Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Two Party System is Killing America
– The Democratic Party was able to navigate a path to victory by in the national presidential elections by picking off key constituencies … A plain look at the lines reveal that they were designed to concentrate black, largely democratic voters within a Democratic district … Not so the Democratic Party unfortunately.…
Catalist: The Left’s Mighty ‘Borg’
– If you’re wondering how Mitt Romney could have lost the 2012 presidential election to President Obama after securing a five-point … In a recent Wall Street Journal column, American Crossroads founder Karl Rove noted that Democratic U.S. … Republican candidates.…
Even Libs Say No to Hillary in 2016
– Last week, Hillary Clinton returned to Iowa for the first time since her 2008 presidential campaign loss, saying, "I'm back." … Obama's foreign policy looks like a key vulnerability for Democrats in the next presidential election. ... … For me, I could be wrong, but I still think a vote for that war still should be a deal-breaker in Democratic primaries.…
Which Is the Weaker Party? Your Call
– This is a vivid contrast from the period 1968 to 1988, when Republicans won five of six presidential elections. … They are very far, however, from selecting a presidential nominee, with no clear leaders among a dozen or so potential candidates. … Attractive new ideas will likely find their way into candidates' platforms and debates.…
Invitation to a disaster: How does the GOP do it?
– before the campaign began in earnest, and it turned out the GOP had somehow managed to come up with an assortment of leading candidates … The sitting Democratic president at the time, a slick fellow from Arkansas who was just about the best salesman ever to occupy the … So it figures that today, when Democratic spokesmen are pressed to say what was so good about the Clinton administration, the first…
NC SEN: Marist Has Hagan Up Four Over Tillis, But Only Up One In CBS Poll…gan-up-four-over-tillis-but-only-up-one-in-cbs-poll-n1901501
– mobilize voters who usually don’t vote in off-year elections (via WSJ): Using new computer models developed in the last presidential … a survey of 1.2 million potential voters in eight top Senate battleground states, targeting people who voted for Republican presidential … Instead, Obama just gave every Republican ad-maker in the country more fodder for negative ads linking Democratic candidates to him…
RNC, NRSC Roll Out Ads In Support Of Tillis, While Slick Willy Drops In For Hagan…port-of-tillis-while-slick-willy-drops-in-for-hagan-n1899858
– Last week, the Democratic senator, who is leading in the polls, told a group of supporters that they will be “kicking Tillis out,” … Following the loss of the presidential race of 2012, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus directed a self-assessment that became a scathing … Is she trying to rally the base and boost Democratic turnout?  You betcha. …
GOP's Virginia Loss Tells Us Little About the State of American Politics…ells-us-little-about-the-state-of-american-politics-n2407462
– Winning a blue state in what is by any historical standard a good environment for blue candidates is exceptionally normal. … Republicans deserve to be admonished for their poor organization and bad candidates. … Maybe elections, both presidential and local, tell us less than we think.…
2016 Is Looking Like the New Normal
– And both almost precisely mirrored the 2016 presidential results. … That's produced divided government, as Democrats have won 4 of 7 presidential elections since 1992 while Republicans have won a House … Democratic voters are clustered in central cities, sympathetic suburbs and university towns.…
A Blue Tsunami Hit VA, But White Working Class Voters Could Still Halt A 2018 Democratic Wave…white-working-class-voters-could-still-halt-a-2018-n2406885
– The Democratic Party rode a massive blue wave that demolished the Republican Party in Virginia’s election, and they could retake the … Democratic State Assembly candidates didn’t run well ahead of Mrs. Clinton, either. … “There remains a lot of work to do in reaching those small-town or rural Democratic voters,” Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr.…
CNN Poll: Democrats' Favorable Rating Plunges to Quarter-Century Low, However...…c-party-plunge-to-lowest-point-in-a-quarter-century-n2407176
– Favorable views of the Democratic Party have dropped to their lowest mark in more than a quarter century of polling, according to new … simple: This time, elections were held on neutral or even Democratic-leaning terrain. … Democratic State Assembly candidates didn’t run well ahead of Mrs. Clinton, either.…
Analysis: Republicans Should Be Worried About What Happened Last Night in Virginia…worried-about-what-happened-last-night-in-virginia-n2406559
– Clearly, that's been an insurmountable balancing act for an array of statewide candidates. … In 2016, the Democratic nominee in this district won 26.5 percent of the vote. … Yesterday, the Democratic nominee in this district won 27.1 percent of the vote.  …
The Runaway Prosecutor
– Bush: "Permitting the criminal law again to become a regular weapon in politics is more destructive of democratic government than … ham-handed efforts by a foreign power to embarrass one or more presidential candidates.…
WaPo/ABC News Poll Of Likely 2018 Voters Just Torpedoed Democratic Midterm Advantage…018-voters-just-torpedoed-democratic-midterm-advant-n2405495
– Democrats eye the 24 or so districts that broke for Clinton, but have a GOP representative—they also have to hold the dozen or so Democratic … In a hypothetical national ballot, Democratic congressional candidates hold a robust 11-point lead over their GOP counterparts, 51- … For now, likely voters sink the Democratic generic ballot advantage.…
VA Gov Race: Democrats Are Tumbling and Crashing Across The Finish Line…ts-are-tumbling-and-crashing-across-the-finish-line-n2405438
Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe is popular. He’s focused mostly on economy and boosting business for the state. … Democratic candidate and Virginia Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam isn’t a person who necessarily oozes charisma. … But, Tur replied, former Democratic Gov. L. Douglas Wilder hasn’t endorsed him. “That's up to Gov.…
The Democratic Party's Civil War Is One Of Silent Fury
– The liberal media may be talking up the so-called GOP civil war, but the Democratic internal strife is one of silent fury for now. … Some Democratic strategists have warned this approach will solidify their party as a regional and coastal one. … That state more than anything could be ground zero for the all-out civil war the Democratic Party could be facing.…
Hillary: That Dirty Russian Dossier on Trump That We Lied About Paying For Was Just Opposition Research…trump-that-we-paid-for-was-just-opposition-research-n2403961
– Twice failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is finally admitting her campaign paid for the Russian dossier on Donald … The law firm represented the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, although initial research by … Fusion into Trump and other Republican primary candidates was commissioned by a conservative website.…
WaPo Columnist: Here Are The Four Things Democrats Are Doing That Are Killing Their 2018 Chances…our-things-democrats-are-doing-that-are-killing-the-n2403504
– He launched a petition drive, backed by advertising, pressuring Democratic candidates to go on record supporting the impeachment of … Yes, Democrats might have candidates, but as Milbank noted, without vetting from lower echelons of the Democratic Party, we could get … Democratic operatives already see the end of the movie.…
The Fusion of Reporting and 'Oppo'
– On Oct. 24, the Washington Post reported that Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee hired … Candidates and political parties pay for it, but the investigative reporters are also doing it.       …
Getting the Facts Straight on the Electoral College
– Only three states used the winner-take-all method of selecting presidential electors in our nation’s first presidential election in … No, they do not, and the evidence of that is how presidential candidates campaign. … That means 80 percent of the country is ignored in a presidential election.…
President Trump's Year of Living Dangerously
– Unlike previous GOP presidential candidates, Donald Trump connected with voters in Rust Belt states who were ignored in the past. … After supporting phony Democratic presidential nominees for years, these blue-collar voters gave Donald Trump the margin he needed … Right after his upset victory, President-elect Trump was immediately confronted by Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein who…
The Electoral College Isn't the Problem: It's Our Education…lectoral-college-isnt-the-problem-its-our-education-n2419561
– More than a year after the 2016 presidential election, supporters of Hillary Clinton continue to question that contest’s legitimacy … Second, the Electoral College forces candidates to consider the interests of a broader section of the country. … Yes, the candidates often focus on a few toss-up states.…
LOL: Some Want Chelsea Clinton To Run For Senate
– Hillary couldn’t do this because it could cause more heartburn between the progressive and establishment wings of the Democratic Party … Plus, she’s lost two presidential elections. She’s not an Arkansas native. She’s not Bill. … For Republicans, well, if they don’t work on a) passing legislation; and b) finding candidates who aren’t God awful, then we’re going…
Picking the Lock in Alabama
– percent) counties, beat Moore by a 50-48 percent margin in a state that has voted 60 to 62 percent Republican in the past four presidential … Mainstream media, which carefully avoided coverage of the bribery trial of Democratic Sen. … And would Jones have beaten Moore if the Senate had been 50-50 and his win would have led to Democratic control?…
Are the Republicans in Big Trouble in 2018?
– But perhaps a question we should ask is this: If the presidential elections were held today with the same two candidates, Donald Trump … So, on Twitter, I asked, “If the presidential elections were today and Trump was the Republican candidate and he was running against … Or is all this irrelevant, since it is not Trump who is running in 2018 but other candidates who will be running?…
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