Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Right and Wrong Lessons From 2018
Democratic strategist John Lapp deliberately recruited such candidates. … Billionaire Democratic donors love it. Swing voters? Not so much. That's why Stacey Abrams lost Georgia. … Will they learn in time for the 2020 presidential nomination process?…
Midterms Set the Table For a Crazy 2020 Race
– As of this writing, many of the Democrats' favorite candidates didn't win. … The Democratic coalition is growing and getting younger. … But it's doubtful the Democratic base shares her patience.…
Democrats: Gee--We Have A Lot Of Old Geezers In Our 2020 Field, Huh?…ewe-have-a-lot-of-old-geezers-in-the-2020-field-huh-n2535799
– When you look at the Democratic field for president, it’s sort of…old. … It’s worrying some folks within the Democratic strategist world—and these concerns were already in the air before voters went to the … strategist. […] Democratic strategist Maria Cardona said she doesn’t think the age of some would-be candidates is problematic for…
2020 Election: Maybe This Is Why Hillary Clinton Thinks She Has Another Shot At The Democratic Nomination…s-she-has-another-shot-at-the-democratic-nomination-n2535780
– The progressive base of the Democratic Party, which isn’t small, wants her gone. … Twenty-five percent of respondents said Biden would be their preferred nominee.Sanders, who ran in the Democratic presidential primary … Other candidates attracted even less support.…
The Math: It's Almost Certain That Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis Have Won in Florida…hat-rick-scott-and-ron-desantis-have-won-in-florida-n2535731
– Third, in spite of Democratic lawyers' best efforts, Republican leads in key races are likely insurmountable.   … The mean swing between the top two candidates in the 27 recounts was 282 votes, with a median of 219. … The biggest swing came in Florida’s 2000 presidential election recount, when Al Gore cut 1,247 votes off George W.…
America Deserves Better
– In 2000 just a few hundred votes separated the two presidential candidates in Florida and chaos ensued. … In the 2004 presidential election thousands of Broward absentee ballots disappeared. … Americans should be able to count on the integrity of their democratic process.…
Bottom Line in Florida: Broward County Election Officials Have Been Violating the Law…ard-county-election-officials-are-violating-the-law-n2535655
– are raising the alarm over what's happening in Florida, as the margins apparent election night GOP victories -- punctuated by Democratic … Sometimes candidates whine about these things for no good reason. Not this time. — Jeff B. … The biggest swing came in Florida’s 2000 presidential election recount, when Al Gore cut 1,247 votes off George W.…
Split Election Result Sends Polarized Politics Toward 2020…lection-result-sends-polarized-politics-toward-2020-n2535583
– Hispanics voted 69 to 29 percent Democratic, according to the CNN exit poll. … So it is with this offyear election in which candidates and voters re-litigated the astounding but now familiar presidential election … If Donald Trump hasn't shown he can improve on his 46 percent of the popular vote, the kind of candidates Democratic primary voters…
WaPo: Democrats Need To Stop With The 'Senate Popular Vote' Nonsense. It's A Bogus Stat…h-the-senate-popular-vote-nonsense-its-a-bogus-stat-n2535495
– If more Democratic seats are up for reelection, it stands to reason that Democrats will do well in the popular vote. … It has a unique system in which the top two candidates advance to the general election, regardless of party. … Democratic politicians and their allies in media have attacked the legitimacy of the Electoral College.…
The Mistake of Early Voting
– Yet few genuinely benefit from this early voting fad, except political machines and the better-funded candidates.   … By herding traditionally Democratic constituents to the polls during the two-week period of early voting, well-funded Democrats in … In Texas, early voting increased everywhere, but particularly skyrocketed in heavily Democratic areas such as Austin and Dallas.  …
Political Parties Can No Longer Harness Their Bases
– As odd as it sounds, political parties in democracies have an important anti-democratic function. … The move toward primaries and the democratic selection of delegates took power away from the bosses. … Today, political conventions are little more than infomercials for presidential candidates.…
African-American Voter Turnout Will Decide Control of the Senate…can-voter-turnout-will-decide-control-of-the-senate-n1878403
– Historically, such individuals vote heavily for Democratic nominees for statewide office. … But many Obama and Democratic Party operatives attributed this strong turnout to the ability of these operatives to pinpoint voters … They have moved on to their next topic, Hillary Clinton, who is by far the leading presidential candidate for 2016.…
Immigration Caused Brown To Surge In New Hampshire
– Yesterday, Dan reported that Scott Brown is within two points of incumbent Democratic Senator Jeanne Sheehan in the New Hampshire … Shaheen, along with every other Democratic senator, voted for the Gang of 8 bill. … But Shaheen had Democratic support at 74 points.…
Bernie Sanders 2016?
– The self-described democratic socialist said last week we shouldn’t “anoint” Hillary just yet. Sen. … And said he had a “damn good platform” for a presidential run (via Yahoo!) … As for presidential ambitions, Sanders, like Warren, is hinting at making challenges so that more centrist–or perceived centrist– candidates
Hillary Clinton Not Campaigning Much for her Party in 2014, Unlike Richard Nixon in 1966…for-her-party-in-2014-unlike-richard-nixon-in-1966-n1880055
– There's also a backlash in Colorado against severe gun restrictions passed by the Democratic legislature and ineptly defended by Democratic … Will Clinton stump in Colorado, a state held up as an example of Democratic gains, or Iowa, a state not usually avoided by presidentialcandidates?…
Democrats Look Increasingly Like the Party of the Past
– In Arkansas, Democratic Sen. … Up in Alaska, incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Begich faces a tough challenge. … If Democratic officeholders are rooted in the past, so are some of their favorite policies.…
In Alaska And Texas, Democrats Struggle To Pin Their Willie Horton Ads On Republicans…uggle-to-pin-their-willie-horton-ads-on-republicans-n1886502
– In 1988, Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis was slammed in an ad over Willie Horton, a convicted murderer who attacked … In Alaska, Democratic Sen. … Democrats are trying to execute their own Willie Horton-style attacks against GOP candidates with lackluster results.…
Who is Rand Paul?
– Erickson floats the names of Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz and Rick Perry as “three candidates who seem most able to tap into evangelical … All of the leading Democratic presidential contenders are lawyers.…
Goodbye, Bro: Democrats Are Hemorrhaging Male Voters
– In North Carolina, Democratic Sen. … “They win white voters in the presidential election and they lost. … Yet, the bleeding began during the Johnson administration (via NYT) [emphasis mine]: No Democratic presidential candidate has…
Hillary's "Steak" is Not Well Done
– That is a very high negative with which to begin a presidential campaign and the political ads haven't even hit the airwaves. … Clinton's problem when he wrote: "Some Democrats who backed other candidates in the state's caucuses in 2008 say they haven't yet warmed … most ardent defenders, are able to come up with anything substantive she did as first lady (Hillarycare failed to get through a Democratic
Polling Analysis: Republican Wave in 2014?
Presidential approval in the low 40's with majority disapproval, and Republicans catching up with (if not overtaking) Democrats on … (Four years ago, the Democratic incumbent in his state got blown out).  How is Sen. … Kay Hagan virtually tied in a state Mitt Romney carried in a fairly strong Democratic year?  …
Cosmopolitan Magazine Unveils First String Of Endorsements
– Of course, the editorial board is only endorsing liberal candidates. … We will see the next line-up of endorsed candidates in the coming weeks. … While Democratic pollsters have said that such tactics are turning women off, Cosmo apparently doesn’t care.…
What If Republicans Lose In Colorado And Iowa?
– Bush’s margins in many of the key counties, Obama dramatically out-performed Kerry, even in Democratic-leaning counties. … or Iowa, it doesn’t bode well for a GOP presidential candidate in 2016. … In Iowa, Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley’s disparaging remarks about farmers and popular Sen.…
Where's the Payoff in Gambling?
– famous boardwalk, the beach resort is familiar to Americans from the popular game of Monopoly, the Miss America pageant and the Democratic … The lesson of New Jersey should not be lost on Republicans who are vetting potential presidential candidates for 2016.…
Libertarian and Medical Marijuana Could Decide Hot Florida Governor's Race…l-marijuana-could-decide-hot-florida-governors-race-n1896306
– Most pundits believe Libertarian candidates pull more from their Republican opponents than from their Democratic ones. … In reality, it is also a major effort to turn out Democratic voters at the same high levels that customarily turn out in presidential … Of the candidates in all the contested gubernatorial races in the nation, no Democratic candidate has been so unabashedly supportive…
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