Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

The Absurd Democrat Border Con
– When he overturned former President Donald Trump's efforts, a planned flood of over 8 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S. … For four years, Trump battled the courts, his Democratic opposition, and the open-border establishments within his own party to ensure … Trump leveraged Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to police his own border and stop cynically transiting millions of illegal…
Joe Biden's Michigan Trip Got Consumed by Muslim Rage
– If these people stay home come November, Donald Trump is the next president of the United States. … organized an "Abandon Biden" campaign that plans to endorse a third-party candidate, even at the risk of boosting former President Trump … If that’s something after Trump, so be it. I can see Arab Americans taking that position.…
'Republicans Are Right to Be Skeptical' With Matt Rosendale Reportedly Thinking of a Senate Run
– He is focused on serving the people of Montana and spent the week fighting to fund government in a transparent and responsible manner … Peter Meijer, a Republican who voted in favor of articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, in the August 2022 primary. … Trump won the state in 2016 by 20.5 points and in 2020 by 16.4 points. Daines also won reelection in 2020  by 10 points. …
The Democratic Party Hates Democracy
– President Donald Trump conducted three productive summits with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, turning a potentially hostile situation … Regarding China, Trump was tough and imposed high tariffs on them. … As a result, Russia invaded no countries during the Trump administration. …
If Donald Trump Did This, the Establishment Media's Heads Would've Exploded…biden-campaigns-creepy-invite-to-the-national-media-n2633304
– Do we even need to ask what would have happened to Donald Trump if he pulled what the Biden team is trying to do with the media? … The most transparent administration ever sworn into power can’t handle reporters writing stories about their ugly shortfalls. … In particular, campaign officials have chafed at some of the coverage of former President Donald Trump, feeling that outlets are too…
Matt Dolan Receives Key Endorsement for U.S. Senate Race
– Conway endorsed Trump in April. … Moreno and LaRose, he suggested, "are running a campaign solely to win the endorsement of Donald Trump," adding "I'm running a lot … Trump has yet to weigh in on this race.…
The Gold Medal Winner for Presidential Lies
– In its efforts to portray Donald Trump as the most despicable person ever, the Left slanders him daily in ways unprecedented in American … If Trump makes an exaggeration, which he is prone to do, he's called a liar. … Those on the Right recognize the more profound, universal truths that Trump espouses.…
Vivek’s Hack Problem
– He’s driving down the Donald Trump lane and not even trying to pass Donald Trump. Nor could he. … Who is the guy who says, “You know, I like Donald Trump, but why stick with the original when I can go with this kid?”  … He does differ with Trump on foreign policy.…
Fulton County Clerk Breaks Silence on Leaked Trump Indictment and Hoo, Boy…eaks-silence-on-leaked-trump-indictment-and-hoo-boy-n2627135
– Country officials when it comes to the posted-then-deleted document that appeared to be the indictment against former President DonaldTrump — and it might be the wildest one yet.  … “I tell my staff we just want to be transparent. I don’t have anything to hide,” Alexander said.…
Bombshell Docs Refute Biden's Claims He Has Received 'No Money' From China…er-up-bidens-claims-he-received-no-money-from-china-n2626835
– documents also say they have enough evidence to prove suspicious activity made by the Biden family that the government refuses to be transparent … I have not had—The only guy who made money from China is this guy [Donald Trump]. He’s the only one.…
The Special Counsel Broke Into Trump's Twitter Account
– In the warrant, Smith demanded Twitter not tell Trump the Special Counsel was pursuing his account.  … President Donald Trump was banned from Twitter on January 8, 2021 and reinstated by Musk in November 2022. … We will continue to be transparent around our policies and their enforcement. …
The Paths Forward for the GOP Presidential Field
– Ron DeSantis, the onstage front-runner given the conspicuous absence of former President Donald Trump, performed ably with numerous … Still, pre-debate expectations were high enough -- and his national horse race polling deficit with Trump wide enough -- that it was … And there is only one option for the non-Trump field's consolidation in order to give Trump a run for his money: DeSantis.…
Republican Debate: Whatever Happened in the Debate, Fundamentals Could Still Matter…pened-in-the-debate-fundamentals-could-still-matter-n2627503
Trump. … Ann Selzer, showed Trump leading DeSantis by a 42%-19% margin. … which, to varying degrees, afflict Trump and Biden.…
What Some GOP Candidates Are Saying After Not Qualifying for the Debate…nd-off-after-not-qualifying-for-the-upcoming-debate-n2627351
– In a statement, Hurd accused the RNC of not being transparent about the qualification process and said he is not willing to "sign a … blood oath" to support Donald Trump should he be the party's nominee. … I have said from day one of my candidacy that I will not sign a blood oath to Donald Trump. — Will Hurd…
The Trump Indictments Prove We Are Living in a Police State
– The ongoing weaponization of government agencies and the courts in order to stop Donald Trump is the quintessence of such oppression … If successful, the indictments would put Trump in jail for the rest of his life. … Ironically, this is precisely the charge that the Democrats want to hang on Trump.…
That Miserable Bag Of Goo Mitt Romney Slinks Away Humiliated…rable-bag-of-goo-mitt-romney-slinks-away-humiliated-n2628520
Trump over them. … If this guy had gotten elected, we would’ve still had the corrective of Trump, just later. … Today, he’s all in on the fads, from Donald Trump being a threat to Our Democracy to climate change.…
The Virgin Islands GOP Enacts An Election Reform That Could Really Make A Difference…election-reform-that-could-really-make-a-difference-n2629184
– This is noteworthy because, in an effort to ensure their delegates go to Donald Trump, the Nevada Republican Party recently voted to … This is where things get really interesting because polarizing candidates — like, as a totally random example, Donald Trump — tend … No voter in the country would choose Chris Christie first and Trump second, for example.…
Shifting Disinformation Standards
Trump wrestled Secret Service agents inside the official SUV to grab the steering wheel and go to the U.S. … President Donald Trump lashes out unpredictably and makes wild demands. … They say the octagenarian Biden should begin mocking Donald Trump over his age…even as he is years younger than the man renowned for…
Who Will Be the Next 'America First' President?
Donald Trump himself weighed in Sunday, saying Biden's decision was "wonderful," but Joe should have stuck to Trump's May 1 deadline … The opportunity is transparent. … Among the reasons Trump won in 2016 is that he offered a foreign policy of easing tensions with Vladimir Putin's Russia, getting us…
I’m Running for Governor of Georgia Because Brian Kemp Let us Down.…governor-of-georgia-because-brian-kemp-let-us-down-n2588153
– Georgians deserve a transparent government that understands it works for the people, not the other way around. … I was honored to recently meet with former President Donald Trump where I discussed my home state and the important work ahead. … And I have a message for the million of Georgians who staunchly support President Trump—the national media, Democrats, and fake-Republicans…
Mika Brzezinski Melts Down Over Texas Republicans Strengthening Election Integrity
– Brzezinski vented to MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan about Texas Republicans, former President Donald Trump, and Florida Gov. … "But number two, let’s just admit it, Trump is clawing his way back. … Floridians can rest assured that their votes count and that Florida will continue to conduct elections that are efficient, transparent
As Federal Legislation Is Introduced to Ban Critical Race Theory, It's Coming to This Major School District…ace-theory-parents-in-this-school-district-weigh-in-n2589486
– (@realchrisrufo) May 14, 2021 Former President Donald Trump had banned CRT, but President Joe Biden signed an executive order to repeal … but was hesitant to share her concerns: This is a really frustrating time and the school district is not making these changes transparent … of it then you are labeled a "racist" "white supremacist" "white adjacent" or you have "white fragility" and are written off as a Trump
Liz Cheney Is Going Down in Flames...And Seems Perfectly Okay About It…ing-down-in-flamesand-seems-perfectly-okay-about-it-n2589291
– And she said no matter what happens, she will continue to fight the leader of her party, Donald J. Trump. … More people voted for Donald Trump than her in 2020, so even if it’s a nutty person, I think voters in Wyoming are so fed up with her … The concern trolling from Democrats is beyond transparent. She will still be a Cheney and a congresswoman. She’s not canceled.…
New Biden DOJ Hire and Unhinged Russian Collusion Nut Has One Conservative Editor a Little Worried…vative-editor-is-worried-about-the-dojs-latest-hire-n2589236
– Such blatant, transparent corruption — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) May 10, 2021Susan Hennessy is Louise Mensch … ’s crew plotted to keep their Russian collusion probe protected—cough* hidden cough*--from the incoming Trump administration. … Look at what these people did to Trump and his allies. It seems Biden’s team hired the perfect button woman.…
MSNBC Contributor's Rules for Nazi Holocaust Comparisons Exposed…risons-are-only-okay-when-republicans-are-in-charge-n2590084
– Though the rule for doing so is as transparent as ever. You already know them. … But, a few years ago, as he appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe show to discuss the Donald Trump administration separating children from … Also, Obama built those cages, not Trump. Second, the Left has had hate running through its veins as well.…
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