker on the Supreme Court, decided that he was not going to protect … The Romeike’s face all of that, plus possible jail time if they are to return to their homeland. … clause or the other elements in the Constitution, what we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to
Jim DeMint's Little Platoons Versus Big Government…4/jim-demints-little-platoons-versus-big-government-n1808830
they ask. After all, conservatives are greedy, and conservatism feeds that greed at the expense of the poor. … She said platoons are divisions, and "that has been the criticism leveled at where politics are going, that it's more divisive." … Smith Goes to Washington" speech about corporations being accountable only to "market forces," but government being accountable to
Chicagoland: Where Bar-Going Tigers Are More Common than (Legal) Guns…and-where-bargoing-tigers-are-more-common-than-guns-n1807667
– Of course, if any bar-going-patrons – regardless of their drinking habits – decided to harass a tiger, they probably deserve whatever … After all, walking around with a Jungle-Book-villain is only a misdemeanor; whereas a concealed .38 might get you feed to the lions … A tiger, by all metrics available to me, is not the same as a gun… In fact, loaded firearms might be just the thing to protect the…
Oh, Good: Exiting Inmates in Kentucky Receive Coverage Under Obamacare Upon Release…kentucky-receive-free-health-insurance-upon-release-n1819700
– Nevertheless, if all goes well (and even if it doesn’t), the practice is expected to be expanded to other county prisons around the … Nationally, at least 70% of the roughly 10 million people released from prison or jail each year are uninsured, according to the Washington … Swelling its rolls with new enrollees, especially when they aren’t paying into the system, is going to be a problem.…
The Left's Evolving Hierarchy of Rights
– In truth, you are not free to disagree with liberals on this issue. They won’t let you. They will compel you. … They will see you in court, in bankruptcy, maybe even in jail. Liberals tolerate only what they agree with. … In all these cases, there’s one commonality: liberals/progressives disregard the religious rights and property rights that they are
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