Results for: agenda 47

America Opposes Amnesty…Will the GOP Listen?
– For the sake of a radical-left political agenda, Obama is willing to keep the border unsecured, grant amnesty to millions of illegal … But 40 percent and 47 percent, respectively, strongly oppose it. … Now, it is time to call out the House leadership for being more interested in appearances than actually fighting Obama’s amnesty agenda
The Massachusetts Miracle: Brown Wins, Obama Loses,_obama_loses
– Early returns showed an 52 percent lead for the low-key Republican, with Democrat Martha Coakley falling behind at 47 percent. … "Its a referendum on the Obama agenda.... [Obama] has delivered something very different than what he promised." … Many pundits view the defeat as a condemnation of Obama’s policy agenda, reflecting widespread public disapproval of his health care…
Shocker: Networks Fail to Cover Thanksgiving Inflation
– D'Agostino reported for MRC on Wednesday that from November 7-November 20, ABC, CBS, and NBC aired 13 different segments, for a total of 47 … the USDA, a "number of challenges" faced by American poultry producers are to blame — not the Biden administration's inflationary agenda … it also released the most cringe worthy of talking points for Thanksgiving so that people can promote the Biden administration's agenda
Republicans Notch Huge Wins in Tuesday's Elections…ans-sweep-tuesday-elections-as-2022-red-wave-builds-n2605613
– Incumbent Breea Clark loses to Republican Larry Heikkla in the Norman Oklahoma mayoral raceLarry Heikkila (R): 53% (+6)Breea Clark (D): 47% … ieShpLAoOz — InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) April 6, 2022 "Voters across the country cast their ballots for Republicans and our proven agenda … , rejecting Biden and Democrats’ collapsing agenda," RNC Spokesperson Emma Vaughn told Townhall of Tuesday's results.…
Why Yes–Food Stamps Have Exploded Once Work Requirements Were Gutted…ps-have-exploded-once-work-requirements-were-gutted-n2025012
– Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has just become another vehicle for the political left to increase dependency and further their agenda … In 2000, 47 states had asset tests. … Lastly, dependency isn’t a good agenda for the socioeconomic health of any country, though a socialist might staunchly disagree.…
Race of the Day: Democrats on the Run in Hawaii
– fiscal responsibility and government accountability will win this November and Democrats will struggle to defend their reckless agenda … However, in 2004, President Bush received 47%, underscoring the competitive nature of the seat and the opportunity for a Republican … The people of Hawaii are tired of an out-of-touch Democrat majority that continues to push their agenda that borrows too much, spends…
Race to 2010: Entering the Home Stretch
– .” - Rothenberg Political Report ·          “Republicans have a good chance to win the House by picking up as many as 47 seats, net … Sabato Now, Democrats are on the defensive and running away from their records, their Speaker, their party and the reckless agenda … you have been reading about on a daily basis, who are now being vilified by the radical left for standing up against the reckless agenda
Some Odds and Ends
– Look at the claim that conservatives or Republicans have launched a war on women as a part of their overall mean-spirited agenda. … The Army's physical fitness test's minimum requirement for 17- to 21-year-old males is 35 pushups, 47 situps and a 2-mile run in 16 … For females of the same age, the minimum requirement is 13 pushups, 47 situps and a 19:42 2-mile run.…
Oh My: Putin's Name Put Forth For Nobel Peace Prize
– Putin has been nominated for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize - but the conflict in Ukraine is also likely to be on the Nobel committee's agenda … A record 278 candidates, including 47 organizations, received nominations for the 2014 prize, said the Norwegian Nobel Institute's…
Nanny State Targets Grocery Stores…transformed-michelle-o-eyes-talking-shopping-carts-n1863599
– The agency commissioned an “expert panel” to make recommendations on how to guide the more than 47 million Americans on food stamps … retail environment to make healthier choices more prominent,” which is in line with first lady Michelle Obama’s stated second term agenda
Trump Continues to Dominate the GOP Playing Field…50000-people-in-small-town-with-population-of-3400-n2625352
– He continued to say that Biden has a China-first agenda, while Trump promised never to abandon America.  … According to a CNN poll, 47 percent of Republicans say Trump is their first choice for the GOP nomination, while DeSantis sits at 26…
NBC/WSJ Poll: How Trump is on the Rise, and Why Democrats are Panicking Over Bernie
– , FL, ME, MI, MN, NV, NH, NC, PA, WI (combined):Biden 52%, Trump 44%Sanders 49%, Trump 48%Bloomberg 48%, Trump 46%Klob 48%, Trump 47% … Buttigieg 47%, Trump, 47% — Mark Murray (@mmurraypolitics) February 18, 2020 In the Democratic race specifically, it's the Bernie show … Given the lack of a serious 'Never Bernie' movement, it seems they're fine with his radicalism, his nearly $100 trillion agenda, his…
House Passes Right to Contraception Act, But There's More Than Meets the Eye to Legislation…than-meets-the-eye-in-democrats-contraception-bill-n2610558
– They will be held accountable for their radical, deeply unpopular agenda." … That bill had much more crossover appeal, with 47 Republicans voting in favor.  … Their extreme agenda for America’s women.  …
RSLC Effort to Make Gains in Blue States Paying Off, Polls Show
– A memo for the poll notes, "Only 40% of those surveyed want the Legislature to support Biden's agenda, while 52% want the Legislature … In Maine, Democrats are up by just 1 percent, 48-47 percent, and independents prefer Republicans by 5 percent. … Despite how blue Oregon may be, Republicans are leading on the state legislative generic ballot by 4 percent, at 47-43 percent.…
Clinton: Yeah, I’m Sorry I Said That Half Of Trump Supporters Were Deplorable...Sort Of…hat-half-of-trump-supporters-were-deplorablesort-of-n2216111
– Well, we had Obama’s bitter clinger quote, Romney’s 47 percent remarks, and now we have Hillary Clinton saying you can place half … This woman is trying to increase her bipartisan appeal…by unabashedly pushing a progressive agenda—and now, claims that half of GOP … and Allahpundit noted a couple of things, namely that Clinton should get the media treatment Romney got (which was absurd) over his 47
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Spending $40 Trillion Will Save Us Money, But I Don’t Know How…40-trillion-will-save-us-money-but-i-dont-know-how-n2519653
– Once again, she was asked how she would pay for her agenda, which comes with a $40 trillion price tag over the next decade. … answer the question, even when pressed with figures from left-leaning think tanks that note the Left’s staggering cost to their agenda … for the Cortez-Sanders health care plan goes down the toilet: The public is divided over a single-payer health care system, with 47
Remembering Ted Kennedy
– Kennedy Jr., a man who never had a political career, the death of an actual senator of 47 years should be a greater event. … His supporters can cheer his intense commitment to a leftist agenda. … But his detractors (which, let us remind ourselves, outnumbered his supporters) also found his leftist agenda destructive.…
What's Obamamania?
– . -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telling India to sign on to an anti-global warming agenda - and India's environmental … President Obama - the self-appointed ultimate Un-Bush - repeatedly abhorring President Bush's pre-emption strategy and his liberty agenda … with confidence in his abilities and certain of the rightness of his views, (President Obama) has undertaken a wildly ambitious agenda
Latest Fundraising Numbers Reveal We May Be Even Closer to a Red Wave…numbers-reveal-we-may-be-even-closer-to-a-red-wave-n2606149
– This makes for a total of $47 million during the January-March first quarter of fundraising. … "To put it bluntly: if we fail to use the months remaining before the elections to deliver on more of our agenda, Democrats are headed … Instead, Democrats need to deliver more of the president’s agenda — or else we will not be in the majority much longer," Sen.…
GOP Victory Was Easy, Now the Hard Part
– Now comes the real work: forging an agenda that will solidify Republican gains over the next two years. … Come 2016, however, Republicans will have to run on what they've accomplished legislatively and what a different agenda a Republican … In 2010, GOP candidates overall won 51 percent of the female vote, which slipped to 47 percent in 2014.…
Scott Walker 2016?
– Right now, he’s working on pushing through his legislative agenda to strengthen his conservative bona fides: Wisconsin Gov. … The 47-year-old Republican intends to use an upcoming legislative session in Wisconsin to push an ambitious agenda that could, in combination … For the next few months, political travel will be relatively limited, aides say, as Walker focuses on his legislative agenda.…
Poll in NC: Tillis: 47; Hagan: 40
– Carolina Voters shows Thom Tillis, the Republican speaker of the state House of Representatives, leading Hagan by seven points - 47% … On Tuesday night, however, the president will set his agenda and make the case why his policies are moving the nation forward.…
Why Did Mitt Romney Lose?
– The Romney campaign exacerbated this through the challenger’s failure to articulate a clear, positive agenda to address these voters … ’ fears, and self-inflicted wounds like the “47 percent” gaffe.…
Obama’s Halloween Trick
– The regulation seeks to reduce carbon emissions from power plants by forcing states to embrace the President’s radical energy agenda … But in the final version, the mandate shot up to 47 percent. … After this crushing defeat for Obama’s radical energy agenda, the EPA mysteriously and suddenly found new authority to issue a regulation…
Kavanaugh Show Will Help Republicans in November
– This is the highest favorability for Republicans since January 2011, when it stood at 47 percent just after Republicans gained control … around Kavanaugh's confirmation, the Democratic Party has unmasked itself as a party whose only interest is in a left-wing political agenda … Democrats want politics and their agenda, not law.…
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