Results for: House Democrat

What Are the Democrats Doing?
– It was just a matter of crowbarring him out of the White House and doing it in such a way that didn’t seem overly cruel, i.e., “Joe … The Democrats couldn’t care less about that—as long as that person is a Democrat. Biden is a puppet and always has been.…
Disarrayed Democrats Agree on This: Trump Will Win in November
– The resulting social media schadenfreude has been entertaining as White House aides, members of President Joe Biden’s family, Democrat …  In addition to these three Democrat lawmakers, reports quoting a Democrat aide in the House suggest that there are “25 Democratic … Watching it play out at the highest levels of the Democrat machine with the White House press shop brawling with some of its closest…
Democrats Flock to D.C. As Biden Tries to Convince Them Not to Abandon Him…as-biden-tries-to-convince-them-not-to-abandon-him-n2641393
–  “[T]he White House tells us, again, that the President has not seen a doctor since February. … He’s been very busy,” the Democrat said. … Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) became the first House Democrat to urge Biden to step down from office.…
Here's a Twitter Thread Exposing the Democrat Media Complex's Plot to Hide Biden's Mental Decline…edias-complicit-in-the-biden-mental-health-cover-up-n2641422
– If every pro-Democrat newspaper did that, we’d be closer to the truth. … media complex’s bad behavior and complicity in this cover-up committed by the Biden White House to hide Joe Biden’s mental degradation … media person who took part in covering up the Biden story and who is now pushing this propaganda about the awesomeness of the Democrat
The Four Words Some Dem Senators Reportedly Plan to Say to Biden Soon
– Joe Biden is the dog in the house on fire, saying, “This is fine.” … He represents a state that Democrats must win in November to maintain their hold on the White House. … Reporters think he looks 40 percent dead, which was an observation at the recent White House Correspondents Dinner.…
Nate Silver Deleted This Line in His Column. That All Changed After Biden's ABC News Interview.…ay-that-all-changed-after-bidens-abc-news-interview-n2641455
– here” (via Silver Bulletin):Biden is, in all likelihood, literally incapable of waging the sort of campaign that a league-average Democrat … base case, I think Democrats are underestimating the possibility that this could turn into a Watergate-type scandal if the White House … being held hostage by the wrath of Jill Biden, who very much has a ‘we’re done when I say we’re done’ attitude within this White House
More Brutal Details Emerge From Biden's Meeting With Dem Governors…tails-emerge-from-bidens-meeting-with-dem-governors-n2641410
– Most House Democrats are outrunning Biden in their internal surveys, I’m told by people familiar with the results. …  “Sink Kamala so she’s not the nominee in both ’24 and ’28,” as one House Democrat texted upon hearing of the governors rallying … And I don’t think any of them want to see Trump back in the White House.…
Look at the Faces of the ABC News Panel After Biden’s Interview…s-bad-night-narrative-over-dismal-debate-with-trump-n2641456
Democrat on President Biden’s interview tonight:“It made me sad. … So, what’s this trip to Waffle House after getting boat raced by Trump at 2 am? … The early morning pitstop at Waffle House shreds this “I had a bad debate because I was tired and sick” narrative.…
It's Time to Admit the Dems Are Heading for Civil War Over Joe Biden…ratic-party-is-heading-for-civil-war-over-joe-biden-n2641466
–  A House Democrat, granted anonymity to speak candidly, said: “Denial of the problem is not a solution or a path forward to convincing …  And another Democratic operative who has advised the White House called the interview a “stay of execution” but added that the … It also helps when a reign of terror emanates from Jill Biden over this matter to keep the frontline soldiers, the White House staff…
How a Maine Dem Congressman Just Threw Biden Under the Bus…rump-is-going-to-win-and-our-democracy-will-be-fine-n2641298
– And when it comes to our economy, our Congress matters far more than who occupies the White House. …  […] In 2025, I believe Trump is going to be in the White House. …  At long last, a Democrat who knows that often your side loses in a representative democracy.…
If the GOP Abandons Its Pro-Life Platform, It Will Be Surrendering Its Deepest Ideals…platform-it-will-be-surrendering-its-deepest-ideals-n2641460
–  But a former Democrat from Pennsylvania, David Wilmot, took to the floor of Congress and championed what became known as the … Donovan is a 50-year veteran of the national debate over the right to life and served from 1981-89 as a writer in the Reagan White House
Democrats' Debate Spin Shows They Are the Real Threat to Democracy…te-spin-shows-they-are-the-real-threat-to-democracy-n2641292
– When a lone, brave Democrat Congressman was so determined to make Democrat elites confront the issue of President Biden’s age and mental … True journalists would have asked tough questions of Biden and his team, and would not have taken the White House press secretary’s … Instead, the media have been the Democrats’ willing lapdogs, regurgitating any talking point the White House has given them, without…
Biden's Talk With 'Key Ally' Has Everyone on High Alert…ls-ally-he-may-not-be-able-to-salvage-his-candidacy-n2641335
– The White House "did not immediately respond" to the Times' comment request but later responded on X, disputing the story. …  Seeing the Times and White House brawl on social media is... delightful. …  That is, the White House just (again) got caught in a lie.…
At This Point, There's Only One Question Regarding Joe Biden
– approval ratings to those who think he’s too old, are atrocious and could be an obstacle that could stifle attempts to retake the House … Still, the whisper campaign is brutal, with nearly every Democrat and their mother acknowledging something that Barack Obama knew for…
'Too Great a Risk': First Sitting Democrat Calls on Biden to Withdraw
– After days of internal and external strife surrounding President Joe Biden and his campaign following the presumptive Democrat nominee's … Lloyd Doggett from Texas became the first Democrat lawmaker to call on his party's — and the country's — leader to drop out of the … Transitional, he could have been — if perhaps he had chosen any Democrat other than Kamala Harris.…
One US Senator Wanted to Comment on Joe's Debate Until Top Dems Muzzled Him…joes-awful-debate-until-the-white-house-muzzled-him-n2641304
– Manchin isn’t a woke Democrat. He’s not liberal, either. … Still, he felt compelled to weigh in on last week's disastrous Biden debate but got muzzled by White House aides and other top Democrats … We have top donors, Biden officials, White House aides, and intelligence officials weighing in on Biden’s mental health.…
Karine Jean-Pierre Trips Over Biden's New Excuse for Bombing at the Debate
– The White House did little to tamp down talk of President Joe Biden's lack of fitness to carry out the duties of his office in Wednesday's … In rebuffing calls for Biden to get additional tests or for the White House physician to brief reporters, Jean-Pierre contradictorily … Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) became the first sitting Democrat in Congress to call on Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race, and two other House
The Associated Press' Article Defending Biden Blows Up in Their Faces Spectacularly…serious-with-this-piece-about-bidens-mental-health-n2641382
– either by admitting they dropped the ball in covering the president’s mental decline or saying it was too hard, either because White House … One would say red flags that something was amiss were pervasive, but the Democrat media complex went along as scheduled until that … In one clip, Biden stands very still during a Juneteenth musical performance at the White House, leading to talk he had “frozen.”…
Here's the Sentence That Perfectly Describes the Biden White House Right Now
– After last Thursday night’s disastrous debate, Thompson went on CNN to explain how this is the Biden the White House has tried to hide … @AlexThomp goes behind the scenes of the Biden White House for @axios." …  "The uncertainty after Thursday is palpable and anxiety is only increasing," a third White House official told Axios.…
PBS Stuffs 'News Hour' With 'Torrent of Lies' Trump Trash Talk
– that hour were dedicated to underlining that Donald Trump unleashed a "torrent of lies," so he lost the debate.First came PBS White House … reporter Laura Barron-Lopez, a staunch Democrat: "Though praised by Republicans for his debate performance, Trump repeated lie after … The Democrat platform is clear that there should be no restrictions on abortion.…
From Biden, Democrats: Believe Us, Not Your Own Eyes
– has vigorously dug in, claiming presidential executive privilege, in denying the request of House Republicans to release the recording … Now House Republicans have filed suit demanding that Attorney General Merrick Garland release the recording of Biden's interview with … And they practically all are indifferent to the sanctity of life of the unborn.So, from a policy view, which Democrat runs does not…
Biden Books First Post-Debate Interview Under Pressure to Prove Fitness
– Amid criticism from all corners of the political landscape — including (so far) one sitting Democrat lawmaker — President Joe Biden … Stephanopoulos, of course, was a senior advisor for policy and strategy in the Clinton White House, a member of the then-president's …  The White House is also betting on President Biden being able to stick at least enough answers and appear engaged long enough…
Will Biden Ever Hold Another Solo Press Conference?
House of Representatives -- and signed it into law on Aug. 13, 1981.Three years later, he ran for reelection -- at the age of 73.Once … Zero.According to both the White House website and the list compiled by the American Presidency Project, Biden has held three joint … White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced on Tuesday that Biden would give a press conference next week at the NATO…
Biden’s Decline and the Real Existential Threat Beyond Climate Change…d-the-real-existential-threat-beyond-climate-change-n2641245
–  The cadre of handlers and White House insiders knew exactly what they were doing. …  Climate change has been a Democrat dog whistle for decades. … Perhaps, because Biden, and his entire Democrat party, are swimming in Chinese yuan.…
Did Anyone Catch What This CNN Host Was Doing During the Trump-Biden Debate?…is-cnn-host-was-doing-during-the-trump-biden-debate-n2641172
– Make that part of the wider narrative about how no one is in control of this White House, with a fractured Democratic Party spewing … nonsense and hurling us into chaos.Things are not going well if you’re a Democrat.…
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