Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Trump is No Conservative, But Neither Is John Kasich
– His Republican opponents, both his rivals in the presidential primary contest as well as their apologists in the media, are laboring … This line of attack, however, is disingenuous, for neither are their candidates of choice—Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina—particularly … has expanded programs for the mentally ill, fought the nursing home lobby to bring down Medicaid costs and backed Cleveland’s Democratic
Biden 2016: The Warren Rendezvous…president-met-with-sen-warren-for-2016-consultation-n2042557
– Bernie Sanders or the other candidates. … campaign against well-funded Democratic opponents with a huge head start. … He's older, a two-time presidential loser, and he’s going to be challenging the Democratic Party’s legacy of putting the first female…
Hillary, It Didn’t Have To Be This Way
– There is also the potential for political risks right when you would be launching your presidential campaign. … She’s been through months and months of pretty much 19 candidates on both sides attacking her every day, and she thrives.” […] … Herself, not merely an investigation that ultimately finds a fall guy in Clinton’s IT team or even among her intimates, to turn Democratic
Wake Up Republicans! Start Hammering the Obama Economy!
– WASHINGTON - A pivotal campaign issue seems to be all but missing from the 2015-16 presidential primary race – in both parties. … Yet with few exceptions, the presidential candidates are not focusing on those issues, and neither are their parties. … Among the Democratic candidates, its the same snake oil medicine: raise taxes on the wealthy, businesses large and small, boost the…
Administration Must Change Oil Exports Policy Before Economy Starts to Tank…ge-oil-exports-policy-before-economy-starts-to-tank-n2041650
– Just eight years ago we were watching candidates for the GOP and Democratic nominations for president start their first series of … Readers will recall that just a year after that 2007 presidential debate the housing, mortgage and financial industries had virtually…
Do You Like Piña Coladas?ña-coladas-n2041434
– absolutely certain mine is not one of the email addresses that are now floating around opposition research firms looking for names of candidates … ; names of friends of candidates; names of donors to candidates; or anyone named Carlos Danger. … For those who have forgotten, Carlos Danger was the stage name of former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner - husband of the woman…
That's Not the Competition; It's the Cabinet
– A few months ago, when the first Republican presidential contenders threw their hats into the ring, I tweeted this message a number … But the current crop of Republican candidates makes that meme much harder to maintain. United States Sens. … By contrast, what do we hear from the Democratic Party's frontrunners?…
FBI Searches Hillary’s Hard Drive While Trump Plans to Round Up and Deport 11 Million Hispanics…p-plans-to-round-up-and-deport-11-million-hispanics-n2040511
– Among the candidates who received the highest net scores: former corporate CEO Carly Fiorina (+12 points), retired neurosurgeon Ben … This week's Fox poll found that she now leads Sanders among Democratic primary voters by 19 percent – 49 to 30 percent. … And a Democratic frontrunner is being investigated by the FBI for sending illegal emails. What next I wonder?…
Trump and the GOP's Election Cycle Talking Points
– During every presidential election cycle, both Democratic and Republican talking heads trot out the same tired conventionalities that … they predictably use to promote their preferred candidates and undermine those whom they dislike. … And as I’ve shown, Trump’s detractors among his rivals in the presidential contest are hardly conservatives.…
Facing Disasters, Both Parties May Be Making Desperate Mistakes…sters-both-parties-may-be-making-desperate-mistakes-n2047739
– And the candidates and parties are feeling it, too. … The Republican and Democratic parties have mirror-opposite problems. … Presidential elections are messy and unpredictable, and this cycle is unpredictable on steroids.…
Pundits Get It Wrong About Trump and General Election
– After all, the polling they rely on shows Trump with higher negatives than many of the other candidates in the Republican race. … After two dismal showings in presidential contests both in '08 and '12 it became conventional wisdom among longtime Republican "experts … That means Republicans must not only convert some otherwise likely Democratic voters.…
Climate issues we do need to address
– But so far too few candidates, clergy and business leaders have shown the courage to speak out – even as every Democratic presidential
Bernie Does Liberty University
– Self-declared socialist and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders entered what his supporters must consider the belly of … Liberal and Democratic speakers at Liberty are not as rare as one might think. In 1983, Sen. … Republican presidential candidates should promote ways for people to escape poverty and for the middle class to climb the economic…
Collapse: Hillary's Favorability Now Lower Than At Any Point in Failed 2008 Campaign…ity-lower-than-at-any-point-in-failed-2008-campaign-n2052776
– Hillary Clinton is hemorrhaging Democratic women, trailing Bernie Sanders in Iowa and New Hampshire, and inspiring deep distrust … presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is going negative, circulating an email that yokes her chief rival Sen. … Martin O'Malley.The Democratic candidates have refrained from criticizing each other directly...Monday's Correct the Record email strays…
Mainstream Voters Underwhelmed by Clinton and Trump
– surgeon Ben Carson, front-runners in the race for their party's presidential nomination. … Meantime, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, has bigger problems. … But 37 percent of white Democratic women say they support her now.…
How Obama Has Fundamentally Transformed American Politics…ama-has-fundamentally-transformed-american-politics-n2052643
– Polls show more Republicans preferring three candidates who have never held elective office over 14 candidates who have served a combined … So Republicans who imposed harsh litmus tests in previous presidential cycles (like asking candidates if they've ever supported a tax … In polls, Democratic voters have stayed loyal to the president.…
NYT: Hillary 'Taken Aback' By Email Scandal, Strongly Resisted Apologizing
– A recent national Quinnipiac poll asked respondents what words came to mind upon hearing the name of various presidential candidates … Meanwhile, thick clouds still hang over Hillary's presidential bid.   … No wonder the Democratic establishment is beginning to experience flop sweat.…
Election 2016: The Conservative Academy Awards
– The current process for finding the viable candidates for GOP Presidential nomination reminds me of the nearly arbitrary, popularity … candidates did swell this year compared to past elections. … Not only the expanded number of candidates, but those who deserve to win (or at least do better) are failing in light of those candidates
Amid Pressure to Add Debates to Campaign Schedule, DNC Chair Refuses to Budge…tes-to-campaign-schedule-dnc-chair-refuses-to-budge-n2050564
– Conducting only a half dozen debates ahead of the 2016 presidential election is plenty, insists Democratic National Committee Chairwoman … We’re having six debates,” said Wasserman Schultz, who has been under fire from several Democratic presidential candidates over the … No wonder Democratic candidates are crying foul. One person not raising a peep is Hillary Clinton.…
Flirting With Political Disaster In a Scandal-Plagued Election
– Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, once the odds-on Democratic presidential nominee, is up to her neck in an email scandal … Meantime, two other factors are going to affect how the 2016 presidential election turns out. … That's the dismal record the Democratic presidential nominee will have to run on next year -- and the record the GOP nominee will run…
Once Again, Debates Ignore Real Concerns of Voters
– "It's deja vu all over again," the most famous of his many zany quotes, seems relevant in light of the latest CNN Republican presidential … Back in 2007, as the housing market in Florida was starting to collapse, a CNN presidential debate in Tampa all but ignored that looming … (By the third hour it looked as if several of the candidates were going to simply melt away from the heat onstage.)…
Scott Walker's Parting Shot and the GOP's Trump Quandary
– So Walker pulled the plug on his own campaign and got out, reminding Republicans what will happen with so many candidates in the race … "I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same. … The American barons of commerce and industry worry their boring presidential candidate will lose.…
Fiorina and the Facts
– By a substantial margin, Donald Trump remains the GOP’s presidential frontrunner. … On the one hand, she styles herself the anti-Hillary candidate, a conservative who, radically unlike the Democratic presidential frontrunner … She has complained that female political candidates are judged by a double standard regarding their physical appearance.…
Another Cynical Democratic "Citizenship USA" Voter Drive…ther-cynical-democratic-citizenship-usa-voter-drive-n2055640
– for Americans has helpfully set up "new interactive practice civics tests" to help their new future voters secure a permanent Democratic … Remember: In the 1990s, the Clinton administration first turned immigration policy into a massive Democratic voter recruitment machine … But when it comes to signing up new potential Democratic voters in droves, the feckless feds run a NASCAR-ready well-oiled machine.…
Are Our Familiar Political Alignments Suddenly Changing?…our-familiar-political-alignments-suddenly-changing-n2055040
– As the 2016 presidential selection process proceeds, there is increasing evidence that the political patterns we have grown used to … at the 2000 presidential elections. … We'll see whether the first Democratic debate draws as big an audience Oct. 13.…
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