Results for: abortion pregnancy

Gov Christie Pledges Support for 20-Week Abortion Ban Just Hours After Pro-Life Group Places His Name in Red…candidate-to-pledge-support-for-20week-abortion-ban-n1978492
– Protection Act is compassionate legislation that would protect babies from brutal abortions after 20 weeks, or five months of pregnancy … “Meanwhile, the national Democratic Party and its leaders remind us almost daily of the abortion lobby’s importance in their policy…
Harry Reid and the Chamber of Secrets
– A chauvinist man is one who gets a girl pregnant and then kindly offers to pay for an abortion—with his father’s money. … The Constitution is silent on the issue of abortion which, per the Tenth Amendment, leaves the issue up to states and individuals. … Young entrepreneurs facing pregnancy often struggle to find affordable out-of-pocket maternity coverage.…
When Smoking Is Involved, Liberals Suddenly Care About Unborn Babies…involved-liberals-suddenly-care-about-unborn-babies-n1976282
– It has taken a pack of cigarettes to convince pro-abortion liberals that unborn babies are not just fetuses without feelings. … Smoking endangers an unborn life, but abortion ends one. … Shouldn't the ubiquity of abortion make us all do the same thing?…
With Pro-Abortion Provision Severed, Human Trafficking Bill Can Progress in NY…n-severed-human-trafficking-bill-can-progress-in-ny-n1974841
– A pro-abortion provision in Gov. … You see, the provision in question wasn’t just pro-abortion – it was radically pro-abortion. … In abortions that take place later in pregnancy, which would be legalized in New York by the abortion-expanding Women’s Equality Act…
Oklahoma Senate Passes Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act…rn-child-protection-from-dismemberment-abortion-act-n1982602
– a 72-hour waiting period for an abortion. … D&E abortions are performed in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is between the age of 12 and 24 weeks. … Oklahoma previously had a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion could be performed.…
Kansas Bans Second-Trimester Abortion Technique
– technique that is commonly used in the second trimester of pregnancy. … It can also be done at a clinic where doctors are specially trained to perform abortion. … It doesn't do anyone favors to try to hide what actually happens during an abortion.…
Will Republicans Protect the Lives of 20-Week-Old Human Beings?…blicans-protect-the-lives-of-20weekold-human-beings-n1982147
– This version, explained the official summary by the Congressional Research Service, would prohibit an "abortion from being performed … is the result of rape, or the result of incest against a minor, if the rape has been reported at any time prior to the abortion to … an appropriate law enforcement agency, or if the incest has been reported at any time prior to the abortion to an appropriate law…
Tim Cook, Mainstream Media and the LGBT Brigade
– This reality escapes New York’s Governor Cuomo, who has desperately pushed the most radical pro-abortion law in the country under the … This pro-Gosnell bill, if passed, would legalize abortion in NY through the entire pregnancy. … Abortion is the most violent form of discrimination. Liberals like Cuomo aren’t outraged by this inequality.…
Enough is Enough
– And I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born. … As a nurse for more than 40 years, I know that abortion is not health care. … Therefore, the abortion that Mr.…
Planned Parenthood's Pandering Press
– They will say that those who are anti-abortion want to defund Planned Parenthood. … He said: "The organization treats each service -- pregnancy test, STD test, abortion, birth control -- equally. … Yet there are obvious differences between a surgical (or even medical) abortion, and offering a urine (or even blood) pregnancy test…
A Day Without A Woman Inside Planned Parenthood
– Motherhood made us all possible, including those who celebrate abortion. … The abortion chain’s president, Cecile Richards, tweeted that “Planned Parenthood is proud to provide abortion—a necessary service … Abortion (which brings in over 80% of the abortion giant’s health services revenue) has risen from 289,750 killed in 2006 to 323,999…
What Do Democrats Want More – Abortion Industry Money or Pro-Life Votes?…want-more--abortion-industry-money-or-prolife-votes-n2294848
– through all nine months of pregnancy. … Day states, “The abortion lobby is vicious, and applies tremendous pressure on Democrats to conform to one way of thinking on abortion … Money, then, is a big reason for the abortion industry’s seizure of the Democratic Party. …
In Defense of Those Pro-Life Curmudgeons
– Furthermore, what exactly is the abortion industry doing for women?  For a few hundred dollars, it will end a woman’s pregnancy. … The author also contends that prohibiting an abortion is the moral equivalent of forced abortion.  … Prohibiting an abortion results in the birth of a living person, while forced abortion results in a living person’s death. …
Trump Defunds UN Agency That Was Complicit in China's One Child Policy...Liberals Accuse Him of Gutting 'Family Planning'
– The UNFPA “supports, or participates in the management of, a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization,” the State … @unfpa supports China's inhumane program of forced abortion. Thank you @realDonaldTrump! … LifeNews detailed the UNFPA's history of complicity in China's pro-abortion agenda.…
The Democrats' God (And Abortion) Problem
– of pregnancy. … The abortion rate dropped 21 percent from 2009 to 2014. … abortion stories—had been demanding.…
The Courage of Prolife Factivists
– Nothing like a pro-abortion social media platform that reduces killing millions of human beings to a hashtag. … I’m stirred by the boldness of those who show what abortion really looks like. … for revealing the true nature of our nation’s largest abortion and aborted-baby-parts trafficking chain.…
Private Christian University Cuts Ties With Planned Parenthood…istian-university-cuts-ties-with-planned-parenthood-n2316233
– The idea that a Christian university would partner with an organization that provides, among other things, abortion-related services … is being taught.4) Publicly condemn what Planned Parenthood stands for.5) Develop a community partnership with I-Choice, a pregnancy … “The email reflects the current nature of the college campus environment, where abortion advocates don’t think twice about offending…
NPR Debate Smackdown: Truth vs. Prochoice
– They rarely ever try to appear objective on abortion. … I highly recommend to any pro-abortion liberal who wants to pretend the debate over abortion is about a non-human clump of … abortion advertising (key component being their own website that heavily promotes abortion), their abortion facilities, abortionists…
Pro-Life Progress During Trump's First 100 Days
– Once again exhibiting concern for the abusive practice of abortion overseas, the Trump Administration eliminated funding for the United … providers, in favor of supporting community health centers that deliver comprehensive women’s care, and already outnumber abortion … to the first three months of pregnancy.…
Pro-Choice: Tunnel Vision
– Young women, new research finds, increasingly desire children—yet the pro-abortion movement still shrieks for subsidies. … Rarely do women hear pregnancy described more as a blessing than a disease. … services and less than one in three Millennials self-identify as strongly pro-abortion.…
Can You Be A Pro-Life Feminist? Cecile Richards Calls Pregnancy Decisions 'Fundamental’ to Women’s Equality…s-about-pregnancy-is-fundamental-to-womens-equality-n2325687
– Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards gave an interview to Bustle Wednesday on the future of the nation’s largest abortion … and abortion and I completely respect that but I think being a feminist is recognizing that you can’t make other people, you know, … They were removed from the partners list for the Women’s March in January due to their anti-abortion stance.…
The Tyranny of 'Reproductive Freedom'
– subsidizing, encouraging, facilitating or condoning either contraception in general or the methods they view as tantamount to abortion … "Without health coverage of contraception under the ACA, countless women will lose their basic right to prevent pregnancy and plan … The "basic right to prevent pregnancy" does not imply a right to free contraception any more than the right to freedom of speech implies…
CBS’ Madam Secretary Is No Hillary Clinton: Some Surprising Pro-life Moments…no-hillary-clinton-some-surprising-prolife-moments-n2328440
– And women aren’t strong enough to face difficult circumstances (according to the abortion industry), so of course abortion! Nope. … Perhaps because the writers felt that mothers deserve better than the violence of abortion? … And she never needed abortion to continue her teaching career.…
Avengers Director Joss Whedon Makes Film Imagining a Bleak World Without Planned Parenthood…imagining-a-bleak-world-without-planned-parenthood-n2328262
– who came under fire last month for mocking cancer survivors in a tweet attacking Paul Ryan, made a film for the nation’s largest abortion … The world would look better, they tweeted, “300,000+ babies spared from abortion and allowed a chance at life every year…Half a billion … tax dollars redirected to federally qualified health centers ever year…No more tax dollars going to company where 94% of all pregnancy
Christian High School Doubles Down On Banning Pregnant Student From Graduation…es-down-on-banning-pregnant-student-from-graduation-n2331748
– She's also pregnant and due to give birth to her son on September 4, and because of her pregnancy, she is not being allowed to walk … In fact, her principal issued a letter to the school community saying that Runkles is being punished for her "immorality," not pregnancy … She believes she's being targeted as her pregnancy is visual reminder that she made a "mistake."…
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