Results for: they are all going to jail

It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome…terrible-to-be-a-liberal-in-2018--which-is-awesome-n2494618
– With nothing real to complain about, they have to hype every silly little thing to the point where they are screeching “Nazi!” … Liberals’ tell is how they constantly bemoan success, and what their tell tells us is that they are eager to trade our prosperity for … Yet they go nuts on social media, they go nuts at awards shows, and they go nuts when conservatives are trying to scarf down some tacos…
Get Wrecked: Special Counsel's Office Issues Rare Statement Debunking Trump-Russia BuzzFeed Story…te-bombshell-story-about-trump-directing-cohen-to-l-n2539285
Are they calling the Mueller team liars?  … jail, to lie to Congress about a real estate deal in Russia. … going to investigate this.…
Slum by the Bay
– People are rarely arrested for vagrancy, aggressive panhandling or going to the bathroom in front of people's homes. … "They love the freedom of not having to follow the rules," said the cop. And San Francisco is generous. … "Get them to the point where they have to make a decision between jail and rehab," one told us.…
Surprise, Surprise: Adam Schiff And His Cronies Launch a 'New' Trump Investigation…iff-and-his-cronies-launch-a-new-trump-investigatio-n2540958
– Several of his close associates are going to jail, others await trial, and criminal investigations continue.We’re going to do our job … They plan to release the transcripts to the Department of Justice and the Special Counsel's Office.  … Just when we thought things were wrapping up, the Democrats are going to do everything in their power to keep this story going.…
Slum by The Bay
– People are rarely arrested for vagrancy, aggressive panhandling or going to the bathroom in front of people's homes. … "They love the freedom of not having to follow the rules," said the cop. And San Francisco is generous. … "Get them to the point where they have to make a decision between jail and rehab," one told us.…
CPAC Day 1: Van Jones and Matt Schlapp Find Common Ground…itical-wings-find-common-ground-in-criminal-justice-n2542396
are going to jail simply because they can't pay the bill. … "The people who are fighting against this are the bails bondsmen and the prosecutors: the people who benefit from sending people toThey all get paid based on how many people are in jail. How's that going to affect the person standing before the judge?"…
I Have Some Questions About The Democrats’ Reparations Plan…some-questions-about-the-democrats-reparations-plan-n2542292
– The Dem candidates are not crazy, and their plan is no doubt to gaslight the SJW suckers with this nonsense during the primaries to … working class voters would be surprised to learn how privileged they are, as well as how in debt to people they never did anything … What will resolve the racial divisions in this country is not a cash transfer but – and you liberals are going to hate this manifestly…
Beyond Parody: LGBT Magazine Says It's 'Racist' For Trump To Demand Iran Stop Killing Gay People…st-for-trump-to-demand-iran-stop-killing-gay-people-n2542076
they stage fake hate crimes in an effort to boost their careers, banking solely on the atmosphere created by the liberal media to … First of all, the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean are huge geopolitical entities. … I have never understood the LGBT community’s trying to protect radical Islam. It’s never going to happen…ever.…
Is Ocasio-Cortez’s Campaign Finance Fiasco Going To End Her Reign Of Crazy On The Hill?…fiasco-going-to-end-her-reign-of-crazy-on-the-hill-n2542643
– Democrats are already pushing back the goal posts, saying they're going to continue their impeachment crusade against Trump, even if … It’s because all of her talking points are grounded in anti-Semitism. … the general election because we all know Democrats are pushing for the most left-wing clown in the bunch.…
Iran's Mullahs Are Losing the Cyber War
– State buildings belonging to the IRGC or their thuggish paramilitary Basiji are vandalized and trashed. … They hope to use the internet or through psychological warfare and other deviltries to influence people to revolt against the Islamic … The mullahs would do well to remember the old adage: “You can jail a revolutionary, but you cannot jail the revolution.”…
These Are the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned
– I'm hearing from clinic sources in Louisiana, Kentucky, Texas, Missouri that are halting abortions immediately (can't speak to ALL … "We are mobilizing our members, supporters, and volunteers to show up at [the] statehouse and the ballot box to demand our rights to … "I'm not going to take a chance on that."…
Progressive San Fran DA Ousted —Which Other Soft-On-Crime Prosecutors Could Be Next?
to all our problems. … among progressives who have to decide what shade of blue they are. … "He would hire people that didn't think anybody belonged in jail at all. Why are you a prosecutor?…
It's Time We Treat This Offense As Harshly as Drunk Driving
– And yet, the punishment is all over the place. Hot car deaths are beyond avoidable. … Some folks do go to jail for a very long time while others get zero jail time. … There are dead victims here, babies to be exact.…
Virginia Parents Sue School Board Groomers
– Boys and girls, all going at the same time in the same room. … the creepy, strange person told the children that it was the rule and they had no choice... they had to go to the potty together in … If they dare to show up at a school board meeting to voice their objections, they are ignored, shouted down, or ostracized. …
Who Will They Get to Do the Tyrants' Dirty Work?
– Yes, but they sadly refuse to just quit in protest – where are all the "good apples?" … Nor are they the bravest. Which brings us back to the mortifying Uvalde video. … civilian half-wit, what's going to happen when they are told to go get a few million citizens with ARs (and other modern weapons),…
Multiple 'Raging' Crises: Failures of 'Progressive' Governance on Full Display This Week…of-progressive-governance-on-full-display-this-week-n2610182
– Meanwhile, the BABY FORMULA SHORTAGE is still going on, even as the news cycle has largely moved on: Despite efforts to restart the … More details, via the Wall Street Journal today: U.S. stores are still struggling to stock baby formula despite monthslong efforts … The White House insisted they were all over the issue many months ago, but appeared to be caught flat-footed, with the president out…
Democrats: ‘We’re Wrecking America – Shut Up and Obey’
– While gestalt psychologist Solomon Asch showed how quickly people bow to group pressure – even into saying something they know to be … If participants were so disturbed that they threatened to stop, the authority figure politely asked them to continue.   … and provable lies to “seduce” Americans into becoming obedient agents of “harsh acts” that are ripping our institutions to shreds.…
Lawless West Coast States Create 'Safe Haven' for Out-of-State Abortion Seekers, Not Their Own Residents
– I applaud @POTUS for commuting and pardoning these 78 individuals, who are committed to rehabilitation and their communities.We are … There are serious racial disparities in our criminal justice system.I’m proud to be the first governor to offer pardons to thousands … In accordance with the ruling, Inslee stated he's willing to commute up to 1,200 sentences for the remaining convicts who are serving…
How the FBI Potentially Allowed Thousands of Bad Guys to Get Firearms…usands-of-bad-guys-the-opportunity-to-purchase-guns-n2610007
– It’s a myth that 40 percent of all gun sales are done without a background check. … guns in 2020 and 2021 before the check showed that they should not have been allowed to do so, according to the FBI report. … They’re not going to do more on guns, especially with the economy in recession. …
10 Times a Good Guy With a Gun Saved Lives
– "I think they are the model for what other churches and other places of business need to focus on." … He was going [to] keep killing until he ran out of ammunition." … someone to use lethal force if they feared death or serious injury.…
Pelosi’s January 6th Committee and the Death of American Justice…ary-6th-committee-and-the-death-of-american-justice-n2610839
– In the aftermath of more than 600 violent riots, virtually no one has gone to jail and the public servants who enabled the chaos are … “They are using the committee to advance a political agenda against a former president. It is very Stalinist in its makeup. … The end of it is a report that nobody is going to believe.''…
Antifa Summer Camp Teaches Kids How to Hate Police and Raise Anarchy
– Radio host Ari Hoffman told Fox News that children who attend this camp are going to go home being “little activists.”  … your child, if they go to this Antifa camp, will be taught how to be a little activist. … They’ll be taught how to deal with tear gas, how to protest – that’s what parents are sending their kids to.”…
‘Anqueefa’: Meet the White BLM Activists Who Were Arrested at an Anti-Dave Chappelle Protest
– Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Comrades have offered to send Lair money for "jail support." … After trying an edible for the first time, Lair joked on the day of her July 22 arrest: "I feel like I have to go to jail or I'll be … Video of MPD grabbing activists' water bottles, one officer, who refused to give his badge number to activists, says he was "going
Did Mike Pence Just Defend the FBI?
– Pence: "Calls to defund the FBI are just as wrong as calls to defund the police." … The Justice Department’s FISA abuses are not imagined; they happened. … No one from the FBI will be going to jail for their crimes.…
Norah O’Donnell Insults Trump With Cagey Language…ge-while-new-york-refrains-from-insulting-criminals-n2611830
– Her latest extremely helpful proposal that is assuredly going to change the world for the better is to reclassify how we refer to criminals … Kathy Hochul, are intended to reduce the stigma of being in jail." The changes, signed into law Monday by Gov. … Kathy Hochul, are intended to reduce the stigma of being in jail. — WKTV (@WKTV) August 12, 2022 Pre-Writen…
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