Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

More than Halfway There
– We are more than halfway through the Democratic and Republican primary process for their nominee for president. … On the Democratic side, the candidate who becomes the nominee will need to win 2,382 of the 4,763 delegates and super delegates. … After Marco Rubio's campaign suspension, only three Republican candidates remain in the nomination race.…
Trump Asked to Denounce David Duke -- But Not Farrakhan
– Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell chastised "one of our presidential candidates" of "seeming ambivalence about David … And, of course, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, race card at the ready, weighed in, saying: "I was very disappointed … Did the Democratic National Committee or Hillary Clinton, or even Messrs.…
Voters Deliver Subtle Message: Die Donor Scum
– It looked like our report got mixed up with the Democratic National Committee's report in the copier room. … ("We" being "the Democratic Party.") … Now we're going into the presidential election with our 80 percent thunderous will of the people against immigration.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Cruz, Trump Ready for Two-Man Race
– Marco Rubio's presidential ambitions - at least for 2016. … Three candidates remain in the 2016 race, but Trump and Cruz are ready to go one-on-one. … Clinton won four of Tuesday night's five Democratic contests.…
Cruz: Why Yes, Denying Trump the Nomination at a Contested Convention Would be Legitimate…ation-at-a-contested-convention-would-be-legitimate-n2134448
– When it came time for the delegates to vote on the presidential nomination, delegates would rank their candidates — with pledged delegates … putting the candidates to whom they are pledged at the top of their lists. … still be able to withhold their votes from the nominee in the fall, by voting for a third-party candidate, or voting for the Democratic
Establishment Elites Going All Out to Derail the Trump Express…nt-elites-going-all-out-to-derail-the-trump-express-n2134180
– What do you do when the democratic process turns out to be a bit too democratic, in the sense that people on the side that's currently … Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has the establishments on both the left and the right so riled that they're no longer … They issue their anti-Trump manifestos through current and former candidates such as Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney.…
Vote Early, Vote Foolish
– ON TUESDAY EVENING, presidential primary votes will be counted in five important states: Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina … Early-voting laws were promoted as democratic and efficient; make voting easier, advocates argued, and voter turnout will rise. … The transformation of Election Day into Election Month has proved one of our less successful democratic experiments.…
The Left May Well Get Trump Nominated
– The combination of left-wing violence and the use of it by the other GOP candidates to wound Trump rather than label the left as the … And if the left continues to violently disrupt Trump rallies, they -- along with the total absence of condemnation by the Democratic … Party and its presidential candidate -- may well ensure that Donald Trump is elected president.…
Brownshirts & Republican Wimps
– With his "dangerous style of leadership," Trump stokes this anger, mewed Rubio, "This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate … Can one imagine how the networks and cable TV channels that host town halls with the candidates would react if hell-raisers snuck into … Those raising hell in the street in Chicago and that convention hall are unfit to be citizens of this democratic republic.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Candidates From Both Sides Condemn Trump Rally Violence…idates-from-both-sides-condemn-trump-rally-violence-n2133611
– His presidential rivals condemned the violence, as well as Trump’s response. … The Democratic candidates appeared to be even more incensed by his behavior. … Democratic Primary Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton took part in Sunday night’s CNN Democratic town hall.…
Clinton and Sanders Migrate on Immigration
– I learned a new word at Wednesday night's Univision Democratic debate -- "Hispandering." … Here's something Ramos left out when he asked the candidates whether they would pledge not to deport undocumented adults who don't … candidates further and further left.…
The Manhattan Candidate
– Carly Fiorina quizzed her fellow candidates during the first “under card” presidential debate. … Real liberals—who constitute the base of the Democratic Party--do not like her. Or him. … The Democratic Party would spare no effort to spread fear and hatred throughout barrios in our country.…
Caitlyn Jenner: Hillary Clinton is a "Political Hack"
– On I Am Cait, Caitlyn Jenner turned heads by revealing exactly how she feels about the presidential candidates. … With an overwhelming number of celebrities who openly support liberal causes and Democratic candidates, it's nice to see at least one…
A Better Choice
– On those days, I'll air a debate among the three leading Libertarian candidates. … Running as a Republican, he was elected to a second term in that Democratic state. … This Friday and next you can watch how these candidates handle the differences.…
Republican Super PAC Wants Candidates To Target Hillary, Not Each Other…c-wants-candidates-to-target-hillary-not-each-other-n2140430
– With all the insults and attacks between GOP presidential frontrunners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, you’d be forgiven if you forgot … The nasty back and forth between the Republican candidates in the 2016 race is missing the mark, the Republican Super PAC American … Instead of beating up each other, the PAC pleads, Republicans should save some of that ammunition for the presumptive Democratic nominee…
Sanders Is Getting Away With Murder
– By comparison with two Republican presidential candidates I decline to name, Bernie is Mr. … It's not that Bernie is going to snatch the Democratic presidential nomination from the toil-worn hands of Hillary Clinton. … A presidential candidate who makes Clinton look at times like Milton Friedman -- to think of it is to know and feel the Bern.…
The Free-Trade Paradox
– example: Polling suggests that voters recognize the benefits of free trade more now than at anytime in many years, even as the presidentialcandidates advocate more protectionism. … Yet on the presidential campaign trail, Trump keeps scoring victories in Republican primaries with his protectionist threat of a 45…
If Trump Wins The Nomination, The House Is In Play, Believe Me
– for possibly a generation could be undone by the billionaire magnate, who faces defeat in November against an appalling weak Democratic … Loud foot­steps up­stairs in the presidential race could easily shake the Senate races below. … Incumbents are protected by natural population patterns—Democratic voters concentrated in urban areas, close-in suburbs, and college…
Would The Donald Govern Like Arnold?
– The GOP presidential front-runner is The Donald. … We Californians who lived through Arnold's two terms in the governor's office have watched The Donald's presidential campaign unfold … He has lavished money on Democratic candidates.…
No, I Will Not Vote For Donald J. Trump in a General Election…l-not-vote-for-donald-j-trump-in-a-general-election-n2139340
– Do you think he wins even though, Mitt Romney, our last presidential nominee has publicly written that, "Through the calculated statements … Just to give you a little taste of how hopeless it would be if Trump is our nominee, the last time Utah went for a Democratic president … state that should be one of the easiest gimmies in the general election, it suggests a level of potential weakness approached by candidates
CNN/ORC Poll: 'Little Appetite' Among Republicans For A Convention Fight To Stop Trump…e-appetite-among-republicans-for-a-convention-fight-n2137543
– With the field whittled to just three candidates, 47% of Republicans say they'd most like to see Trump win their party's nomination … should be one of the three remaining candidates, even if none of them capture those 1,237 delegates. … Just 7 percent would support the Democratic nominee, and 13 percent would back a third-party candidate.…
McCain Could Be Fighting For His Political Life This Year
– McCain had access to nearly $20 million from his failed 2008 presidential campaign. … Trump has scheduled three events in Arizona Saturday with an eye on the winner-take-all presidential primary Tuesday. … While it’s too early to tell just how serious a threat his Democratic opponent will pose, McCain’s taking it seriously.…
Clinton Talks Strategy; GOP Candidates Talk Tough
– And Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. … I found myself in unfamiliar territory -- agreeing with the likely Democratic nominee, not top Republicans. … The Republican candidates seem to think that all they need is to talk tough and hitch up their belts.…
Obama's Foreign Policy "Che"nges For the Worse
– In 2016, two Republican Presidential candidates of Cuban descent have repeatedly opposed Obama’s hasty pursuit of diplomatic normalcy … supposed to represent the land of the free and the home of the brave, standing underneath an ethereal homage to the spoiled brat democratic
Triumphant Clinton Promises to Go Hard After ISIS (And Solar Panels), While Sanders Tries To Keep Revolution Alive…panels-while-sanders-tries-to-keep-revolution-alive-n2138230
– CNN’s Dana Bash commented that this could be the first time we see the Trump effect on Democratic voters, especially Latinos, who came … In past primary contests, Democratic turnout was considerably lower. … She added that she was “very proud” to have clinched Arizona, but noted that this contest "isn't just a contest between candidates—it's…
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