Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Marijuana and the Media
– In the first Democratic presidential debate, Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary Hillary Clinton both stated – wrongly -- that … And our presidential candidates would know it, too.…
Why this Reagan Conservative Voted for Bernie
– The outcome in November is a foregone conclusion: The Democratic presidential nominee will win the state by a landslide. … So I took a Democratic ballot instead. To be clear: I do not "feel the Bern" and never have. … Better a Democratic maverick who says what he means than a ruthless Democratic chameleon whose word can't be trusted.…
The 2016 GOP Debate Debacle
– There would be no more former Democratic operatives-turned journalists injecting their left-wing social agenda into GOP primary forums … She did the same during a Democratic presidential debate in 2004, when she argued with candidates about driver's licenses for immigrants … For the candidates, continuing with these rigged charades is an exercise in futility and masochism. For the RNC, it's suicide.…
Republicans Can Give Workers a $1 Billion Pay Raise
– Trump and all the remaining Republican candidates ought to get on board. … Regular elections are democratic and fair to workers. … In the last presidential election labor spent $1.7 billion on political activities.…
Bread and Circuses, 2016-Style
– Imagine: Dwight Eisenhower, in 1956, wants to push from view Adlai Stevenson's prospects for reclaiming the White House for the Democratic … Witness the methods deemed necessary to derail his presidential express, such as the above-cited philosophical disquisition -- which … peachy keen to nail Donald Trump as the originator and ringmaster of the revels into whose service he presses would-be serious candidates
Sewer Politics
– I was going to write about how the Republican presidential campaign has become gutter politics, but given Donald Trump's horrid statements … Never in modern times has there been a presidential candidate who has hurled more personal insults and hurtful accusations at his fellow … candidates and others who disagree with him.…
Sen. Bob Casey Hints at Potential Presidential Bid
– For Democrats, this means that the anticipated wide-field of candidates who wish to see President Trump out of the White House will … An unexpected contender within the Democratic field, Senator Bob Casey Jr., hinted at a potential bid for the White House in 2020. … The field of Democratic candidates in 2020 is likely to be large and diverse, with no defined frontrunner to face President Trump.…
We Should Be Grateful We Did As Well As We Did in the Midterm Elections…l-we-did-as-well-as-we-did-in-the-midterm-elections-n2536461
– Half voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, in contrast to 29 percent for Donald Trump. … Democratic professors in college outnumber Republicans even worse, 10 to 1. … More than 96 percent of donations from media figures to either of the two major-party presidential candidates went to Hillary Clinton…
Crosscurrents on a Democratic Election Day
– If they'd all gone Democratic, it would be only 52-48. 3. … in 38 seats and no Democratic candidates in only three. … This year, the narrow defeats of black Democratic governor candidates Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Andrew Gillum in Florida disappointed…
Back In The Game: You Think You Know What Happened to Congressman Steve Scalise? You Really Don’t.…ppened-to-congressman-steve-scalise-you-really-dont-n2536345
– Cedric Richmond is a Democratic Congressman and Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. … Since, we’ve seen masked thugs, congressional representatives and former presidential candidates call for or justify incivility and…
ICYMI: Around 3,000 Votes Just Vanished During The Machine Recount In Florida's Elections…t-vanished-during-the-machine-recount-in-floridas-e-n2536127
– It was not enough to alter the outcome, both Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum and incumbent Sen. … With extremely narrow gaps separating candidates in the still-undeclared races for both governor and United States Senate, the results … But they come as at least three Florida counties — two of them Democratic strongholds whose results could be decisive — have reported…
GOP Strategist Sounds Off on Obama: He's the One With Mommy Issues!…t-sounds-off-on-obama-hes-the-one-with-mommy-issues-n2536328
– Critics have accused the Democratic Party of being distant from young, progressive voters. … It was perhaps clearest when the party nominated an older crop of candidates in the last presidential election. … House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, who is vying for Speaker, is 78 years old. …
Reality Check: If Trump Wants to Get Re-Elected, He Needs to Expand His Appeal…t-reelected-he-needs-to-convince-more-than-his-base-n2536294
– But important slices of the 'burbs tilted blue (Trump +4 to tied), and independents swung Democratic by 16 points (to D+12). … But even a modicum of additional discipline, control, and respect for presidential norms could go a long way.   … choice in their presidential nomination process, Trump is a master of exploiting weakness.  …
Will Democratic Rebels Dethrone Nancy?
– What explains the timidity in the Democratic caucus? Pelosi punishes enemies. … Democratic women, who won more seats than ever, will want more, as will the Congressional Black Caucus and the Hispanics. … Then there is the presidential race of 2020, where the Democratic Party has yet another gerontocracy problem.…
Hollywood Takes on Democratic Politics in 'The Front Runner'…od-takes-on-democratic-politics-in-the-front-runner-n2536119
– With news outlets covering candidates and public officials throughout the day, a leader at the top can fall very quickly. … That’s the year that Colorado Senator Gary Hart was seen as the leader of the pack in the Democratic presidential primary. … The discussion is always about Hart, the presidential candidate.  …
Bernie Sanders Spent Hundreds of Thousands on Private Air Travel in October…dreds-of-thousands-on-private-air-travel-in-october-n2537074
– As one of the central issues of his 2016 presidential campaign, Sen. … “This expense was for transportation for the senator’s nine-day, nine-state tour to support Democratic candidates up and down the ballot … Jones said the charter jets were necessary so Sanders could campaign for candidates and get back to Vermont to join the state Democratic
Bush's Finest 30 Seconds: The Willie Horton Ad
– The ad was the reason we have political campaigns: It clearly and forcefully highlighted the two presidential candidates' diametrically … What could be more central to a presidential campaign than an ad highlighting how Bush would handle criminal justice issues versus … The Horton ad was the highest, best form of political campaigning, serving to illustrate stark differences between the candidates on…
2020: Another Democrat Decides Not To Run Against Trump
– The 2020 Democratic field is going to be big, but there are two people that are no longer running. … Truth be told, Avenatti would have been thrashed, he had no national constituency, and would have embarrassed the Democratic Party … Patrick had been discussing a possible run with associates and had been traveling around the country to support Democratic candidates
Iowa Dems Regret that Current Leaders Are 'All Too Old'
– “They’re all too old,” said Chris Henning, a 71-year-old Democratic chairwoman in Greene County. … The Iowa Caucus gives candidates their first opportunity to mark a win on their scoresheet. … Age is also a concern when it comes to Democratic Rep.…
Build the Border Wall or Say Goodbye to America
– As more people start receiving government benefits, these individuals become indebted to the Democratic Party, which is the guarantor … Also, the vast majority of these illegal aliens who become voters will support the Democratic Party. … For example, in recent presidential elections, approximately 75% of Hispanic-Americans voted for Democratic candidates.…
Who's to Blame? Weak Leaders, Weak Institutions, Weak Voters?…to-blame-weak-leaders-weak-institutions-weak-voters-n2536750
– And maybe Democrats, faced with a crowded field of presidential candidates, will choose an unelectable nominee. … She's resigned as head of her Christian Democratic Union party after recent electoral disasters, and she may not last long as the head…
54,543 Voters
– True, that isn't what you've heard on MSNBC, who crowed that 8,805,130 more voters voted for Democratic House candidates than voted … Remember the polls showing that Americans favored Democratic control of Congress by a margin of 10%? … candidates provided by the media; - despite campaigns by multi-billionaires like Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg -- with Bloomberg…
The Great Shake-Up
– After two Bush presidencies and two losses in the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012 by Sen. … What's more, the "Democratic candidates for the House will receive almost as many votes this year as the 63 million that President … They wrote, "rural areas are now reliably Republican, urban areas overwhelmingly Democratic.…
Uh, That's Racist: There's A Reason Why White Liberals Dumb Themselves Down While Speaking To Minorities…als-dumb-themselves-down-while-speaking-to-minoriti-n2536685
– and Republican presidential candidates to different audiences over the years. … They scanned 74 speeches delivered by white candidates over a 25-year period. … candidates used fewer competence-related words in speeches delivered to mostly minority audiences than they did in speeches delivered…
John Kerry Not Ruling Out a 2020 Presidential Bid
– Former Secretary of State John Kerry, who lost the 2004 presidential election to George W. … President Trump mocked him about considering a presidential run in a tweet at the time. … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2018 Regarding the current field of potential Democratic 2020 presidential candidates, Kerry…
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