Results for: agenda 47

Who Are You Calling the Party of the Rich?
– The president, with an assist from Mitt Romney's "47 percent" gaffe, was able to argue that as bad as things were, at least Democrats … In 1998, John Boehner was among those who preferred a substantive agenda. This year, he has offered little beyond platitudes.…
Whatever Happened to the Chevy Volt?
– Only 1 out of 3 jobs that have been created have been created in supply chain and manufacturing even though those jobs account for 47 … comment, Comrade Obama verified Lizza’s story when he said: Building this new energy future should be just one part of a broader agenda … Revenues for 2006 came in $47 billion above the pre-tax cut baseline.…
Policy Can't Trump Undermining of Democratic Norms
– For conservatives who support much of President Donald Trump's agenda but find his character and commitment to democratic norms and … seems far clearer between the high number of deaths in Las Vegas and the shooter's legal access to an obscene number of weapons (47
From a Virginia Republican: What Happened Last Tuesday and What it Means…blican-what-happened-last-tuesday-and-what-it-means-n2409284
– According to exit polls, 47 percent of voters said Trump was not a factor in their vote and 17 percent said they voted in part to express … We need to be ready, from D.C. to our communities, in preparing to advance our agenda for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…
Some Odds and Ends
– Look at the claim that conservatives or Republicans have launched a war on women as a part of their overall mean-spirited agenda. … The Army's physical fitness test's minimum requirement for 17- to 21-year-old males is 35 pushups, 47 situps and a 2-mile run in 16 … For females of the same age, the minimum requirement is 13 pushups, 47 situps and a 19:42 2-mile run.…
A Dimes’ Worth of Difference? Politics Beyond the Hot Air In 2015…of-difference---politics-beyond-the-hot-air-in-2015-n1997508
– The magazine’s purpose was to establish the voting trends in the new Congress and to predict the future of the Obama agenda, such as … divided by Party with the Democrats supporting President Obama almost universally, and the Republican members opposing the Obama agenda … Roy Blunt, a generally conservative senator from Missouri, a purple state, has still cast 47 percent of his votes with Obama.…
Clinton Echoes Sanders' Economic Policies
– His second-term agenda, if he ever had one, was dead, forcing him to turn to a series of unconstitutional executive orders that will … The Gallup survey found that "47 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents now identify as both socially liberal and…
Why Yes–Food Stamps Have Exploded Once Work Requirements Were Gutted…ps-have-exploded-once-work-requirements-were-gutted-n2025012
– Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has just become another vehicle for the political left to increase dependency and further their agenda … In 2000, 47 states had asset tests. … Lastly, dependency isn’t a good agenda for the socioeconomic health of any country, though a socialist might staunchly disagree.…
The Optimistic GOP Story Everyone Is Missing
– But if he does, he's setting up a new Republican agenda for the 2016 presidential race. … Unfortunately, the current GOP never put together a clear national-policy election agenda. … It's a 2016 GOP agenda item.…
AP Poll: GOP Seizes Significant Lead, Obama Disapproval Spikes to 60 Percent…ificant-lead-obama-disapproval-spikes-to-60-percent-n1908358
– single one" of his policies are on the ballot in November, and vulnerable Democrats have been stalwart allies on behalf of his agenda … Likely voters: Republicans 47, Democrats 39.   … In last month’s AP-GfK poll, 47 percent of female likely voters said they favored a Democratic-controlled Congress while 40 percent…
Abortion Rights a Losing Message in the Midterms
– Feminist and liberal groups lionized her as a hero for her late-term abortion agenda. … RT @kherman: Exit polls show Abbott carried women by 52-47 margin over Davis. — Andrew Bair (@ProLifePolitics) November 5, 2014…
Support For New Gun Control Laws Plummets, Especially Among Women
– Less than half of Americans, 47%, say they favor stricter laws covering the sale of firearms, similar to views found last year. … The 47% who favor stricter laws is just above the historical low of 43% measured in 2011.Ten years ago, three in five Americans (60% … They've also been successful at pointing out the real agenda coming from anti-gun groups funded by Bloomberg, which aren't interested…
MI GOV: Mark Schauer Just Could Not Get The Votes
– Rick Snyder beat Schauer 51/47. … “But he didn’t have issues to drive Democrats,” Sarpolus said, contending that while Peters had a broader agenda for moderates and … According to the exits, Snyder won: High school graduates 51/48College graduates 57/42$50k-$100k (the middle class) 52/47$100k-…
NC SEN: Educated, Evangelical, and Middle Class Voters Made Up Winning Tillis Coalition…iddle-class-voters-made-up-winning-tillis-coalition-n1915741
– the other hand, Tillis kept repeating that Hagan voted with Obama 96 percent of the time, was a rubber stamp for the Obama-Reid agenda … But, Tillis was competitive with 18-24 voters, where he only lost them to Hagan by 3 points 47/44.…
GOP Victory Was Easy, Now the Hard Part
– Now comes the real work: forging an agenda that will solidify Republican gains over the next two years. … Come 2016, however, Republicans will have to run on what they've accomplished legislatively and what a different agenda a Republican … In 2010, GOP candidates overall won 51 percent of the female vote, which slipped to 47 percent in 2014.…
Q-Poll: Obama Approval Back to 39 Percent, Americans Trust GOP More…pproval-back-to-39-percent-americans-trust-gop-more-n1924264
– The midterm elections were a rejection of the president, his party, and his agenda -- and non-voters are on board with that repudiation … Only 42 percent of American voters trust Obama more than Republicans in Congress to do what is best for the nation, while 47 percent…
Schumer: "Democrats Must Embrace Government"
– Even in 2012, when voters gave Obama a 51% to 47% margin, those very same voters also said government was doing too much 51% to 43% … Schumer believes that there is no agenda capable of both shrinking government and helping average Americans.…
Scott Walker 2016?
– Right now, he’s working on pushing through his legislative agenda to strengthen his conservative bona fides: Wisconsin Gov. … The 47-year-old Republican intends to use an upcoming legislative session in Wisconsin to push an ambitious agenda that could, in combination … For the next few months, political travel will be relatively limited, aides say, as Walker focuses on his legislative agenda.…
Enabling the Delusional Democrats
– Sam Brownback drew 47 percent of Hispanics in Kansas, and Gov-elect Greg Abbott pulled in 44 percent of Hispanics in Texas. … "If you look at 2010 and the 2014 midterm elections, clearly, we know the voters support our agenda, that they consistently last Tuesday … These people cannot fathom -- just as they couldn't with Reagan -- that America wants a conservative agenda enacted.…
Incendiary Charges Are All in a Day's Work for Trump
– more often than not for making incendiary charges such as suggesting that the federal judiciary is in a conspiracy to block his agenda … This week, he told a meeting of the National Sheriffs Association, "The murder rate in our country is the highest it's been in 47 years…
The New Right: Warriors For The Poor
– back to a glaring empathy gap that some on the right have for those who are struggling, which was the epitome of Romney’s ill-fated 47 … theme for the first panel, but Christie mentioned how the teachers unions in Jersey were determined to stop the governor’s reform agenda … Christie won re-election in a landslide, but Democrats reminded him that his education agenda was dead.…
One Day to South Carolina: Cruz v. Rubio Reaches Fever Pitch…to-south-carolina-cruz-v-rubio-reaches-fever-pitch-n2122022
– Clinton, meanwhile, insisted she would put immigration reform at the top of her 100-day presidential agenda. … The two Democratic contenders are neck-and-neck in Nevada: Clinton, 48, Sanders, 47.…
Three Days to South Carolina: A Three-Way Battle For The Evangelical Vote…carolina-a-threeway-battle-for-the-evangelical-vote-n2120708
– While Kasich doesn’t support Obamacare, he nevertheless has promoted the expansion of Medicaid – not exactly a conservative agenda. … Clinton has just a one point lead: 48 percent to Sanders’ 47.…
Losers Don’t Legislate
– In normal circumstances, political parties adjust their platform to their nominee’s agenda. … In the South Carolina primary, only 15 percent chose that attribute as their number one factor, but Rubio won 47 percent of those…
Tax Reform 'Armageddon' Aftermath: As New Fiscal Year Begins, Federal Tax Revenues...Increase…ath-as-new-fiscal-year-begins-tax-revenues-increase-n2536451
– HotAir, Andrew Malcolm notices that in the first month of the new fiscal year, federal tax revenues soared to an all-time high: Just 47 … They know they'll need those big tax hikes to partially fund the future of their government supremacist agenda.  Voters, beware.…
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