Results for: Republican National Committee

Sen. Paul: "We Need To Have Republican Community Organizers"
– support among minority voters: Republican Community Organizers. … Paul’s recommendations reflect the efforts of the Republican National Committee to expand its outreach to minority communities. … National Committee, to make the case for our party and our candidates."…
The Border Fence and Conservatives
– The transcript of my conversation last week with the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Mike McCaul to which I refer … TG: You are correct, that is a not a committee of jurisdiction for me, but you are also correct, and in fairness, McCaul’s a friend … As a political matter, a vote for the lousy H.R. 1417 which came out of the Homeland Security Committee --another "we demand a plan…
Scandal Watch: Issa Expands IRS Targeting Investigation to FEC…tch-issa-expands-irs-targeting-investigation-to-fec-n1659535
National Review drew attention to this potential angle last week, and now the House Oversight Committee is on the case.   … phony scandal" creeps closer to another federal agency, and CNN has the report: House Oversight Committee … [Issa's] letter came after Don McGahn, the vice chairman of the FEC and a Republican, told CNN that he saw an e-mail from an FEC investigator…
2016 GOP Poll: Christie 21, Rubio 18, Jeb Bush 16, Rand Paul 15
– A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that Christie earns 21% support when Republican voters are asked whom they … Congressman Paul Ryan, the unsuccessful Republican vice presidential candidate in 2012, picks up 13% of the Republican vote, with Wisconsin … Incidentally, I've heard a strong rumor that Paul Ryan -- whose numbers among national Republicans are stronger than anyone's -- is…
Floating Conservatives
– Former Florida Republican Congressman Allen West agrees. … By contrast, the National Review crowd, which is nearly 100 percent white, does not look like America. … On the cruise ship's TV, I watch Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus fret over two forthcoming programs on NBC and…
Guillory: "Liberalism Has Nearly Destroyed Black America"
– Now, however, he will be serving as the honorary chairman of the Free At Last Political Action Committee, which will work to help black … conservatives win high national office, among other things: Some journalists have urged caution when using “plantation … Guillory argues that “the values of the Republican Party far better represent the values of the black community.”…
Raise Your Hand If You Believed Obama Had Al-Qaeda "On The Run"…r-hand-if-you-believed-obama-had-alqaeda-on-the-run-n1657785
– That's right, the same National Security Agency that has been irresponsibly attacked by its critics in Congress and elsewhere for its … Michael McCaul of Texas who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee. The threat, he adds, is "very imminent." … Saxby Chambliss, the ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, has compared the intercepts to the kind of messages being…
The GOP Isolationist Myth
– The isolationist poltergeists that forever haunt the Republican Party. Or so we're told. In July, New Jersey Gov. … He promised "100 percent support for the Chinese National government on Formosa [Taiwan]," and wanted to station up to six divisions … Flynn, the foremost spokesman for the America First Committee, for example, was a longtime columnist for the liberal New Republic.…
Liberals Gear Up For Obamacare Fight
– "We will deploy every tool and tactic at our disposal," said Brad Woodhouse, a former Democratic National Committee spokesman who now … And it all leads up to September, when the Republican effort to defund Obamacare will either happen, or it won't. … If Woodhouse's group, and the others like it, can fight to a draw in August, the Republican surge will fall short -- again.…
CIA Arming Anti-American Terrorist? So What’s New?
– “Everyone in the CIA and everyone at State was pro-Castro, except (Republican) ambassador Earl Smith.” … And there really isn't any national security issue involved with regards to that.” Indeed. … No here’s some other interesting (but seriously under-reported) findings from the famous Frank Church Committee: “In August 1975, Fidel…
A South Pole Elf Gets Hot About Global Warming
National Committee. … The deficit is declining right now because outside forces, including the Republican Congress, have imposed upon Obama at least minimal … problem with this article is it doesn't take into account that the BEA has done what they call a "comprehensive revision" to the National
Priebus Hits a Home Run
– We are referring, of course, to Reince Priebus, Chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). … That means the Republican primary debates would be held on networks other than NBC, MSNBC or CNN. … actual cooperation for all levels of the Republican Party.…
Three Women: We Told Democratic Officials About Filner's Harassment Years Ago…cratic-officials-about-filners-harassment-years-ago-n1665273
– Former California State Assemblywoman Lori Saldaña, San Diego County Democratic Central Committee member Martha Sullivan, and Escondido … It is simply not believable that the national Democratic Party didn't know this. … Did national Democrats abide this abhorrent 'War on Women' conduct for years to protect a precious House seat?…
Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin to Moderate 2016 Primary Debates?…hannity-and-levin-to-moderate-2016-primary-debates-n1665188
– The Republican National Committee looks like it’s trying to shake things up. … It seems that the RNC is annoyed that Republican candidates were being asked personal and rather silly questions. … The Washington Examiner finds that the RNC is “eager to bring in questioners who understand Republican policies and beliefs and who…
Video: GOP Already Running Ads Against Vulnerable 2014 Democrats
– The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has been active on the air since at least the early spring; this week, their … repeal, in 2011 and 2012, were more bipartisan than the vote to pass ObamaCare, with three and five Democrats crossing over to the Republican
Why the RNC Chair is Right to Ditch NBC and CNN Hosting Debates…chair-is-right-to-ditch-nbc-and-cnn-hosting-debates-n1661904
– Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, sent shockwaves throughout the media and both political parties … last week by threatening to pull the rights of NBC and CNN to broadcast the 2016 Republican presidential primary debates. … One of the most outrageous questions directed at a Republican candidate occurred during a CNN debate.…
On Obamacare, Tea Party is on Right Track
– It is now seeping into and poisoning the ranks of the Republican Party. … Mainstream Republican politicians are cringing at the proposal by senators in the Tea Party movement -- Ted Cruz of Texas, Mike Lee … Now Howard Dean -- former Democratic presidential candidate, Democratic National Committee chairman, Vermont governor and still a physician…
RNC Chairman Goes After Wrong Target Regarding Hillary…chairman-goes-after-wrong-target-regarding-hillary-n1660108
– Message to Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus: You are right to complain about the upcoming "Canonize Hillary Clinton…
Grassley Calls for Inspector General Investigation Into Intentional Abuses by NSA Employees…estigation-into-intentional-abuses-by-nsa-employees-n1680419
Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, who serves as the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has sent a letter asking the … those who intentionally abused surveillance authorities and greater transparency can help rebuild that trust and ensure that both national
Colorado's Grassroots Revolt Against Gun-Grabbers
– On Tuesday, insatiable control freak Bloomberg tossed in $350,000 to a pass-through committee established less than a month ago to … He had no ties to Republican groups or strategists. … Morse "changed state Senate committee rules, which effectively silenced the voices of hundreds of Colorado citizens from testifying…
Republicans Look To Change Structure of Campaign Debates
– "They're really thinking outside the box," says one well-connected source of the Republican National Committee's effort to reform … asks Ari Fleischer, the former Bush White House spokesman who served on the RNC's reform committee and is still in touch with officials … Look for real change to occur before Republican presidential candidates meet again.…
Employment Doom Rattling Media
– And that’s why the Republican National Committee calls Obama a “lame duck.”…
John Bolton 2016?
– “I think that argument can have currency across the Republican spectrum.”  … Bolton's potential entrance into the 2016 fray comes at a moment when the Republican Party is in the throes of a national security … Will Republican voters chant along?…
Report: Democrat Bob Filner, Serial Misogynist, Will Finally Resign
– After Filner's sixteenth accuser came forward, Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic National Committee at long last summoned the moral courage … McAuliffe only did so after his Republican opponent applied some pressure over the issue.   … Yet the national and local party continued to endorse and fund his re-election bids.  …
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