Results for: abortion pregnancy

Like 21 States, Congress should pass a five-month limit on abortion…congress-should-pass-a-fivemonth-limit-on-abortion-n2441374
– Carhart, and upheld the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. … First, since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973 in all 50 states, for any reason, at any time of pregnancy, there have been … back, given the intense hostility of abortion advocates and of the courts.…
Extremist Senators: This Proposed Sixth-Month Abortion Ban is Dangerous, Immoral and Anti-Women…nth-abortion-ban-is-dangerous-immoral-and-antiwomen-n2440862
– Do you think that the Senate would be voting on a dangerous 20-week abortion ban? … Favoring elective abortion-on-demand in the late stages of pregnancy is a radical position; Senator Harris' definition of 'immorality … should be illegal after three months of pregnancy according to Gallup.…
These 5 Anti-Abortion Declarations Were Banned From Ohio Billboard Campaign…m-truth-vs-lies-in-dueling-ohio-billboard-campaigns-n2441068
Abortion is sacred. Abortion is a blessing. Abortion is necessary. Abortion is a family value. Abortion is gender equality. … Abortion is population control. Abortion is fake feminism. Abortion is lost fatherhood. Abortion is big business. … We’ve included post-abortion counseling and national pregnancy help resources, like OptionLine and Pregnancy Decision Line as well.…
Planned Parenthood Praises Roe As a Lesbian at the Time of Roe v. Wade, Ignores Her Pro-life Conversion…e-time-of-roe-v-wade-ignores-her-prolife-conversion-n2438528
– Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, tweeted out praise of “Queer women at the forefront,” pointing out that … "I don't believe in abortion even in an extreme situation. If the woman is impregnated by a rapist, it's still a child. … “At the time I fought to obtain a legal abortion, but truth be told, I have three daughters and never had an abortion.”…
Pro-life Student Leaders Excited for Future of Movement After Meeting with Pence…er-hopes-on-prolife-issues-after-meeting-with-pence-n2437958
– barred her from attending their graduation ceremony after she became pregnant despite her difficult choice to continue with the pregnancy … To me it was very simple you had a pro-abortion candidate and you had an anti-abortion candidate and you had to choose one and it paid…
Why the Mainstream Media Won't Show Pictures of the March for Life
– Though pro-abortion activists angrily insist “No uterus, no say!” … , it was seven men in black robes who handed us the violence of abortion. … That truth will keep marching on until the brutal industry of abortion is no more.…
The Essential Pro-Life Argument: Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing…prolife-argument-keep-the-main-thing-the-main-thing-n2437702
– P2: Abortion intentionally kills innocent human beings. Therefore, C: Abortion is wrong. … Meanwhile, pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) outnumber abortion clinics by large margins. … Abortion is wrong. Neither statement requires further qualification. …
An Honest Challenge for the Never Trumpers
– Pence “boasted of a litany of anti-abortion measures by the Trump administration over its first year: Banning federal funds for global … health groups that promote abortion under the ‘Mexico City policy,’ defunding the United Nations Population Fund, and overturning … health-care field by defending the God-given rights of those who opt out of ‘certain procedures’ — like the killing field that is abortion
Pro-Life Clinic Appeals to SCOTUS After San Francisco Targets It for ‘False Advertising’…fter-san-francisco-targets-it-for-false-advertising-n2445136
– , is being targeted by the city for ‘false advertising’ because the prolife clinic does not offer or refer women and girls for abortion … ‘But Support Circle counsels women considering abortion, and also offers post-abortion counseling, while making clear to all women … – including pregnancy tests and ultrasounds – as a way to steer them toward options other than abortion," SFGate reported in 2017.…
ACLU, Planned Parenthood Sue Ohio Over Law Banning Abortion on the Basis of Down Syndrome…law-banning-abortion-on-the-basis-of-down-syndrome-n2449845
– The abortion providers behind the lawsuit argue that the law is an unconstitutional restriction on abortion access. … “This ban is just a thinly-veiled attempt to criminalize abortion in Ohio.”   … state’s only abortion clinic does not perform abortions after 16 weeks of pregnancy.…
The Most Important Free Speech Case in a Generation Deals With Pro-life Pregnancy Centers
– to promote abortion. … One abortion advocate admitted that even women who may have felt misled by pregnancy centers would have a difficult time proving harm … and after abortion.)…
Vice President Mike Pence: ‘Abortion Will End in Our Time’
– Anthony List in Nashville Tuesday, Vice President Mike Pence said he believes abortion will come to an end in America during our lifetime … He also referenced the election of President Trump as a major step forward in the fight to end abortion. … organizations, in some cases) filed seven new lawsuits to protect and expand access to safe, legal abortion,” the report states.…
'Intra-Party Warfare:' Democrats Tearing Themselves Apart Over Abortion, Litmus Tests, and Primary Purges
– “When it comes to issues such as abortion, there is bias against people who are pro-life,” he says. … McCormack notes how radical the party has become on the abortion issue, recalling that, "when the partial-birth abortion ban passed … Six.The radical abortion lobby has deep pockets & lots of power. — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) January 30, 2018 But while abortion is…
Her 'Middle Finger to the Establishment': Singer Joy Villa Explains Her Subversive Red Carpet Style…ishment-maga-dress-and-her-prolife-adoption-message-n2454572
– “My pro-life dress was because I gave a baby up for adoption after being in a crisis pregnancy ten years ago and it was an abusive … “My boyfriend at the time he was on drugs and I was absolutely heartbroken and I went to get pregnancy tested and the nurse told me … : you need to get an abortion, you know, you really should get an abortion that’s the best thing for you, you’re too young to have…
House Democrat: Actually, We Should Not Ban All Semi-Automatic Weapons
– in an ultimately failed effort to block a bill that would protect the lives of healthy, viable infants from the fifth month of pregnancy … asked during her Sunday-show jaunt...Republicans should not get a pass on guns because Democrats get a pass from the media on abortion … simply a call for the media to be better, to question liberal premises the same way they question conservative premises—on guns, abortion
Guns and Abortion: Two Issues on Which the Media's Worst Biases Are Exposed…extremism-on-guns-and-abortion-reveals-deep-biases-n2452421
– And then there's this important point, hinted at above, which is quite telling: Senate recently filibustered a 20-week abortion ban … ban (in the sixth month of pregnancy and beyond) is undeniable and consistent.   … When the Right wants to curtail abortion 'rights,' it's a crisis -- even when the proposed law is widely popular.  …
Mississippi Abortion Ban Is Sane and Humane
– “Am I killing a baby if I get an abortion at 16 weeks?” … Mississippi already has a 20-week abortion ban in place. According to Mississippi Today, Rep. … Andy Gipson, R-Braxton, argues that later abortion carries serious health risks for the mother.…
Washington Post Editor Advocates Eugenics Claiming It's Her Right to Kill Babies With Down Syndrome…aborting-down-syndrome-babies-is-my-godgiven-right-n2459507
– “I can say without hesitation that, tragic as it would have felt and ghastly as a second-trimester abortion would have been, I would … She still maintains that it's her right, no matter what, to be able to have an abortion.  … Under that logic, abortion should be available from conception until the time of birth.…
Mississippi On Its Way to Having Nation's Earliest Abortion Ban…sippi-senate-approves-nations-earliest-abortion-ban-n2458442
– The Mississippi state Senate passed legislation Tuesday that would ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, which would make it … the earliest abortion ban in the country if it’s signed into law. … Mississippi currently has a 20-week abortion ban and the state’s only abortion clinic performs the procedure up to 16 weeks.…
A Planned Parenthood Event Featured An Unexpected Defense of Pro-life Pregnancy Centers…are-fake-clinics-during-a-planned-parenthood-event-n2456768
– Moore initially defined “fake clinics” as “crisis pregnancy centers” calling them “terroristic.” … , not even abortion providers, a medical person.” … access” to abortion and contraceptive services.…
Supreme Court Skeptical of California Law Forcing Pro-life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortions
– - The Supreme Court appeared likely, following oral arguments Tuesday, to strike down a California law that requires pro-life pregnancy … centers to post messages promoting abortion. … Pregnancy centers were established specifically to help women – at no charge – to choose life for their children.…
Mississippi Gov. Signs Law Banning Abortions After 15 Weeks…ippi-gov-signs-law-banning-abortions-after-15-weeks-n2462563
Abortion groups have already threatened to sue, claiming the law is unconstitutional because it restricts abortion before viability … Mississippi’s only abortion clinic has promised to sue. … Phil Bryant just signed a 15-week abortion ban into law.…
The Unbalanced California FACT Act
– facilities to inform women about the resources available from pregnancy resource centers." … She adds, "It is not surprising that (the) pro-abortion lobby would threaten pregnancy resource centers that offer life-affirming alternatives … This would include, in addition to information about pregnancy help centers, sonograms so that a woman seeking an abortion could see…
The Growing Democratic Revolt Against Nancy Pelosi
– Tim Murphy, who resigned after it was revealed that he had an extramarital affair and pressured his mistress to have an abortion in … the midst of a pregnancy scare.…
These D.C. Pregnancy Centers, Labeled ‘Fake’ by Abortion Groups, Are Changing Women’s Lives…d-fake-by-abortion-groups-are-changing-womens-lives-n2462392
– . - A new California law, pushed by abortion advocacy groups, could force pro-life pregnancy centers to risk serious fines unless they … your baby, adoption, or abortion.” … Then she remembered that Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center, where she had taken a free pregnancy test back when she was 18, also offered…
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