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Rumor Mill: Michael Bloomberg Plans To Take On Trump In 2020

Former New York Mayor and everyone's favorite gun control advocate (and primary funder) Michael Bloomberg is allegedly preparing to run against President Donald Trump in 2020, The Times in the United Kingdom reported.


According to reports, Bloomberg has told those close to him that he plans to throw his hat in the ring in 2020, along with other well-known business leaders. 

“Mike Bloomberg told me he is going to run in 2020,” a source told The Times. “He has the money to see it through while other candidates knock themselves out.”

The former New York Mayor, now 76, has contemplated running for president in 2008, 2012 and 2016 but was concerned about splitting the Democratic vote.

The unnamed source said Bloomberg regrets dropping out of the 2016 election. He feels as though he could have prevented a Trump presidency if he would have stayed in the race. He believes he could have outright won or at least prevented Trump from taking the White House, WLNY-TV reported.

Bloomberg is currently spending $80 million during the midterm elections to help Democrats get elected to Congress, in addition to spending big money funding Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action.


The multi-billionaire has also applauded and highlighted progressive's stances on climate change and gun safety:

With more than $51 billion to his name, there's no doubt Bloomberg would have the funds to run a presidential campaign without holding fundraisers.


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