Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Cruz and Carson in 2016
– Not so for the Democratic Party. … The only question about who the Democratic presidential candidate will be is which welfare state socialist, secular humanist they will … We know what the Democratic Party is going to put on the table for them.…
How to Stop Elite Republican Plans to Take the GOP Down The Way of the Whigs…can-plans-to-take-the-gop-down-the-way-of-the-whigs-n1752986
– Amidst the Democratic Party meltdown might elite Republican Party operatives snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? … The Democratic Party was the pro-slavery party. The Democrats came back from that debacle. … First, social issues (especially the life issues) do not hurt GOP candidates… they help them win elections.…
Heck, What's another Broken Promise? Senate Dems Vote for Power Grab…ther-broken-promise-senate-dems-vote-for-power-grab-n1751382
– Harry Reid, and his Democrat colleagues, decided that such a “super majority” is too cumbersome for Presidential nominees. . . … Now only a simple majority is needed to approve of Presidential nominees. … Only 51 votes (out of 100 for those of you who need to brush up on civics class) will be needed to confirm candidates for key executive…
2014, the Georgia GOP, and Millennial Voters
– Though the odds of one or both first-time statewide candidates succeeding remain long, the time for complacency on the part of Republicans … Beyond that lies the chance for party and candidates alike to cast crystal-clear contrasts with Democrats, centered on a message of … defeat in 1980, solidifying a GOP hold on much of the South in presidential contests.…
Clinton's Stock Declining in Futures Market
– possible Republican candidates in general election pairings. … House candidates in 2010 and 2014. … Voters expect presidential candidates to look to the future.…
PA Sen: Pat Toomey May Face Old Foe In 2016
– in a presidential race was in 1972. … Tom Smith, the 2012 Republican Senate candidate, could be used as an example for how GOP candidates fare statewide when it is a presidential … At the same time, Smith was running against incumbent Democratic Sen.…
A Dash to the Rightñoz/2014/12/03/a-dash-to-the-right-n1926817
– iconic role as Dionne in the 1995 classic “Clueless,”—sent a tweet after what she described was a turning point in the last presidentialCandidates used to go out into a neighborhood and talk, and say what they believed and see what they needed to do. … “It seems like [Republican candidates] are trying, but are still walking on eggshells.…
Courage: Hillary Attends Pro, Anti-Keystone Events on Same Evening…ary-attends-pro-antikeystone-events-on-same-evening-n1926350
– “You test your candidates. … candidate, told about 400 supporters at a rally at a union hall for Ernst’s Democratic opponent, Rep. … Not to mention the private jet size and presidential suite requirements.  …
Exploiting the Presidential Veto
– It may also represent the opportunity to split the Democratic Party between its existing leadership and the Democratic Party’s far … And if Democratic senators join Republicans and override presidential vetoes to create jobs and protect their chances of electability … , look for the left wing of the Democratic Party to challenge these senators in primaries and put candidates in play that cannot possibly…
Feminists Against Cosmo
– election years have contributed to Democratic victories. … in non-presidential elections." … And don’t even bother asking about pro-life candidates.…
What 2014 Means for 2016
– The defeat of Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu by Republican Rep. … Some observations: (1) Democrats relied heavily on legacy candidates -- and lost nevertheless. … Other defeated Democratic candidates this year -- Mark Pryor in Arkansas, Michele Nunn and Jason Carter in Georgia, Mark Begich in…
Did Somebody Say 'Clear the Field'? Watch Out!
– This week, both Democratic and Republican "elites" have been making news. … Part of the democratic process requires only a winnowing of candidates, but also a testing of ideas and policies. … Jeb Bush might be the top candidates mentioned in the article, there are other potential candidates whose voices should be heard.…
Don't Look for Much Emphasis on Abortion in the 2016 Campaign…for-much-emphasis-on-abortion-in-the-2016-campaign-n1928954
– Traditionally Democratic Catholics started defecting to Republicans opposed to abortion, in late 1970s Senate races and the 1980 presidential … and most Democratic voters were pro-choice on abortion. … Bob Casey was denied a speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention.…
No Longer a Republican
– Last month Republicans were elected by “We the people” in an unprecedented landslide – in a Democratic Party bloodbath – with clear … They have aided and abetted him as he and his godless Democratic Party summarily deconstruct all that has made America great. … It rewarded the establishment GOP’s torpedoing of better men and better candidates. The lesser of two evils is still evil.…
Michelle Nunn Will Probably Run Again Soon
– Nathan Deal, would have performed better — and most are optimistic about the next presidential election year. … candidates. … No Democrat has won a presidential race in the state in 22 years.”…
The Strange Source of Our Cuba Policy
– Second, because they let candidates know any deviation on that issue was a deal-breaker. … Presidential candidates of either party knew that if they urged a less hostile policy toward the Cuban regime, they would lose the … It still warps our democratic process by giving lopsided power to a handful of states -- and small voting blocs in those states.…
Southern Regional Presidential Primary Heading Toward Reality…egional-presidential-primary-heading-toward-reality-n1934058
– Brian Kemp, a Republican, has been talking up the notion of an  “SEC Primary"  that would move a number of Southeastern states’ presidential … This too has implications for how candidates will campaign in these states. … spread their votes more thinly among a number of non-establishment candidates.…
Friday Filibuster: The Cuba Libre Edition
– nomination, dominating the field of Republican candidates 62% of self-identified Democrats want Hillary Clinton to get the Democraticpresidential nomination. ***  Terror Around the World: The hostage situation by an Islamic terrorist and Iranian refugee at … On the presidential front, Massachusetts Sen.…
So, Joe Biden Might Run For President In 2016
– Joe Biden does not have the best track record when it comes to mounting presidential campaigns. … He’s worked with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic National … Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is far and away the Democratic presidential frontrunner, leading her rivals by more than…
New Poll: Romney, Clinton Lead for 2016
– But a new Fox News poll shows former Massachusetts governor and two time presidential candidate Mitt Romney and former presidential … All other possible Democratic candidates tested garner three percent or less. … potential candidates.…
2016: Let’s Elect a Grown-up President
– That sounds odd, but I wanted her to beat Barack Obama in the primary and encouraged every one of my Democratic friends to vote for … Portman has withdrawn his name from consideration for this presidential election. … The Democrats may have about five candidates. The Republicans have a score or more of potential candidates.…
A Night Out With the Clintons and Their Brain Trust
– of Hillary Rodham Clinton and hints about the rise of the presidential prospects of Elizabeth Warren. … candidates. … They amount to a media almost wholly stocked by Democratic operatives.…
'We Are Super F-ed,' Samantha Bee Says About Jay Inslee…ill-probably-lose-2020-election-jay-inslee-responds-n2543517
– Samantha Bee, host of the TBS show Full Frontal, made jokes on Wednesday about all the Democratic presidential candidates for 2020 … While discussing the candidates, Bee went over her thoughts on Gov. … All I heard was "our only hope for the survival of humanity is a presidential victory for Jay Inslee."…
Who Will the Democrats Nominate to Challenge President Trump?…the-democrats-nominate-to-challenge-president-trump-n2543478
– They are also the only candidates to previously run a national campaign. … As a result, it is very difficult to imagine that the two finalists for the Democratic presidential nomination will be a pair of 70 … That dynamic creates an opening for other candidates. California Sen.…
Sheep for Dinner?
– When we vote in presidential elections, we don't vote directly for the person, but instead vote for electors, who will then vote for … the candidates in the following month. … Bush lost the popular vote to Democratic nominee Al Gore. The Florida votes were recounted, and a U.S.…
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