Results for: Republican National Committee

End Unauthorized Federal Spending
– The good news is an innovative legislative solution has been proposed by Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers: automatic … All of NASA ($19 billion in 2016 appropriations) and the National Institutes for Health ($31 billion) are presently operating despite … In theory there is still an Appropriations Committee in each house to exercise some oversight, but those committees focus only on each…
Over 40,000 People Sign Petition To Allow Firearms At RNC Convention; UPDATE: Secret Service Says No Guns…e-sign-petition-to-allow-firearms-at-rnc-convention-n2139638
– For the most part, Ohio is pretty solid on Second Amendment rights, but the venue for the upcoming Republican National Convention–the … A petition calling for the Republican National Committee to “rectify” the issue has gathered more than 40,000 signatures, where the … The petition's author, who is identified as "N A," asks the three remaining GOP candidates to ask the Republican National Committee
Cracks In GOP SCOTUS Wall? Sen. Toomey Meeting With Garland, Sen. Moran Says There Should Be Hearings…ith-garland-sen-moran-says-there-should-be-hearings-n2139022
– Jeff Flake (R-AZ) on the Republican Party’s decision to hold the line on the Merrick Garland nomination until a new president is elected … of Arizona is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. … He needs to show he isn’t totally beholden to the Republican leadership; that he’s a maverick of sorts.…
Trump vs. Democrats: Who Are the Real 'Racial Arsonists'?
– In a recent interview with Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, CNN's Jake Tapper said, "I would just ask, as a fellow … Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in 2011, said Republicans "want to literally drag us all the way … While Gore's campaign chief, she said the Republican Party has a "white boy attitude," which means, "'I must exclude, denigrate and…
It's the End of the Line for GOP as We Know it
– Nominating Donald Trump will wreck the Republican Party as we know it. … Not nominating Trump will wreck the Republican Party as we know it. The sooner everyone recognizes this fact, the better. … Over the weekend, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus showed the first public signs of acceptance about what's in…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Frustrated Cruz Knows Kasich Could Jeopardize His Delegate Tally…strated-cruz-thinks-kasich-could-be-spoiler-tonight-n2137949
Republican Primary Donald Trump: Trump delivered remarks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, D.C. … Yet, two recent polls prove that Trump is still ahead of his opponents on the national level – by double digits. … John Kasich: Pundits predict that Kasich could more or less secure the Republican nomination for Trump if he stays in the race much…
Intrigue: Trump Ally Warns of 'Trojan Horse' Plot to Stop Trump at GOP Convention…ally-warns-of-plan-to-stop-trump-at-gop-convention-n2137474
– Politics, an admonition from veteran politico and former Trump adviser Roger Stone -- who blows the whistle on state and local Republican … Pay close attention to what he says about the importance of the composition of the influential rules committee: Notice how Stone … and the seating of the delegates as recommended by the Credentials Committee.…
Trump at AIPAC: 'Obama May Be The Worst Thing To Ever Happen To Israel'
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on the second day of their annual conference … Trump added that the Iran deal places U.S. in a horrific national security situation, along with Israel.…
RNC Reminds Voters Hillary Once Bragged About Being Israel's 'Designated Yeller'
– Hillary Clinton offered a surprisingly strong speech at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Monday, even criticizing Donald … tenure as secretary of state, Clinton argued she has proven she is the most qualified person in the 2016 race to defend Israel’s national … The Republican National Committee watched her speech and have determined her record does not match up to her lofty rhetoric.…
Trump Campaign Manager Caught Grabbing Protestor By Shirt Collar…n-manager-caught-grabbing-protestor-by-shirt-collar-n2136843
– ." […] Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Sunday campaign officials should avoid "getting involved…
Trump Whines and Whines Until He Loses
– On Tuesday night, Senator Ted Cruz, R-TX, won a sweeping victory over 2016 Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in Wisconsin … National Committee and state delegations of attempting to "steal" the nomination from him by engaging in traditional delegate politics … By the time of the Republican National Convention, Trump will be 70-years-old.…
A Time for Real Republican Leadership
– The Republican National Committee drew up a game plan for reaching minorities and started implementing these programs over the last … What is clear is that Republican outreach to nontraditional Republican voters is vital. … Cold math and logic point to a wipeout if Trump is the Republican nominee.…
Trump and Clinton Trip on Abortion Taboos
– New to the anti-abortion movement, the Republican presidential front-runner did not realize he was supposed to view women who terminate … "The National Right to Life Committee unequivocally opposes the killing of innocent unborn children and works unceasingly to have them … In adopting statutes prohibiting the performance of abortions, National Right to Life has long opposed the imposition of penalties…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Melania Steps on Stage as Trump’s National Lead Falls Slightly…eps-on-stage-as-trumps-national-lead-falls-slightly-n2143912
– The prize includes 42 Republican delegates and 96 Democratic delegates. … Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz continues to face pressure for appearing to block Bernie Sanders … He also received the endorsement of the National Right to Life.…
McConnell: I Don't See Any 'Cracks' In GOP Opposition To Obama SCOTUS Nominee…ny-cracks-in-gop-opposition-to-obama-scotus-nominee-n2143774
– He also said that contrary to what many have been saying about Congress, the Republican Senate has been productive this Congress: … Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said Monday that he will also meet with Garland on April 13, while Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley ( … Anthony List, said her organization wouldn’t reflexively oppose any Senate Republican just for meeting with Garland.…
New Ad Shows Clinton Is A Harbinger Of Scandal
– While the Republican primary blood sports continue, American Crossroads released a new ad trying to touch upon one of the many themes … At the time, CNN found that guests of the Lincoln bedroom had doled out $5.4 million in donations to the Democratic National CommitteeCommittee prior to President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign.…
Report: Trump Upset With Aides Over Delegate Failures
National Committee -- via the New York Times: From @maggieNYT and @alexburnsNYT … Turning to a new Politico report, is the Republican frontrunner aware of these realities?   … National Committee members — each of whom doubles as a convention delegate — only one publicly supports Trump, and she knows of only…
Oops: By Abandoning GOP Loyalty Pledge, Trump May Forfeit South Carolina Delegates…alty-pledge-trump-may-lose-south-carolina-delegates-n2141639
– We've been arguing for months that Donald Trump's Republican "loyalty" pledge isn't worth the paper it was printed on. … Plus, as the likeliest nominee, he's probably going to have to lean hard on a Republican unity message sooner or later. … “However, a court or national convention Committee on Contests could resolve them. It could put delegates in jeopardy.”…
Drop In: Donald Trump Meets With RNC Chairman; UPDATE: Meeting Was About Convention, General Election; UPDATE; Trump Could Lose 50 Delegates For Breaking Loyalty Pledge
– Billionaire Donald Trump has just left his meeting with GOP Chairman Reince Priebus in Washington D.C. after the colorful Republican … The Republican National Committee pushed hard for Trump to sign it last fall. … House Leadership Committee as the real estate mogul tries to build a more sturdy campaign. [...]…
Trump Hires Top GOP Lawyer Ahead of Possible Delegate Fight
National Convention in Cleveland, according to people familiar with the hiring. … McGinley knows the legal inner-workings of the Republican Party’s rules as well as almost anyone. … He has previously served as deputy counsel to the RNC, and as counsel to the RNC’s Standing Committee on Rules.…
The Saudis Practice Mafia Tactics
– learned about Saudi Arabia's role are 28 pages contained in the 9-11 Commission's report censored by the Bush administration for "national … Bob Graham, who chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence at the time the report was being written, said: "I think it is … For too long Republican and Democratic administrations have ignored the actions and teachings of Saudi Arabia, including textbooks…
Trump: Look, the RNC is Going to Have a 'Rough July' if it Doesn't Fix These 'Rigged' Rules
– And the current moment requires loud whining, so that's what Trump is doing: "The Republican National Committee, they'd better … National Committee has privately urged members of the party’s rules committee not to make changes to the guidelines governing the … member of the rules committee.…
Wisconsin and The Heidi Moment
– He held forth a national vision, spoke inclusively, honored past competitors, and quoted incisively from John F. … Getting little traction in this stretch, Trump switched up his staff, sidelined his campaign manager, and derided Republican State … parties, the Republican National Committee and the long-established delegate system as “crooked” and “rigged” against him, although…
Ted Cruz: Tracy Flick With A D*ck
– Another misconception sweeping the nation is that when state Republican parties disregard the voters and give all their delegates … So I read through “The Rules of the Republican Party” myself — and guess what? … National Committee chairman Reince Priebus.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Trump v. The RNC
– Donald Trump, who does want the job, is currently in a war of words with the Republican National Committee over what he sees as an … Republican Primary Donald Trump: A number of Trump’s rumored vice presidential picks raised eyebrows this week, considering … John Kasich: Kasich delivered a speech Tuesday at the Women’s National Republican Club in Manhattan, where he offered “Two Paths” for…
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