Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Hillary Scores Debate Win -- Among Democrats
– That's more than the previous Democratic record of 11 million. … But such candidates don't get nominated. … candidates' dire diagnoses.…
Jim Webb Deserves to Be Heard
– While watching the recent Democratic presidential debate one thing became abundantly clear: former Sen. … Much like the Democratic Party icon John F. … With that being said it’s pretty obvious that Jim Webb will not be around much longer as a Democratic candidate.…
Civil, Yes, But First Democratic Debate Was A Softball Game…yes-but-first-democratic-debate-was-a-softball-game-n2066502
– Most Democratic vanity candidates are running for a Cabinet position in the next administration. … Here are just a few examples of questions asked of Republican presidential candidates in the debates so far: "Governor Perry, try … Presidential candidates should be asked tough questions.…
Despite Hillary's Good Debate, Dems Should Keep Joe On Deck
– A presidential election is a lot like a baseball game. … At the first Democratic debate in Las Vegas she made her opponents look like the Democratic farm team, not quite ready for "the show … The other tools a good presidential campaigner must possess are simply not in Clinton's wheelhouse.…
Dems' Revolution Already Is Here
– was the shift in the conversation more evident than in Las Vegas on Tuesday night at the Democrats' first debate for the 2016 presidential … During Democratic 2008 primary debates, candidates routinely, if not exclusively, used the term "illegal immigrants." … There was little such honesty at this week's Democratic debate. There was a sliver of that old thinking.…
Serious Political Instability Could Threaten Economy and Nation in Coming Year…ty-could-threaten-economy-and-nation-in-coming-year-n2065949
– Consider this: The recent Democratic presidential debate veered so leftward that in no way did it resemble the debates held just eight … And then there are the Republican presidential candidates. … their presidential nod -- that's not a combination that suggests a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year.…
Sanders Sails Through Debate
– For those who waited for presumed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to implode at the first debate, the wait was in vain … Only three candidates are really viable on the Democratic side (Clinton, Sanders and Biden), and only two of them are currently running … The five candidates running for the Democratic nomination for the presidential election faced off Tuesday night at the party's first…
The Democratic Presidential Debate: There They Go Again
– Watching the Democratic candidates' presidential debate Tuesday night one might think a Republican has been in the White House since … candidates. … Most of the media will spin the Democratic debate as refreshing and new, but it was stale, old and uninspiring, like the candidates
Thoughts on the First Democratic Presidential Debate
– I anticipated the first 2016 Democratic presidential debate. … What exactly were the candidates going to talk about? … On this topic, the candidates brandished some firepower.…
Democratic Presidential Candidates Battle Over Gun Control, Only One Makes Valid Argument…normal-people-should-be-able-to-protect-themselves-n2065433
– In case you missed it last night, Democrats held their first presidential debate of the 2016 cycle in Las Vegas. One of the topics that got the biggest variety of responses and back and forth between candidates on stage was the issue of gun control.  Candidates Hillary Clinton, Martin...
How a Biden Bid Could Help Hillary Clinton's Campaign
– The scuttlebutt in Washington is that Vice President Joe Biden is going to throw his hat into the presidential race, which means there … Under different conditions, I'd guess that, if he does announce, Biden has almost no shot at winning the Democratic primary, and that … This made it exceedingly difficult for any of the candidates to distance themselves from the Bush years.…
Fight Night on The Left: Democrats Square Off in Las Vegas Presidential Debate…n-the-left-democrats-square-off-in-las-vegas-debate-n2065035
– Tonight five declared Democratic presidential candidates will square off in a Sin City debate as the battle for the progressive base … Sanders will come down to each of the candidates trying to prove they're liberal enough to satisfy a far-left base. … Leading up to tonight's debate there has been much controversy surrounding the Democratic National Committee and it's favoritism of…
Are Both Parties Incapable of Governing?
– It's possible that Boehner will stay until January 2017, after which the House will no longer face a Democratic president lacking the … inclination and ability to compromise and an unusually obdurate Senate Democratic leader. … But the combination of an unruly field of presidential candidates -- with the three who have never held elective office outpolling…
DNC Officer Disinvited After Calling for More Debates
– Despite pressure from the Democratic Party and some very outspoken critics like Gov. … Martin O’Malley, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz refused to budge on the limited number of presidential debates, presumably … ," the spokesperson added, saying the Democratic Party embraces a diversity of opinions from members.…
Loose Lips: Longtime Clinton Ally Trashes 'Buffoon' Biden, 'Sanctimonious Flip-Flopper' Sanders in Train Ride Rant…hes-buffoon-biden-sanctimonious-flipflopper-sanders-n2063479
– Sometimes it's a well-connected political operative loudly spouting off about a sitting Vice President's potential entry into the presidential … Clinton in Democratic primary polls is "sanctimonious" and a "flip-flopper," the Clinton confidante intoned, incredulously adding that … are often more popular than actual candidates, he cautioned.  …
Comcast Rolls Over for Hillary
– In June, Comcast executive vice president David Cohen hosted a $2,700-a-plate fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign … Donald Trump, with the satirical message "Melania's praise of her husband's presidential bona fides surreptitiously illuminates the … Then came a fake commercial, which "continued the damnation of the Republican presidential candidates, advertising Abilify, the drug…
Knuckle Draggers Are Us, Er, We
candidates in a savvy bid to garner free press. … Consider other Democratic stereotypes. According to the Pew Research Center, 51 percent of millennials lean Democratic. … According to Pew, immigrant citizens lean Democratic.…
The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Against Hillary Clinton
– Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is in deep and potentially dire trouble. … That said, the end result for the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party has been quite satisfying. … early putative vice presidential running mate with Biden.…
Matter of Trust
– Pollster Frank Luntz got it right in August when discussing GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's high poll numbers. … Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the original heir apparent to her party's nomination, has been plagued by continuing … That is the next question that the candidates on both sides of the aisle should have to answer.…
The 'New' Hillary
– In an interview with Newsmax TV, Klein said of the Democratic presidential frontrunner, "There's something always behind what she's … Not content with the candidates, "SNL" even mocked Donald Trump's wife, a former model. … Republican presidential debate when Hugh Hewitt of the conservative Salem Radio Network was a panelist.…
Trump is America's Chance to Fix a Broken System
– PARIS -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, the party front-runner in most polls, has positioned himself as the one contender … Usually it's the kind of message that comes from fringe candidates who can safely claim that they won't ever touch lobbyist or donor … who are elected, it overrides the spirit of the democratic process.…
Open Thread: Yes, Hillary’s Having A Good Month So Far
– She apparently killed it during the first Democratic debate, which forced Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee to drop out of the race, though … While Republican presidential candidates thrash around competing to see who can be the most anti-immigrant, pro-tax cuts for the wealthy … Presidential scandal politics almost never pay off for the opposition party.…
DNC/RNC Give 'Blessing' For Black Lives Matter Town Hall Event
– current presidential candidates — both Democrats and Republicans — and that he has begun reaching out to potential venues and corporate … candidates Sanders and former Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley. … That being said, Republican and Democratic candidates probably should duck their heads into this event if it does materialize, but…
Biden Decision Leaves Both Parties in Disarray
– Joe Biden has made it official: He is not running for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. … And Jim Webb withdrew, at least from the Democratic race, on Oct. 20, a day before Biden. … Hillary Clinton now looks like the inevitable Democratic nominee.…
Vox To Democrats: It's Time To Admit That You Have A Problem At The State Level…to-admit-that-you-have-a-problem-at-the-statelevel-n2068148
– Now, they’re touching upon the Democratic Party’s woes at the state-level. … Yglesias aptly notes that this kills a Democratic agenda at the federal level, and that there is no plan from the House DemocraticDemocratic Gov.…
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