Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Short-Term Loss, Potential Long-Term Gain
– Compare Moore's loss to what happened in the 2016 presidential election. … While Trump did appeal to numerous voters, the Democratic primary promoted a flawed candidate in Hillary Clinton. … People vote both for candidates and against candidates.…
Donna Brazile Rails Against the DNC for Letting the Clinton Campaign Run the Show…ile-rails-against-the-dncs-misuse-of-campaign-funds-n2421743
– Yet, Donna Brazile, former interim chair for the Democratic National Committee, was busy entertaining an audience at the National Press … Club in Washington, D.C. with her firsthand account of what went down at the DNC during last year's presidential primary. … "I wanted to wrap the entire Democratic Party with yellow caution tape,” she said. “That’s how fearful I was.”…
DOJ Official Demoted For Meeting With Trump Dossier Author, Wife Worked For Fusion GPS, The Firm Hillary Hired…ing-with-trump-dossier-author-worked-for-fusion-gps-n2421339
– It centered on multiple GOP candidates, no information came from sources inside the Kremlin, and all the sources were public. … spent the better part of this year investigating whether the dossier, which was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic … The dossier was provided to the FBI in July 2016, shortly before then-candidate Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination…
Politics Change; Political Ambitions Don't
– But by then the Democratic incumbent, Jimmy Carter, had already demonstrated his incompetence, however mixed it was with occasional … He wound up losing the presidential primary in Illinois despite his popularity with young people. … Instead the voters turned against him in favor of candidates they believed could succeed.…
Surprisingly, Republicans and Conservatives Shouldn’t Fear a National Popular Vote…conservative-shouldnt-fear-a-national-popular-vote-n2421009
– A presidential election using the National Popular Vote is not a radical proposal. … candidates instead of winner-take-all. … This hurts minor candidates on the ballot in those states.…
Orrin Hatch Should Stay, If He Stays on the MAGA Way
– Even though Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ senate seat fell into Democratic hands, Luther Strange’s loss (and Majority Leader McConnell … Stronger, more experienced conservative candidates should be able to avoid the Roy Moore fate which upended the Alabama special election … That outcome would ensure a strong Presidential ally in the upper chamber while freeing up GOP campaign dollars for targeted Democratic
The 2016 Senate Map Is Now Quite Shaky For Republicans
– If Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan challenges Ayotte in New Hampshire, former Democratic Sen. … Richard Burr in North Carolina, and former Democratic Sen. … The only other seat that is likely to be in play is in Colorado, where Democratic Sen.…
Could SEC Football Strength Be Equaled by 'SEC Presidential Primary' in '16?…rength-be-equaled-by-sec-presidential-primary-in-16-n1998692
– Hillary Clinton's quest to win the Democratic nomination seems a done deal. … Many of the SEC Democratic contests will be heavily comprised of black voters. … This time, non-establishment candidates, including Sen.…
A Tale of Two Presidential Candidates
– It is well documented how the media tend to be more critical of conservative candidates than their liberal counterparts. … Fellow presidential candidate, Senator Rand Paul, reportedly had to pay over $100,000 to reclaim his domain name. … This is an important election with serious consequences; let’s hold all of the candidates to higher standards.…
A Dimes’ Worth of Difference? Politics Beyond the Hot Air In 2015…of-difference---politics-beyond-the-hot-air-in-2015-n1997508
– members who obsess over identity questions, judging candidates as worthy based on race, gender, and/or ethnicity. … Kirk does face a potentially tough re-election race in a Democratic state, but Illinois is a special case with huge Democratic majorities … On the Democratic side the “divide” is not at all clear. Sens.…
Has the Bloom Come off the Clinton Rose?
Candidates … · On the Democratic side, 54 percent say they have a positive impression of their field. … · When the respondents were asked about individual candidates (and presumed candidates) the results were interesting.…
The False God of Politics
– Bolstering unions means more workers paying more dues so more unions can give more money to the Democratic Party. … Republican presidential candidates must have a message that will bring Americans to their senses and remind them of economic, foreign…
We Made the Right Decision to Invade Iraq
– It suddenly has become a stock question to ask candidates for the Republican Presidential nomination a seemingly simple question: would … We did bring them a chance to remake Iraq into a modern democratic state.…
Why Are These (Any) Dems Running?
– And speaking of the Democratic Party, consider the array of clowns, losers, and misfits running for (or ruining) the Democratic Party … From the creepy uncles to the dysfunctional cousins, to the Democratic Madam who does not seem to give a damn, calling the Democratic … slate of Presidential contenders “a clown car of candidates” is too kind.…
Hillary Clinton's Slide in Polls Leaves Her Vulnerable
– It's not hard to imagine how Republican candidates can frame messages on these issues. … "Cares about people like me" has long been a characteristic on which Democratic candidates have an advantage over Republicans. … Total Democratic turnout declined by about 3.5 million people between both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections and the 2010 and…
The Cream Of The Crop
– Less questioned and less covered is the weakness of the Democratic field. … Those candidates beg the question: Where are the leaders of the Democratic Party? Who are they? Where are the ideas? … Even on the state level, who are the Democratic governors introducing innovative policy ideas?…
Pataki, Chafee, and O’Malley: No Chance In Hell
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in challenging Clinton (via WaPo): A once-sleepy Democratic presidential primary contest is fast coming … Today, few Democratic voters are thinking about Iraq. … And with candidates with similar strength in the polls, there’s no good argument for the networks to deny them a spot.…
Impeach: Rubio and Wife Have Received 17 Traffic Tickets Since 1997…nd-wife-have-received-17-traffic-tickets-since-1997-n2008630
– I mean, the presidential candidate has been ticketed four times since 1997, gang.   … Look, presidential candidates -- especially serious ones -- should be thoroughly vetted by the Fourth Estate.   … American Bridge is a pro-Hillary Clinton Democratic attack group run by hatchet-man David Brock.…
Will the Real Democratic Challengers Please Stand Up?
– neutrality in presidential primaries to fundraise for Hillary. … But so far, Democratic voters only have former Rhode Island Gov. … Until then, let's stop pretending Hillary is "battling three other declared Democratic candidates," as Politico put it.…
FCC Has Shocker for GOP That Could Guarantee Big Democrat Win in '16…for-gop-that-could-guarantee-big-democrat-win-in-16-n2007855
Democratic strategists have maintained that they own the world of social media, and they do. … constituency who tend to vote Democratic is huge, particularly in presidential election years when these voters become more focused … GOP candidates and campaigns won't touch them with a 10-foot pole.…
Bernie Sanders and the Liberals' Moment
– The left wing of the Democratic Party is having a magic moment. Vermont Sen. … In 2004, Vermont Democratic Gov. … Sanders and his fondest admirers imagine that he represents, as Dean used to claim of himself, "the Democratic wing of the Democratic
Enjoy the Show
– Between now and the end of the summer, current candidates and future candidates will be raising money, raising money, raising money … What makes candidates more prepared for a presidential run? … candidates).…
– The three-term Republican governor of a famously blue state seems like a serious 2016 presidential contender on paper -- until you … He beat Democratic icon Mario Cuomo in 1994. He cut income taxes 25 percent and trimmed other taxes as well. … Trump sees the presidential race as self-marketing opportunity, a way to extend his run as a reality-TV star.…
EMILY’s List: Anti-Woman Republicans–We’re Coming After You
– Two of those candidates are women. Rating: Tilts Democratic.Rep. … American Women, the research organizational arm of the advocacy group for female Democratic candidates, is in charge of the research … Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, Reps.…
Biden: I’ll Make My 2016 Intentions Known In August
– Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, from brain cancer in May, sources close to the Vice President say he still could mount a presidential … Dick Harpootlian, former chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, says Biden previously indicated to him he would likely make … While Hillary Clinton remains a sturdy Democratic front-runner, there are some signs of an opening against her.…
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