Results for: sign up to vote

Senate Unanimously Passes Bipartisan Wuhan Coronavirus Relief Package…partisan-wuhan-coronavirus-relief-package-heres-wha-n2565763
– The vote was tied 48-48. … began, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) urged his Democratic colleagues to vote in favor of the compromise. … They are expected to vote on the bill on Friday, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said. …
Civil Liberties Are Being Trampled During Coronavirus Panic…berties-are-being-trampled-during-coronavirus-panic-n2565618
– The French agriculture minister, seemingly inspired by Chairman Mao, has invited up to 200,000 citizens currently stuck at home to … There's even a sign-up website. You can't make stuff like this up. … Are we supposed to trust a government that told everyone go to out and vote en masse, then within hours ordered everyone to stay in…
What?! Joe Biden Says There Was 'No Less Than Two-Tenths Of One Percent Fraud' in 2009 Stimulus…han-twotenths-of-one-percent-fraud-in-2009-stimulus-n2566314
– He could be the next president of the United States and he has to put forward something to show how he would handle this crisis. … Biden said that there needs to be an inspector general to oversee the payments, harking back to the Obama 2009 stimulus where he said … Aside from this nonsense that President Trump is going to physically sign 175 MILLION checks, Joe Biden says there was "no less than…
Bernie Calls for Delay of Wisconsin Primary
– People shouldn't have to put their lives on the line to vote. … While we wait for a decision we urge our supporters to vote-by-mail. — Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 1, 2020Sen. … right to vote for the agenda that they think can work for America.”…
Will Voters Be Able to Physically Go to Polls in November? Fauci Weighs In…physically-go-to-polls-in-november-fauci-weighs-in-n2566791
– The answer came after CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Fauci whether people would be able to “physically” vote.  … “It should be you go to a booth and you proudly display yourself. You don’t send it in the mail where people pick up. … All sorts of bad things can happen by the time they sign that, if they sign that, if they sign that, by the time it gets in and it’…
Biden Thinks Trump Will Try to Delay Election
– “Mark my words, I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can't be held," Biden … Other than trying to let the word out that he’s going to do all he can to make it very hard for people to vote," Biden said. … “It should be you go to a booth and you proudly display yourself. You don’t send it in the mail where people pick up.…
New Polls: Trump Either Narrowly Leads Biden, Or Trails Biden, in Swing States…biden-neck-and-neck-nationally-and-in-swing-states-n2567198
vote for someone else...Trump has a slight advantage among men (49% to 43%), while Biden leads among women (50% to 41%).  … to say they would vote for Biden if the election were held today (76% and 63%, respectively). … UPDATE - Another major polling red flag for Team Trump: Sign of the times:Clinton LOST seniors by 7 points to Trump, 52-45%Biden LEADING…
The Rule of Law Is Gasping for Breath
– In The Road to Serfdom, F.A. … However, it is clear that citizens need to act decisively to modify their state statutes in order to accomplish at least three things … When the time comes to vote, we must ensure that those who have displayed a lack of belief in freedom do not remain in office.…
The Perils of Pelosi
– The Ukraine hoax which led to the flimsy impeachment charges was as ridiculous as the Russia hoax, but it did not matter to Democrats … Since that time, Pelosi and the Democrats have been working non-stop to blame the president for an “almost sinful” response to the … It should motivate millions of voters to flock to the polls in November to save our country from such a perilous future.   …
Is A Red Wave Coming?
– Smith used most of her campaign energies trying to tie Garcia to the president, thinking that all anyone cares about in California … Think there's a lesson to be learned here? … they need to rack-up the "W" in districts exactly like California's 25th.…
DMV Closures Pose a Big Problem for Some Voter Registrations…y-down-due-to-pandemic-shutdowns-across-the-country-n2568594
– and municipal elections, their window to get a ballot back by mail has likely closed before they were able to register to vote. … In Kentucky, vigorous efforts to register citizens to vote ground to a halt at the end of February with the onset of COVID-19. … Just 504 people registered to vote in Kentucky in March compared to more than 7,000 the previous month.…
Liar, Liar: Georgia House Minority Leader Caught In A Hate Hoax…georgia-house-minority-leader-caught-in-a-hate-hoax-n2550373
– "This white man comes up to me and says, 'You lazy son of b**ch. You need to go back where you came from. … Media machine has been blowing up story of @itsericathomas, who claims a racist white man told her to “go back where you came from. … "I'm a Democrat and will vote Democrat for the rest of my life, so call me whatever you want to believe.…
Watching the Democrats Shoot Themselves
– Pelosi, a lifelong lefty, continued to be upstaged, disrespected and made to seem like a moderate Democrat by AOC and her wrecking … from either party a single vote. … and the cajones to stand up to the Democrats and the liberal media -- Donald Trump. …
The President’s Social Media Summit Was A Watershed Moment In The Fight Against Big Tech Censorship…hed-moment-in-the-fight-against-big-tech-censorship-n2550912
to force Canadian female estheticians to handle and wax male genitalia. … a desperate effort to squelch these threats to their abuses. … — and our ability to speak and vote freely hangs in the balance. …
We Don't Trust You
– Get 38 states to ratify it, two-thirds of the Senate to vote for it, the president to sign it. … Liberals said to themselves: No problem. We'll just find a gay district court judge to overturn the vote. … They also said, Not only are we going to reverse the vote, but we will name and shame the people on the other side (except African…
Jerry Nadler's Troubling History
– The Clinton team fashioned that the terrorists sign a statement expressing remorse, but they all had refused to sign it, and then unbelievably … The group wanted to overthrow the government, and teamed up with Black Liberation Army (formerly Black Panthers). … And earlier this year, before the board was due to vote again, Nadler sent a another letter to them that they should release "Judy"…
Pelosi And Schumer Had A Call With Trump About Gun Control. This Is Their Non Negotiable.…rump-about-gun-control-this-is-their-non-negotiable-n2553121
– Specifically, Democrats want Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to bring the legislation to a floor for a vote. … With the backing of the American people, we continue to call on Senator McConnell to ‘Give Us A Vote!’ … We call upon Senator McConnell to ‘Give Us a Vote!’…
Democratic-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Approves Anti-Gun Measures For A Vote…iary-committee-approves-antigun-measures-for-a-vote-n2552933
– Well, to no one’s surprise, the Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee approved several anti-gun measures for a vote, including … House Democrats urged the Senate to hold an emergency session to vote on a bill passed by the House in February which would implement … "We are working on coming up with a proposal that the president will sign.…
Republican Dan Bishop Narrowly Wins Special Election In NC's 9th Congressional District…special-election-in-ncs-9th-congressional-district-n2552888
– We look forward to welcoming Dan Bishop to Congress in short order.” … out and vote. … Murphy also ended up winning his race. Trump took to Twitter to celebrate the news: Dan Bishop was down 17 points 3 weeks ago.…
What Happens With Gun Control In The Senate Will Be Decided By Trump, Not McConnell…n-the-senate-will-be-decided-by-trump-not-mcconnell-n2552877
– They are working on coming up with a proposal that the president will sign. … McConnell has made it very clear that he won't bring any legislation to the floor for a vote if Trump has vowed to veto the bill.  … The goal is to close so-called "gun show loopholes." According to Sen.…
Take a Breath, and Get Ready for Trial and Tribulations…e-a-breath-and-get-ready-for-trial-and-tribulations-n2553740
– ready; it's about to get worse. … Removing the president from office would require two-thirds of the Senate to vote in favor of his removal. … It moved to the Senate for trial, but was dropped after they could not get the two-thirds majority vote.…
There’s Dumb And Then There’s Impeachment Dumb
– They seem to be making it up as they stagger along. … This was A-OK, cool, good-to-go. Thumbs up. … And the House is going to eventually vote 218 to 217 – Nancy will give as many purples a pass as she can – to pull the trigger.…
Hey Democrats, Impeach This!
– She can probably get 217 Democrats and plus that Justin Amash weirdo to vote to impeach if it comes to that, but then it heads over … And then the Senate will vote to acquit and the Democrats will get to run on, “We didn’t pass anything to make your life better because … Or do you think the Democrats will start another round of civil chaos like they did when the Republicans refused to sign-off on slavery…
Squad, Assemble: AOC, Omar, Tlaib All Endorse Bernie Sanders for President, Snubbing Warren…omar-tlaib-all-endorse-bernie-sanders-for-president-n2554847
– "So the foundation that he laid in 2016 allowed for candidates to stand up and be bold and run their race," Turner said. … But if the hard left vote will be sharply divided over the coming months, Biden stands to benefit as the de facto leader of the center-left … , she's going to need to at least feign a pivot to the center for the general election.…
Trump Campaign To Fly Message Through The Skies Ahead of Tonight’s Dem Debate…sage-through-the-skies-ahead-of-tonights-dem-debate-n2554783
Vote Trump.” The sign will fly for a total of six hours with a break between the first and second three-hour flights. … The banner will also invite readers to “Text ‘USA’ 88022.” … Vote Trump 2020” Trump campaign flies “Socialism will kill Houston’s economy!…
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