Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Flashback: That Time Joe Biden Said His Administration Had Gotten the Border Under 'Control'…administration-had-gotten-the-border-under-control-n2608848
– But last year, when the border crisis was bad -- but not nearly as bad as it's gotten since -- he told NBC's Craig Melvin that his … immigrants subsequently convicted of committing certain additional crimes.   … As of six weeks ago (excluding, the total estimated number of illegal immigrants who sneaked into the country, or were released into…
Think America's Gotten Bad Under Biden? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.…as-gotten-bad-under-biden-you-aint-seen-nothing-yet-n2609178
– A record number of illegal immigrants have been apprehended — many of them released into the border states where they're caught or … Along with illegal immigrants, deadly drugs and illegal weapons, human trafficking, and the cartel and gang networks necessary to support … Apprehended illegal immigrants released into the country, only to be taken advantage of by the gangs and cartels who got them across…
Report: 50 Potential Terrorists Detained at Southern Border Since October, a Sharp Increase…d-at-southern-border-since-october-a-sharp-increase-n2608967
– In that post, I discuss the issue of 'got-aways,' and why that group of illegal immigrants represents a troubling public safety and … But there are also bad and dangerous people seeking to enter the United States, with bad intentions, and they eagerly exploit the chaotic … But American authorities are overwhelmed.  That's the problem.  …
Texas Counties Declare an 'Invasion' at Southern Border So They Can Take Action
immigrants across the country.  … He envisions a Title 42-style program, where immigrants– even those seeking asylum– are automatically deported if they cross into the … (Texas Tribune) Abbott has, however, sent at least 45 buses of illegal immigrants to the nation's capital, hoping lawmakers understand…
Trump Was Right: They're Sending Their Rapists
– When he said that these hordes of illegal immigrants have criminals among them. … Accordingly, in recent years roughly 76% of criminal unauthorized immigrants are from Mexico. What kinds of crime? … Most unauthorized immigrants are good people. But still, the media wrongly blamed Mr. Trump for their own misrepresentations.…
The Media Has Tried and Failed to Sell the Left's Crazy Agenda…has-tried-and-failed-to-sell-the-lefts-crazy-agenda-n2610642
– , weapons and illegal drugs. … It's gotten so bad that even voters in liberal cities like San Francisco are starting to throw extremist left-wing prosecutors out … Voters, especially minority voters, are switching parties over this issue.…
Rep. Flores Hammers Opponent for Non-Apology Over Racial Smears By His Supporter…mmers-opponent-for-nonapology-over-racial-smears-by-n2610575
– In the famous Trump quote, he was referring to how some illegal immigrants who are coming into the country have prior criminal histories … #CreepyChente — Mayra Flores (@MayraFlores2022) July 20, 2022You know it’s really bad when Univision & Jorge…
Democrat Priorities Will Be Their Demise
– suddenly balking at the idea that illegal immigrants should be welcomed and shipped around the country under cover of night at taxpayer … Not only are Democrats taking Hispanic voters for granted, they're failing to grasp the hardship those voters are facing due to Democrat … But the feel-good mantras that Democrats have used to paper over their deeply flawed policies are falling apart.…
Did You Notice What Was Behind an Activist Who Is Against Texas Busing Migrants to NYC?…nd-an-activist-being-against-busing-migrants-to-nyc-n2611452
– "Folks who are seeking asylum at our southern border are fleeing violence. … ) August 8, 2022They are being helped find a sanctuary city. … Ironically, now Mayor Adams is complaining about the influx of illegal immigrants in his city when in the past he was so quick to declare…
By Backing Amnesty, Tillis Is Selling Out American Workers
– Back in 2017, he spearheaded talks that would have shielded most illegal immigrants from deportation. … About 75% oppose giving work permits to "most" of the roughly 12 million illegal immigrants currently in the United States. … When the question turns to the roughly 2 million illegal immigrants brought here as minors -- a comparatively sympathetic group --…
Insane: Biden Administration Triples Down on Border Crisis Failures
– And yes, illegal immigrants – and especially their cartel coyotes – keep close tabs on US policy and adjust behaviors accordingly. … The multi-billion-dollar "illegal immigration to the US" industry is absolutely booming. And that's not all. … Their "independent" rhetoric and spin are hollow posturing.…
Mayor NIMBY: Look, It's 'Horrific' That Texas is Sending Illegal Migrants to New York City…that-texas-is-sending-illegal-migrants-to-our-city-n2611416
– Adams accused Abbott of using the illegal immigrants as “political pawns.”... … In his telling, the good guys are the illegal immigrants, and those who show 'compassion' to them.   … The city of New York can use local tax dollars shuttle illegal immigrants to their chosen cities once they arrive.  …
Invasion USA
– Every year, millions of poor and uneducated immigrants, both legal and illegal, pour into the United States from alien lands. … Today … We don't need more bad trade agreements, such as NAFTA, or to provide tax relief incentives for corporations that are outsourcing. … By supporting our homeland, we not only are investing in America and boosting the economy but also are helping to reverse staggering…
Secretary Napolitano And Pay-To-Play Homeland Security
– Early in her first term in 2003, she voiced support for a proposal to allow illegal immigrants to be issued state driver's licenses … immigrants. … Driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants. Crime and punishment reduced to dollars and cents.…
Fight Back Against the Tolerance Fascists
– It has gotten so bad that we can't even have a real discussion about how we should handle illegal immigrants any more. … any time someone opposes allowing an unlimited flow of illegal immigrants to enter our country and become American citizens. … Most Muslims are moderate and are not hostile to our country.…
Beware Obama's Trojan Horse
– During his first year in office, and particularly during his first hundred days, we are about to witness the most prodigious output … Those too old, too sick, or with bad habits like smoking, may find themselves fenced off from good medical care, even if they can pay … immigrants on a path to citizenship b) He'll pass the card check voting system for unionization, raising the unionized share…
“Social justice” Catholicism hits bottom“social_justice”_catholicism_hits_bottom
– His economic policies are grounded firmly in class envy and racial division.  And that is in the New Testament where? … But most of us are not willing to dismantle the entire free-market economic system in order to achieve the equality of misery.  … Because Obama knows that many of the illegal immigrants will vote for the candidate who promises the most government-provided goodies…
Mexico, Mafias and Baggy Borders,_mafias_and_baggy_borders
– Instead of shifting tens of millions of dollars from investigating employers guilty of hiring illegal immigrants to fighting Mexican … That was four long years ago, for anyone bad at basic math. … (Seventy percent of the kids in our martial arts public school program, KICKSTART, are Latinos, and gangs constantly are trying to…
Homeland Insecurity
– (The italics are mine.) … More mushy thinking from the memo: "Rightwing extremists were concerned during the 1990s with the perception that illegal immigrants … Many Democrats have opposed illegal immigration and NAFTA, too.…
The Mighty American Oak, Pruned by an ACORN?,_pruned_by_an_acorn
– Fresh off the heels of their stunning success in intimidating banks into offering bad loans, and of nearly destroying the welfare system … immigrants and whomever else they could find to pad their roles. … Both groups are funded by George Soros, the Hungarian/American leftist bent on the destruction of the American system.…
Five More Myths the Left Has Created About Itself
– They portray themselves as champions of Hispanic Americans because they want to bring in millions of illegal immigrants who depress … wages and take jobs disproportionately from Hispanic Americans who are already here. … Then, of course, there are the eco-terrorists: the Unabomber and ELF.…
5 Liberal Lies About Obamacare
– And these loopholes are no accident. … The legislation contains no verification mechanism to ensure that illegal immigrants do not apply for benefits. … How bad can it get?…
National Suicide
– ) and then reward the immigrants' children with automatic U.S. citizenship. … Gross enjoys a good rant, but his criticism are sound and well-supported." … If ever there was a must-read for people who are sick of the way government operates, this is it.…
Liberal Lies on National Health Care: Joe Wilson Edition!!
– With Americans in a boiling cauldron of rage about the government's impotent response to the tsunami of illegal immigrants, last year … , both political parties ran candidates for president who favor amnesty for illegal immigrants. … In other words, illegal aliens are excluded from precisely one section of the thousand-page, goodie-laden health care bill: Section…
They Can’t Handle the Truth’t_handle_the_truth
immigrants. … “I won’t stand by while the special interests use the same old tactics to keep things exactly the way they are. … “It makes us look bad,” said others.…
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