Results for: they are all going to jail

Even During Lockdown, Murder Soars in New York City
– Criminals in New York City are needlessly putting lives at risk by not following stay-at-home orders when going out to murder people … "And a jail that used to house 22,000. … But instead, they’re moving forward with criminal justice reform where they are literally celebrating that they have less than 4,000…
North Carolina Patriots Must Stand Up to Hypocritical Governor
– In the meantime, make sure to wear a mask in all of your public appearances and keep safe at all times. P.S.   … and go to jail as promised. … The protestors are clearly right, as Cooper is now a criminal by the terms of his own edict. But they are not going far enough. …
Texas Salon Owner Speaks Out About Defying Stay-at-home Order and Her Time in Jail
to jail for seven days. … I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they’d rather feed their kids. … Desperate, her stylists were telling her they wanted to start going to people’s houses.…
'I am Eliminating Jail for Violating an Order': Texas Gov Retroactively Bans Imprisonment For Business Owners…that-no-one-be-jailed-for-violating-shutdown-order-n2568379
– Moye gave Luther the option to avoid a jail sentence and only pay a hefty fine if she agreed to apologize for keeping her business, … But I'm not going to shut the salon." Luther was then taken to jail to begin her punitive sentence.  … He also condemned the hypocritical advocation by some for releasing convicted offenders from confinement only to jail those who are
Law Enforcement Should Not Enforce Health Guidelines - Now the Damage is Done…t-enforce-health-guidelines--now-the-damage-is-done-n2568359
– Businesses are on the brink of permanently closing – some already have shuttered. Americans are ready to go back to work. … They are being used as boots for a political agenda. … Not all agencies or LEO’s are implementing the Democratic declarations, which is encouraging to some degree.…
Not All Heroes Wear Capes. Some Wield Scissors.
– of the pandemic, Moyé, a Democrat, sent her immediately to jail.  … They did what seemed impossible, and was impossibly dangerous, because it had to be done. Someone had to be first. … Not all heroes wear capes, but maybe they should (and we should tip them like they do).   …
'Feeding My Kids is Not Selfish': Salon Owner Sentenced to Jail After Opening Amid Shutdown…owner-sentenced-to-jail-after-opening-amid-shutdown-n2568264
– "I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. … But I'm not going to shut the salon." … “Because all of the small business owners need to have some sort of voice, and we need to stand up for what’s right or we’ll continue…
Prophets and Loss
– We might want to quiet down and listen for a change, instead of going off on prophetic tangents. We won't. … They get away with it, owing to the general perception that politics is the reliable fulcrum of power over others. … The limited-government theories of recent years, whether fully effected or not, don't solve all problems, but they make it harder for…
America Doesn’t Have A Justice System Anymore
– campaign, collaborated to spray him and his administration with a golden shower of lies that they knew were lies, and then, when all … For the elite, they are mere guidelines. And, of course, when they break them it is no biggie. … They are worse than the gangsters the FBI became famous chasing.…
'Don't Make Me Treat You Like Criminals!': Chicago Mayor Goes on a Tyrannical Rant…dents-like-criminals-if-they-dont-follow-her-orders-n2568090
– "Now I've directed Superintendent Brown to order all police districts to give special attention to these parties and this is how it's … going to be," Lightfoot said during a press conference. … of a pandemic, we will take you to jail.…
Salons And Barbershops Across America Are About To Show How Unnecessary This Lockdown Was…are-about-to-show-how-unnecessary-this-lockdown-was-n2568040
– back down on keeping her business open despite the prospect of going to jail. … go to jail to make her point. … Despite near-universal world condemnation, Sweden did it, and they are now well on their way to the only thing that can ultimately…
Dispatches From Isolation Vol 6
– He’s not going to court, so it’s not like his defense team is telling him he could land himself in jail if he says the wrong thing. … Better to declare yourself non-essential and hide than have more people realize how corrupt you are. Whose side are they on? … While the economic responses are obvious – tell China to get bent when it comes to collecting on the debt they hold – that can’t be…
Jailed Hair Salon Owner: No, I'm Not Some 'Republican Actress'…hair-salon-owner-no-im-not-some-republican-actress-n2568968
– "I think the best momentum would be if everybody just decided to open up," she suggested. "What are they going to do? … Are they really going to go and arrest every single business owner and cite every business owner?" … But if we bow down in fear, then they are going to conquer this. And we cannot let that happen."…
There is Justice, and Then There is Poetic Justice.
– The president then added in part: “Look at what they did to this guy…they came at him with 15 buses and he’s standing in the middle … What they did to this man, they tormented him, they destroyed him. But, he’s going to come back. … Like I say, he’s going to come back bigger and better.” Bigger and better…where?…
Forget About Seeing Any Justice For Obamagate
They are for this.  They are actively for the abuse of the legal system to persecute their political enemies. … it pretends to be are going to get tired of being shocked – shocked, I say! … You need to prepare yourself. No one of any significance is going to jail for any of this. Ever.…
Is This Why the Judge Presiding Over the Flynn Case Is Allowing Amicus Briefs from Anti-Trump Lawyers?…se-is-allowing-amicus-briefs-from-antitrump-lawyers-n2568793
– There was no basis for him to be interviewed for any federal investigation; they had no evidence. … Still, Flynn was interviewed by agents who said they didn’t think he lied to them. Comey didn’t care. … It’s speculation but given the breadth of the anti-Trump deep state and how far they will go to attack this White House, nothing is…
A New Day in a Fearful America
– “I’m not going to close up unless they handcuff me and carry me out of here,” Manke said. “I’m making a living. … What a new day it is, where 77-year old barbers are now treated as common criminals because they refuse to starve. … so, he would make an example of her by sending her to jail.…
We’re Winning
– And Trump’s not going to fund his enemies, as much as the GOP dopes will want him to because of reasons and we’re all in this together … The second people start paying attention they are going to notice that compared to him. Mr. … They are not going to replace Biden with someone who is at least coherent and can tell you what year it is.…
A Tribute to Strong Women
– As required by local ordinance, she first entered the bus in the front to pay her fare, then exited, going to the back (Negro) entrance … The governor scrambled to clarify that his “orders” were never intended to put people in jail. … So today, in addition to being thankful to our mothers, we should remember that we are all better thanks to some strong women.…
They Will Still Hate You Even If You Disarm
They are always going to hate you, so get any idea out of your head that if you just surrender then this endless tsunami of lies will … If it were, the blue cities where they rule would not be the urban war zones the media tries to ignore (we are blessed to have an alternative … We think criminals ought to be in jail.…
Who’s Worse: Jeffrey Epstein Or The Mainstream Media?
– Usually they’re opportunists who’re seeking fame or trying to ingratiate themselves to media types for attention when they find themselves … They strike up a long, strained friendship as the reporter tries to separate the misdeeds of the felon he’s befriended from the personal … But when it comes to figures like Epstein – a child rapist – the New York Times let us know how important it was to them they maintain…
What the El Paso Shooter Learned from Immigrants
– I was pointing out the idiocy of Trump’s sending troops there at all, when they are not going to shoot anyone -- in lieu of the simple … Apparently, that's why they all moved here. To nag us to death. … In any event, thanks to immigrants, all Americans are learning the vital importance of ethnic chauvinism and territorial sovereignty…
FBI Confirms They’ve Raided Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedophile Island’
– The conspiracy theorists are doing their thing, but they may not be totally wrong. … It’s all very suspicious and warrants an investigation. … The bureau just told Dunleavy that they were on the island and didn’t elaborate further, but we all know what they’re doing there (…
The 'It's Easier To Buy A Gun Than Cold Medicine' Crowd Just Got Slapped With Reality…n-cold-medicine-crowd-just-got-slapped-with-reality-n2552072
– It’s the law (via Business Insider): For all those who say it’s easier to buy a gun than cold medicine: Reporter tried to buy a gun … This is all known to most who support gun rights. It’s alien to the liberal media. The article isn’t a hit piece. … Turns out Walmart follows the law when it comes to gun sales and they're about as good at customer service for gun sales as they are
FL Teen Arrested For Making Mass Shooting Threat...And It Didn't Take A Red Flag Law…g-mass-shooting-threat-and-it-didnt-take-a-red-flag-n2552014
– “How do we know he’s not going to be like the kid from Parkland, or he’s not going to be like the kid that shot up Sandy Hook? … They want to confiscate guns and shred our constitutional rights. … They want to start doing that by passing new, ineffective laws that won't improve public safety. …
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