Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Forgotten Counties Will Make Their Voices Heard
– For the first time anyone can remember, Cambria County is no longer dominated by Democratic voter registrations. … Despite the lead in registrations, both Trump and Mitt Romney prevailed over their Democratic rivals in this county. … Seven years later, a Republican presidential candidate and Senate candidate, Pat Toomey, won the county.…
Virginia Politician Accused of Rape Now Running for Governor…politician-accused-of-rape-now-running-for-governor-n2576168
– Tyson, who is now a professor at Scripps College, said that Fairfax had physically forced her to perform oral sex in 2004 at the Democratic … 8, 2019 Fairfax vehemently denied both claims and controversy surrounding the top leadership in Virginia quieted as Democrat presidentialcandidates took over front-page news. …
You Can Make This Stuff Up but Journalists Do
– The 2020 presidential election continues to elicit so much hateful rhetoric from Democrats that the phrase, “You can’t make this stuff … Federal Election Commission records also show Powell has donated over $1.2 million to Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates and…
In 2020, Preborn Lives Are on the Line: We Have a Duty To Vote Accordingly…are-on-the-line-we-have-a-duty-to-vote-accordingly-n2575914
– The 2020 presidential election will pit one of America’s most successful pro-life incumbents against what is quite possibly the most … pro-abortion Democratic candidacy America has ever seen. … According to a January Marist Poll, nearly 65% of all Americans and 44% of Democrats say they “are likely to vote for” candidates who…
Hmm: Leading Vaccine Trial 'Paused' Due to One Patient Developing Unexplained Illness…aused-due-to-one-patient-developing-unknown-illness-n2575889
– conspiracy theories flying about potential coronavirus vaccines -- including politically-driven fear-mongering emanating from the Democraticpresidential ticket -- what are we to make of this development? … One of the most promising vaccine candidates in the West (I approach all boasts from China and Russia with profound skepticism, for…
Where Is Joe Biden's Supreme Court List?
– With the 24 viable names remaining from the three previous "lists" -- the first two of which were released during the 2016 presidential … campaign and were crucial to ensuring religious conservative voter turnout for Trump -- there are now 44 candidates being publicly … All of which leads us to an obvious question: Where on earth is Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's Supreme Court nominee list…
Ivanka Accepts Vaccine Challenge from 'The View's' Joy Behar
– Fauci explained, six candidates are in development, three of which are in their Phase 3 trials. … leaders, including presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. … The Democratic ticket's concerns made the NY Post editorial board wonder if they are actively "trying to prolong the pandemic?"…
Democrats' Plot to Abolish Election Night
– Trump leads on Nov. 3, the victory will be nothing more than a "red mirage," says Josh Mendelsohn, whose firm consults for the Democratic … Constitution gives states primary authority over presidential elections, but Congress likely can still act. … Congress passed the Help America Vote Act to improve vote-counting accuracy after the 2000 fiasco in Florida, when candidates George…
Left-Wing Media Have Jumped the Shark
– Studies showed consistent and overwhelming support among the news media for Democratic candidates for president. … Even a landslide loser such as 1972 Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern was the runaway favorite among American journalists … My personal favorite was this gem: “You said today is the angriest you have been as a presidential candidate.…
Durbin: C'mon, No One Is Seriously Talking About Court Packing…one-is-really-seriously-talking-about-court-packing-n2576795
– It was only an emerging litmus test during this cycle's Democratic presidential primary, with multiple candidates -- including "moderates … ," and the party's current vice presidential nominee -- favoring some form of it. … “She’s not sure what she’s doing,” the Democratic senator said of Feinstein.…
All the Chips Are on the Table Now
– In 2016, he listed a slew of candidates from among whom he promised to pick his justices. … Hispanics and Asians, who vote 2-1 Democratic in presidential elections, are the fastest-growing minorities and are being fed by the … The last white man appointed to the Supreme Court by a Democratic president was Stephen Breyer back in 1994.…
In Leftist Land, Who Will Protect You?
– The 2020 Democratic Party Platform does not recognize the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms and Democrats speak in almost perfect … Joe Biden has indicated that he would put gun-grabbing, former presidential candidate Robert “Beto” O’Rourke in charge of stripping … Before we vote, we should research which candidates care about our ability to protect ourselves and the importance of law and order…
Fat Chance Arizona Picks Biden
– Arizona’s congressional districts are now gerrymandered to ensure several of them are Democratic. … Rasmussen Reports, the most accurate pollster, labels the race “leans Democratic.” … Arizona has suffered a rash of terrible Republican candidates over the last few years.…
Settle for Nothing Less
– The Democrats have selected a weak, mentally challenged basement dweller as their presidential candidate. … The Democratic push for mail-in voting could be another costly mistake. … We vote for candidates who love America and have policies that will keep America great for years to come! …
President Trump: We Expect to Have a Vaccine for Every American by April…xpect-to-have-a-vaccine-for-every-american-by-april-n2576478
– At the White House on Friday, President Trump gave us an update on Operation Warp Speed, explaining that three vaccine candidates … for every American by April’ — NowThis (@nowthisnews) September 18, 2020 He added that his opponent, Democraticpresidential nominee Joe Biden, is putting lives at risk by questioning the efficacy and safety of the eventual vaccine.…
Trump Takes the Lead in New National Poll
– President Trump has for the first time taken the lead over Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in a new Rasmussen Reports survey … Both candidates have 80 percent support among their respective parties, but Trump has a 9-point lead among independents. …
Let's Address DA Alvin Bragg's Shady Campaign Financing
– While Trump was on the 2016 presidential campaign trail, Daniels allegedly received $130,000 through then-Trump attorney Michael Cohen … Soros donated a monstrous $1 million to the Color of Change PAC in May 2021 ahead of Bragg's packed, eight-way Democratic primary, … Bragg's interests aligned with the PAC's "criminal justice reform" agenda like other ultra-progressive candidates.…
DeSantis on Ukraine: Bullseye
– Tucker Carlson recently asked Republican Party candidates (and several potential ones) questions about what they believed about American … DeSantis for Republican Party presidential nominee.   … Maybe Kamala will resign and Kinzinger can run as VP on the Democratic Party ticket next year.  …
The 40-40-20 Rule
– You can just about take it to the bank:  in every Presidential election, no matter who the candidates are, the Democratic nominee will … So, except for 1924, even the weakest of candidates received at least 36.5% of the popular vote, and among 48 Republican and Democratic … It’s close to absolute in presidential elections.  …
In Pennsylvania, the Ice Beneath Donald Trump Is Cracking
– They broke the streak that year of Republican presidential candidates losing Pennsylvania, which had been intact since 1992. … Barletta was running in that crowded gubernatorial primary along with nine other candidates that included Mastriano. … Mastriano's loss to Democratic Gov.…
2024 Candidates: The Good, The Bad, And The Pointless
– Some of the candidates are great. Some are not so great. And others are inexplicable. … Of the Democratic presidential candidates, those who are not Methuselahs are full-blown morons or towering mediocrities, and some are … No one wishes ill on the President, except all the Democratic contenders in secret.…
Arizona Democrats Take Legal Action to Protect Biden's Re-Election…ats-take-legal-action-to-protect-bidens-re-election-n2621332
– The Arizona Democratic Party is suing to stop a third-party organization from appearing on the state's presidential ballot in the 2024 … Or we could find that there are no candidates with broad appeal or the courage to take on this challenge. … If that happens, No Labels will not offer our ballot line to any presidential candidate," the group said in a statement. …
What Does Donald Trump's Indictment Mean for the 2024 Primary and Beyond?
– Trump's fellow candidates who have already declared, Vivek Ramaswamy and former Gov. … Nikki Haley (R-SC) have condemned the unprecedented indictment, as have a whole list of other likely 2024 presidential candidates. … poll showing that 75 percent of Republicans agree, including 51 percent who say they do so "strongly," that "some members of the Democratic
Will Republicans Find a Way to Get Their Way in 2024?
– Twelve or 13 months from now, the race for the Republican nomination for president -- and the race for the Democratic nomination, … Early on, the Democratic Party often had multicandidate brawls that produced surprise nominees such as George McGovern, Jimmy Carter … Democrats had one-on-one races in 2008 and 2016 and quickly settled on one among multiple candidates in 2004 and 2020.…
The Left's Favorite Republican Is Getting Some Attention in 2024 Polls…republican-is-getting-some-attention-in-2024-polls-n2621337
– In fact, even candidates who have yet to declare, and who may not declare, are faring much better. … Back in January, I highlighted some of those candidates sparking a conversation at the time, including former Govs. … They're also the only two candidates who have double digit support in virtually any poll, though. …
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