Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Voter ID Myth Crashes
– poor voters are more likely than others to lack a valid ID and c) that Republicans are attempting to "suppress" the votes of Democratic … Studying survey responses, the authors judge that non-citizen voters tend to favor Democratic candidates by large margins. … True, but remember the presidential race in 2000? Remember "hanging chad" Florida?…
Government as the Great Equalizer -- and Other Absurdities…nment-as-the-great-equalizer--and-other-absurdities-n1910754
– However the upcoming elections turn out, we may expect to hear more in the same vein in 2016 from Democratic presidential candidates … and their respective claques because, frankly, this is what we have come to expect of Democratic presidential candidates. … And of some Republican candidates, catching the carnival spirit from so many around them.…
Obama is the Anti-Clinton President
– He flopped giving the keynote address at the 1988 Democratic National Convention, but returned four years later as the nominee and … This drama will nicely set the stage for the 2016 presidential election as Hillary Clinton will try to distance herself from an unpopular … President Obama and Republican candidates will run against his disastrous record.…
The Best Thing To Ever Happen To Republicans
– His legacy built and stocked a bench of viable candidates. Bush didn’t have that, didn’t focus on that. … Electorally, she has won one gimme race against the hapless Rick Lazio and coughed up a 20-point lead in the presidential primaries … In the last six years the Democratic Party has disintegrated. Republicans couldn’t have scripted it better.…
Democratic Leadership - A Gerontocracy
– Every voter should be looking at the Democratic presidential candidates for 2016 and current Democratic Party leadership and consider … Which Democratic presidential nominee is going to inspire young voters? … And Republican leadership and presidential candidates are more diverse in age, gender and race.…
Democratic Road Back To The Majority Is Uncertain
– Pat Toomey is unpopular–and in a presidential year; Democratic turnout in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh could–like most GOP candidates … His 2010 rival, former Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak, has signaled his intentions to run against Toomey again. … The Democrats would need to flip 32 seats to reclaim the chamber, but just 10 Republicans hail from districts with a Democratic Cook…
A Tent Too Big
– Whoever runs on the Democratic ticket will need to explain why he or she should be trusted to restore competence after two embarrassing … While conservatives rightly point to our “deep bench” of compelling would-be presidential candidates, it’s worrisome that in six years … But it’s time for one or two would-be candidates to emerge as clear front-runners.…
Democracy Delusions
– Yet most didn't (more vote in presidential elections, but still less than half the population). … That sounds cynical, but it's not just cynics who have doubts about the democratic process. … doesn't stop them from complaining that evil Republican tycoons used money to manipulate voters who would otherwise have chosen the candidates
John Barrow: One Of The Last White Democrats From The Deep South
– This, coupled with poor Republican candidates, had enabled him to survive 10 years in the South. … Case in point, Democratic Rep. … The destruction of West Virginia's conservative Democratic consensus is something else.…
Liberals Admit The Democratic Party Is Out Of Ideas
– But multiple Democratic pollsters involved in these races identify another problem: The failure of the Democrats’ economic message … Democratic incumbents and candidates faced. … “Taxes for high-earning Americans are too low,” argues Roger Altman, the Wall Street executive and Democratic adviser.…
Big GOP Win a Rebuke of The President
– Confident that history was on his side, Obama ran Washington on a partisan basis, using solid Democratic majorities in the House and … According to a lengthy report in the Washington Post, Senate Democratic operatives were exasperated with the president's reluctance … to help his party's candidates get elected in this week's midterms.…
Do You Hear What I Hear?
– If people weren't voting for Republican candidates then they must have been voting against Democratic candidates. … If they weren't voting against Democratic candidates they must have been voting against Barack Obama. … when, they believe, the Earth will again spin correctly on its axis and the power of a strong Democratic Presidential candidate - read…
Obama’s Midterm Shellacking, Part II
– The Republican establishment in D.C. drafted and funded better Senate candidates (and defeated riskier Tea Party candidates) who stuck … The Republican effort was made easier by six years of rank Democratic incompetence. … For the third time, he handily beat the national Democratic/labor union machine.…
GOP Victory Was Easy, Now the Hard Part
– Republican candidates received a whopping 64 percent of white male votes in 2014. … In 2010, GOP candidates overall won 51 percent of the female vote, which slipped to 47 percent in 2014. … presidential hopefuls did in 2012.…
Obama’s Amnesty Further Fractures America
– No one should be surprised that large majorities voted for Republican congressional candidates in November and Governor Romney in 2012 … African-Americans in New York, California and several swing states like Virginia, the Democrats have a good shot at winning most presidential … Whites face a government that is explicitly working against their interests, the economic prospects of their children, and democratic
Scott Walker 2016?
– times (2010, 2012, and 2014), humiliating labor unions, accruing the support of conservatives, and increasing the odds of a presidential … Chris Christie, who faces a hostile Democratic Legislature and has fewer legislative accomplishments to point to. … … But Walker lacks the charisma that other likely candidates, such as Christie or Sen.…
‘Gay’ DNC Bundler, Founder of HRC Charged with Raping Boy
– “Bean has been one of the state’s biggest Democratic donors and an influential figure in gay rights circles in the state,” reports … political groups, the Human Rights Campaign and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, and has been a major contributor for several Democraticpresidential candidates, including Barack Obama.…
The November 4 Elections: American Voters Punish Political Fanatics…elections-american-voters-punish-political-fanatics-n1920140
– These can be threshed out in the upcoming presidential cycle. The GOP could, of course, stumble. … Meanwhile, the Democratic Party’s fanatics have Occupied their Party. … This bodes well for the 2016 presidential race, and for America and the world, although not for a Democratic Party which grows more…
The Incredible Shrinking President
– See any likelihood that government-controlled health care will be a rallying point for Democratic presidential candidates? … Democratic senatorial candidates during the last political cycle scampered away from a president the public had come to distrust -- … The opportunity holds more promise yet -- that of figuring out which presidential candidates, Democratic or Republican, seem likeliest…
Comeback Kids: Ousted 2014 (and 2010) Democrats That Could Return In 2016…d-2014-and-2010-democrats-that-could-return-in-2016-n1919969
– (via National Journal): A handful of Democratic candidates, both incumbents who were defeated and challengers who fell short, … Richard Burr, as the Democratic bench isn’t really that deep against the Republican incumbent. … "He comes across very measured," said Larry Ceisler, a Democratic analyst.…
GOP Has (Almost) Caught Up With Democrats In Voter Outreach, Targeting, and Mobilization…ocrats-in-voter-outreach-targeting-and-mobilization-n1919900
– The 2014 midterms brought an end to the Democratic majority in the U.S. … If Democratic candidates like Ms. Hagan, Ms. Nunn, Mr. Braley and Mr. … an Obama surge, not a Democratic one: Thinking that the Democratic Party could simply absorb Obama's appeal among new voters…
Milbank’s Lament: Amnesty, Missed Opportunities and Lost Elections…ent-amnesty-missed-opportunities-and-lost-elections-n1919850
– We must ask, however, whether the plot to grant amnesty by presidential fiat is really “good”, or not? … Politically speaking the New Immigration was a dream come true for the Democratic Party. … So, we see here a Democratic game plan for the future based on the 1920s model.…
Did Obama Take a Dive?
– chambers so the White House message team can simply point up Pennsylvania Avenue and blame "The Congress" for whatever ills need Presidential … Both of those statements cause wails of political pain among Democratic candidates from Florida to Alaska.…
Clinton: Fake News Is A Threat That Must Be Addressed
– Harry Reid’s (D-NV) portrait was unveiled yesterday on Capitol Hill, with former 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, and now … two-time presidential loser, delivering some remarks at the ceremony. … It was because she was one of the most flawed candidates to run for the presidency.…
No, America Isn't 'Ruled By a Minority'
– to the apportionment of Senate seats, and undemocratic disconnects between the popular vote and electoral college winners in presidential … Just ask any Republican alumni of the 2006 and 2008 cycles, or their Democratic counterparts from 2010 and 2014.   … Only 16 of 50 states will have a Democratic chief executive.  …
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