Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Oh My: Brown: 48; Shaheen: 47
– While he might have captured New Hampshire twice in presidential elections, his approval ratings in the state are abysmal. … With leaners, however, both candidates are earning roughly equal support from their respective parties. … How, then, will this race affect down-ballot candidates? Currently, Democratic Gov.…
Obama Critics Too Late, Not Too Little
– poll indicates that 53 percent of adults in the United States now characterize Obama's presidency as a "failure" - no Democrat candidates … Panetta, "long a trusted advisor to Democratic presidents, released a book about his years in the administration in which he criticizes … how paper-thin his resume was - for a presidential candidate, that is. ??…
Don't 'Vote for the Candidate'
– But as the Democratic Party has become a doctrinaire left-wing party, this sentiment is no longer noble. … Romney never defined his presidential campaign as being opposed to the left or to the Democratic Party. … Tell that to your constituents, Republican candidates.…
Local or National Elections?
– This year as well, there are third-party candidates complicating elections that can decide the fate of this nation for years to come … lawless edicts of President Obama, threatening one-man rule, we can still salvage enough of the Constitution to remain a free, democratic … appoint enough federal judges who share his contempt for the Constitution's limits on federal government power in general, and presidential
Will Independent Candidates' Support Dissipate in Kansas and South Dakota?…idates-support-dissipate-in-kansas-and-south-dakota-n1904491
– Both these states' contests feature purportedly independent candidates. … Democratic party ballooned. … But usually support for third candidates dissipates by Election Day. Will it this year?…
Rocking the Vote to the Left
– Ayeroff has a list as long as your arm of Democratic donations -- to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Boxer … After that, they hired as their leader Ricki Seidman, who'd worked for Mondale, Dukakis and Clinton -- three Democratic presidential … The group's new leader, Ashley Spillane, has the perfect partisan resume for Rock the Vote: stints at the Democratic Congressional…
What About Bobby Jindal?
– Of the 10 candidates included in the RealClearPolitics average of polls for the 2016 Republican presidential race, Jindal is currently … In addition, PPP asked about hypothetical presidential matchups between Hillary Clinton and various Republicans in Louisiana. … Candidates who looked good at the start can fade, and candidates who, like Jindal, are far back in the pack get a chance to move up…
Rooting For Defeat? Michael Gerson & Me-Too Republicanism at the Washington Post…gerson--metoo-republicanism-at-the-washington-post-n1910521
– Gerson served as a speechwriter for GOP Presidential candidate Bob Dole. … He states, “At the presidential level the GOP brand is offensive to many rising demographic groups.” … might well be that Party’s Presidential nominee in 2016, claim recently that she and her philandering ex-presidential husband left…
Tipping Point?
Democratic pollster Peter Hart who helped conduct one of the polls said, "The Democrats, who badly need some momentum, find little … That is an 11 percentage point bulge for GOP candidates. … Mid-term elections - called that because they occur in the middle of a Presidential term - tend to have a far lower turnout due to…
Tom DeLay Exonerated by Final Court in Texas; Liberal Media Virtually Silent…final-court-in-texas-liberal-media-virtually-silent-n1910297
– DeLay told WND’s Jerome Corsi that “Nancy Pelosi and Patrick Kennedy, then a Democratic congressman from Rhode Island and the chairman … of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, announced publicly that they were going to take me out of politics.” … The money had been transferred from ARMPAC to another committee, where it was then donated to candidates in Texas.…
Shocking Poll: Republican Charlie Baker Up 9 MA?
– A new Boston Globe poll has Republican Charlie Baker up nine percentage points over his Democratic opponent Martha Coakley. … You don’t need me to tell you that Massachusetts is as liberal a state as they come, as evidenced by the last presidential election … estimates from Kantar Media/CMAG, a firm that tracks political television commercials, $2.2 million in ads paid for by gubernatorial candidates
Obama Can't Help Throwing His Party Under His Bus
Democratic candidates were probably mortified that Obama had given them a shoutout and hoped it had been an accident. … As if he were talking in the privacy of his living room, Obama said, referring to Democratic candidates: "It is difficult for them … That is, he just can't help himself from loving on Democratic House and Senate candidates even for a short while.…
Obama: Government is the Solution; Reagan: Government is the Problem…nt-is-the-solution-reagan-government-is-the-problem-n1909229
Democratic candidates are distancing themselves from him or giving him the cold shoulder, while others refuse to admit they even voted … "Vulnerable Democratic candidates don't want to be seen with him. … In Georgia, Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn also dodged the question of who she voted for in the last presidential election…
Florida Race for Governor Is Symbol of Everything Wrong with Politics…overnor-is-symbol-of-everything-wrong-with-politics-n1908814
– The real genesis of this "nationalization" of Florida politics can be found in the 2000 presidential electoral deadlock that held the … National media reported on Jeb Bush's reelection race for governor in 2002 against a hapless and weak Democratic nominee as if it were … What troubles many who have followed Florida politics for years is the unspoken belief that neither of these two candidates seems to…
Poll: More Women Plan to Vote For Republicans in Midterms
– In last month's AP-GfK poll, 47 percent of female likely voters said they favored a Democratic-controlled Congress while 40 percent … First, young liberal and single women tend to show up for Presidential elections while sitting out midterms. … Third, extreme pro-abortion stances by Democrat candidates like Mark Udall in Colorado could be backfiring as the country, and women…
Curbing Obama Power Grabs
– You’ve got to admire the sheer audacity: Democratic Senator Mark Begich telling Alaska voters that he stood up to President Obama … The tally for other Democratic Senators running for reelection is revealing: Hagan (NC) 96% for the Obama agenda, policies and fiats … The four Democratic House and Senate candidates in Northern Virginia are all well-off, middle-age white guys.…
A Logic Gap on the 'Gender Gap'
Candidates win elections all the time without winning a majority of women. Even Republican candidates. … At the presidential level, Democratic candidates have attracted more women's votes than their GOP opponents in each election since … Plenty of women vote Republican; plenty of men vote Democratic.…
A Democratic Waterloo
– Could Democratic candidates have pointed to the Middle East -- the Iranian bomb-making efforts, the civil war in Syria, the collapse … On the home front, why didn't Democratic candidates run on their own prior overwhelming support for the Affordable Care Act, which … Why didn't Democratic candidates vow that they would see it through in 2015?…
– (2) The last time Republicans defeated more than two incumbent Democratic Senators in one election cycle was 1980.   … has been rewarded by voters for his courageous and successful governance in a state that hasn't been carried by a Republican presidential … Obama campaigned for the losing candidates in the latter two states.  …
TV Anchors Shouldn't Lecture About Democracy
– Special interests are purchasing candidates right and left and spending money at a dizzying pace. … Still, wouldn't it be fun to throw back in his face the idea that candidates are buying more and more TV ads in part because there's … That somehow did not make Schieffer's sermon on the abuse of the democratic process.…
Colorado Bellwether
– The man who began his meteoric rise as the Democratic presidential nominee in Denver's stadium in 2008 has lost much of his luster … Polls show Republican Cory Gardner ahead by seven points in his race to unseat incumbent Democratic Sen. … If mail ballots boost Hispanic voter participation by a few percentage points this year, it will likely redound to Democratic candidates
Two Things to Count On: Georgia vs. Florida and Clinton Vs. Bush…to-count-on-georgia-vs-florida-and-clinton-vs-bush-n1912229
– original candidates and that Hillary Clinton has no credible opposition. … And Jeb's timing in presidential politics proved to be no more fortuitous than Hillary's. … Clinton brings to Democratic effort to retain the White House is fairly obvious.…
A Clinton vs. Bush Race? Again?
– Bush, told ABC News, the other day that his father will "more than likely" run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. … In every presidential election from 1980 to 2004, a Bush or Clinton was on a national ticket. … A slew of candidates running for office this year are trading on their family name.…
Obama So Unpopular, Even MA Dems Don't Want Him Campaigning in Their State…en-ma-dems-dont-want-him-campaigning-in-their-state-n1911190
– But they are unsurprisingly quiet about recent polls that show the Democratic Party's approval scores plunging to their lowest rating … So Obama has been relegated to campaigning only in dyed-in-the-wool Democratic states where his party's candidates are not in trouble … Indeed, even in some heavily Democratic states, where he won big in 2012, he is being asked to stay out.…
War On Women: Is It Over?
– At the same time, in 2012, the “war on women” was effective in mobilizing the Democratic base. … And, they recruited some great female candidates to run for offices across board. … This time around, there aren't any candidates talking about "legitimate rape" or "binders full of women."…
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