Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Behind the Candidates' Smiling Faces
– With 18 trillion in debt already amassed (at least half of it by the Prophet Obama), why do the Democratic candidates call for piling … more debt on our children, the very same credulous gulls whose college tuition the Democratic candidates are promising to pay along … Remember Al Gore at the 2000 Democratic convention? Remember John Kerry? So which would I prefer?…
Doing For Yourself
– Nowhere in the story, nor in the endless promises of Democratic presidential candidates, is there a single word about whether more … Not debate moderators, who seem more interested in getting the candidates to attack each other, as though the debates were just the…
Our Democrat Welfare-State Drug Lords
– Five liberal Democrat presidential candidates -- one actually honest enough to label himself a socialist -- appeared before the American … And it is no accident that most loyal Democratic Party supporters are those most dependent on government. … Forbes recently estimated the net worth of 20 of the current presidential candidates.…
Bidenworld Source: 'I Think It's Fair to Say Something Will Break This Week'
– Amid rampant speculation about Joe Biden's presidential intentions and the possible timing of an unconfirmed announcement -- perhaps … If and when Biden gets in, he'll position himself in the Democratic primary as the true inheritor of the Obama agenda (the president … that post-debate polling has detected very little movement for any of the candidates on stage.  …
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Under Fire From Fellow Democrats For Being a Liar…z-under-fire-from-fellow-democrats-for-being-a-liar-n2067797
– Over the past few months of the 2016 presidential cycle, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has come under heavy fire from her … own party for favoring former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over other candidates in the Democrat primary. … Gabbard was causing an unwelcome distraction by drawing attention from the presidential candidates, and insisted that she had indeed…
GOP Elite’s Secret Plan to Expel Donald Trump and Ben Carson…es-secret-plan-to-expel-donald-trump-and-ben-carson-n2067142
– Today I’ll let you in on a quiet movement within the upper echelons of the GOP to take down politically incorrect presidential candidates … Rand Paul are strong candidates that I’ve awarded A-ratings on immigration. … with the greatest chance of winning when paired against the Democratic frontrunner.…
Sanders and Clinton vs. Capitalism
– On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, along with other Democratic presidential candidates, were in Las Vegas, a city that … The senator from Vermont identifies himself as a "democratic socialist," and he's no pretender.…
Democratic Pollster: Hillary Clinton's Support Is Too Weak To Win A Presidential Election
– Some say she will, as she has the money, name recognition, access to ace political operatives, and a renewed and energized Democratic … Her base of support is simply not strong enough (via The Hill): Democratic pollster Molly Murphy said on Friday that 2016 Democraticpresidential nominee Hillary Clinton still does not have the support needed to win a presidential election, referencing a recent American…
As Midterms Loom, GOP Hopes Political Storm Dissipates
– But now, a recent New York Times poll showed Democratic challenger Jason Crow pulling away from Coffman, with an 11-point lead. … GOP candidates are still recovering from the storms over the president's Helsinki visit and illegal immigrant family separation policy … That's one of the factors that made the 2016 presidential race so volatile, and now, in a different race with different players, it's…
Rumor Mill: Michael Bloomberg Plans To Take On Trump In 2020
– “He has the money to see it through while other candidates knock themselves out.” … former New York Mayor, now 76, has contemplated running for president in 2008, 2012 and 2016 but was concerned about splitting the Democratic … MikeBloomberg) September 13, 2018 With more than $51 billion to his name, there's no doubt Bloomberg would have the funds to run a presidential
Why The Kavanaugh Confirmation Torpedos The Left’s Future…he-kavanaugh-confirmation-torpedos-the-lefts-future-n2526195
– This type of energy is being stoked across many factors given that the President, the base, and the candidates have a truly significant … Navigating the criminal conspiracy and obstruction of the Democratic left, they worked the process with tremendous wisdom: exposing … Ultimately it should be the end of some presidential aspirations for Senate Judiciary Democrats.…
Not All Women: GOP Women Are Furious Over Democrats' Anti-Kavanaugh Smear Campaign; UPDATE: Dem Strategists Worry…furious-over-democrats-antikavanaugh-smear-campaign-n2525442
– The Democratic Party is the one that supports women, is for women, and is fighting for their rights. … Now, new polling shows that not only has the Democratic voter advantages shrunk significantly, but Republican women are enthused to … candidates.…
Kamala Harris and Cory Booker Use Judge Kavanaugh to Fundraise for 2020…ry-booker-use-judge-kavanaugh-to-fundraise-for-2020-n2524369
– Now, Democratic Party prospective candidates are using the SCOTUS nomination process to launch their 2020 presidential campaigns. … The Democratic Party is desperate to get power back from Republicans. … Harris and Booker abused the process for presidential ambitions. …
President Trump Gets Blasted by Washington Post 'Fact Checkers' - But Who Checks Their Facts?…gton-post-fact-checkers--but-who-checks-their-facts-n2528999
– This plan is becoming part of the mainstream Democratic message, with 16 co-sponsors including leading 2020 presidential candidates … including lead sponsor Keith Ellison, who is the Vice Chair of the DNC, making it an almost certainty that it will become part of the Democratic
The Electoral College Debate
Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, seeking to represent New York's 14th Congressional District, has called for the abolition … Subjecting presidential elections to the popular vote sounds eminently fair to Americans who have been miseducated by public schools … Presidential candidates could safely ignore the interests of the citizens of Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont, North Dakota, South Dakota,…
Why Vote for Democrats?
Presidential polling does not necessarily forecast voter behavior in state and local races, though one Quinnipiac University Poll shows … In view of Republican successes, including tax cuts and the booming economy, what Democratic policies would produce results better … Other than spite for the president, why would voters elect candidates who want to return to a past where things were far different?…
Oh My: CBS Battleground Poll Shows Tight House Fight, Sources Say GOP Could Gain Senate Seats…ght-race-projects-scenario-in-which-gop-holds-house-n2528377
– But if things move in the other direction, perhaps via mediocre participation among important Democratic demographics, another version … This group leans Democratic in their current vote intention: they favor Democratic candidates over Republican ones by 21 points in … campaign message on the Supreme Court and is already seeing a late surge in his race against Democratic Sen.…
Seven Key Reasons Republicans Are Trending Up For The Midterms…easons-republicans-are-trending-up-for-the-midterms-n2528425
– By the time the presidential motorcade rolled into town on a hot, muggy day in early October, over 90,000 would-be attendees had downloaded … The Senate - Remember when Democratic pundits were saying they might take the Senate along with the House? … Thanks in no small part to President Trump, things are certainly looking up for GOP candidates.…
Beto is as Phony as Barack
– The Democratic Party’s presidential nominee was freshman U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL). … He is not one of the 20+ potential presidential candidates in 2020 race. … Clearly, Beto’s positions can be found in the platform of Democratic Party candidates running throughout the country, including liberal…
Dems' Socialist Ideas Will Tank Economy
– The Democratic Party's left flank is turning the midterm elections into a referendum on capitalism. Sens. … Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and dozens of other federal and state candidates … Meanwhile, Democratic presidential wannabe Elizabeth Warren has introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act, which would give workers…
Casualty Lists From the Kavanaugh Battle
– The Democratic Party has sustained a historic defeat. And the triumph is President Trump's. … For the Democratic Party, the Kavanaugh battle was the Little Bighorn, as seen from General Custer's point of view. … And, by spring, a host of presidential candidates, none of whom looks terribly formidable, led by Cory ("I am Spartacus") Booker, trooping…
No, Stop, No: MSNBC Host Goes Nuts When Confronted With Past Examples Of Violent Left Wing Rhetoric…uts-when-confronted-with-violent-left-wing-rhetoric-n2532001
– Among others, she pointed to the repeated "lock her up" chants that target former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton … In 2018, Minnesota GOP candidates have been assaulted. … The spokesperson for the Minnesota Democratic Party said that Republicans should go to the guillotine. Sens.…
Insanity: Of Course, The Liberal Media Lost Their Minds And Blamed Trump (And His Supporters) For Bomb Scares…ral-media-lost-their-minds-and-blamed-trump-and-his-n2531850
– Let’s not forget that letters with ricin were sent to Secretary of Defense James Mattis, forget that two GOP candidates were assaulted … Among those blacked out cases was a Minnesota candidate who was knocked out from a sucker punch to the head and “a Democratic operative … The networks also turned a blind eye when two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for greater incivility and…
A Study for Political Anthropologists: The Impact of Aging Democratic Leaders on 2020…ists-the-impact-of-aging-democratic-leaders-on-2020-n2531561
– were the poll’s only two presidential candidates earning double-digit rankings. … John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee is also signaling an interest in a 2020 run. … After surveying the presidential field, political anthropologists looking for more evidence that aging Democratic leaders cling to…
Oh, So This Is Why Democrats Are Very Nervous About Young Latino Voters
– It’s going to be a Democratic wave, or the GOP could defy history and retain its majority, albeit much slimmer in the House. … The historical trend in non-presidential elections is that voters are older, white and married, demographics that benefit Republicans … With over 29 million Hispanics eligible to vote this year — 4 million more than in 2014, according to Pew — candidates will have to…
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