Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

A Front-Row Seat to Biden's Open Border
– These are made out of thin rebar. A few steps away, wooden ladders used by other illegal immigrants are piled next to a dumpster. … While many illegal immigrants are still coming up from countries such as Venezuela, he says China remains the most frequent country … It turns out to be a group of 22 illegal immigrants: one single adult male, four unaccompanied children, and the rest are family units…
Bill Clinton Sweet-Talks Hispanics
– In his El Paso speech, President Obama avoided using the word “amnesty” and referred to illegal immigrants as “undocumented immigrantsillegal immigrants with better-looking documents and ignoring hundreds of miles of fenceless border. … There are approximately 11.2 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. today.…
Conservatives Debate Immigration Reform
– The flow of illegal immigration into this country is at a 40-year low, and deportation rates are higher than they have been at any … And whatever else President Obama has failed to do, he has deported more illegal immigrants than any president before him: 2 million … But her data don't actually make the case that present-day immigrants, mostly Hispanics, are assimilating at slower rates than previous…
'Utter Disaster': It's No Wonder the Biden Admin Tried to Bury November Border Stats…november-border-numbers-on-friday-before-christmas-n2632779
– number of illegal immigrants encountered at the southwest border since the Biden administration took over and set off the multifaceted … "These numbers are so bad, he wants as few Americans to see them as possible. … Only 2 Border Patrol agents here to move this mass of hundreds of illegal immigrants from around the world to a processing area.…
Border Crisis: Title 42 Has a New Expiration Date…is-title-42-being-officially-removed-has-a-new-date-n2616028
– Title 42 is a public health order that allows Border Patrol to quickly expel illegal immigrants during a pandemic. … immigrants amid illegal border crossings already being at an all-time high. … If you think things are bad now, just wait for the sh!…
It Was Always About the Wall
– A wall also would radically change the optics of illegal immigration. … Such imagery would remind the world that undocumented immigrants are not always noble victims but often selfish young adult males who … The wall would make illegal crossings almost impossible, saving lives.…
Romney Doing the Job the Republican Establishment Won't Do
– He is the rare Republican who recognizes that in-state tuition, driver's licenses and amnesty are magnets for more illegal immigration … If the answer is "no," illegal immigration is a bad deal for you. Cheap labor is cheap only for the employer. … Yes, many illegal immigrants work hard, but it's not our responsibility if their employers don't pay them a living wage.…
Who Is a Citizen?
– Is Mitt Romney in favor of increasing the number of illegal immigrants in the United States? … Kobach and a plethora of groups not only oppose illegal immigration but also want to drastically reduce the number of legal immigrants … , and they are pushing state legislation to deny citizenship to children born to illegal immigrants.…
Illegal Immigrants in DC Can Obtain Drivers Licenses…legal-immigrants-in-dc-can-now-get-drivers-licenses-n1748958
– District of Columbia Mayor Vincent Gray signed a bill today that allows illegal immigrants to obtain a driver's license. … This is a bad policy. … Immigration laws need to be enforced, and driver's licenses should be limited to those who are here legally.…
Disorder on the Border Remains a Problem for Biden Democrats…on-the-border-remains-a-problem-for-biden-democrats-n2637404
– Did they think having the government fly illegal immigrants by night into "sanctuary cities" such as New York and Chicago would go … Did they think Republican governors in border states wouldn't launch their own flights of illegal immigrants from Texas to New York … Letting in several million more illegal immigrants -- no one can be sure just how many -- will, in time, produce, either through loose…
Census Citizenship Question Is Lose-Lose Issue for Democrats…itizenship-question-is-loselose-issue-for-democrats-n2549876
– or undocumented immigrants with health care subsidies. … The bottom line is that 8 out of 10 voters believe illegal immigration is bad for the United States. … But the larger problem for Democrats is that illegal or undocumented immigrants are currently included in the calculations used to…
5 Reasons Illegal Immigrants Shouldn't Be Given American Citizenship…ns_illegal_immigrants_shouldnt_be_given_american_citizenship
– Let me tell you exactly why illegal immigrants shouldn't be given American citizenship. 1) It will only encourage more illegal … 2) Illegal aliens take jobs from American citizens. The economy stinks. American citizens are out of work. … Meanwhile, there are illegal aliens in this country holding jobs that American citizens would otherwise have.…
California Continues to Steamroll Its Citizens’ Rights by Appointing an Illegal Alien to a Statewide Post…by-appointing-an-illegal-alien-to-a-statewide-post-n2462039
– State—and an immigrants rights activist (read illegal immigrants rights activist) as a financial aid advisor.  … Translation: There are no shadows left in which illegal aliens are forced to live in California, and it is now time for them to take … Sanctuary cities—states, in the case of California—are the biggest threat to public safety in the illegal immigrant world.…
Flashback: 'No Sane Country' Would Reward Illegal Immigration With Automatic Birthright Citizenship Said...Harry Reid…citizenship-for-their-kids-is-insane-saidharry-reid-n2533351
immigrants – people who are clearly subject to the jurisdiction of foreign countries. … Illegal immigrants have a right under the Vienna Convention to consular contact if they arrested for a crime, for example. … It seems highly unlikely that the framers of the 14th Amendment meant to include the children of illegal immigrants.…
In Maryland County, A Sanctuary City Bill Was Torpedoed By Legal immigrants, Some Of Whom Supported Clinton…ry-city-bill-was-torpedoed-by-legal-immigrants-some-n2323896
– Legal immigrants and illegal immigrants should pretty much be together on this issue, right? Wrong. … “Do we really want more illegal immigrants in our country?” he said. “I don’t think the answer is yes.” Mr. … And the reason they can’t is because sanctuary cities are very, very bad aspects of social policy.…
Shocker: California's New Immigration Policies Are A Mess
– Earlier this week, California Democrats said they’re preparing to give illegal immigrants a host of new rights and privileges, one … I’ve interviewed dozens of illegal immigrants over the years, and they always say they want three things and only three things from … Then again, let’s also not marginalize the fact that illegal immigrants have broken federal law.…
White House Punts Illegals Taking Over Schools As a 'New York' Problem…gals-taking-over-schools-back-as-a-new-york-problem-n2633446
– Speaking to reporters at the White House Wednesday, Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre punted the issue of illegal immigrants kicking … immigrants were being moved from a nearby tent city into the school overnight due to bad winter weather. … Kids have to stay home because the New York City government is commandeering their school to house illegal aliens.…
Concerns Over Illegal Immigration Becoming Mainstream
– One federal prosecutor in Texas refuses to prosecute illegal immigrants until they have been arrested seven times. … Even more egregiously, he does not prosecute coyotes smuggling fewer than six illegal immigrants. … More than 50% of illegal immigrants enter the country through the Tucson sector.…
Report Uncovers Hidden Cost of Immigration
– You need to know how much of your hard-earned income the government is skimming off and diverting into handouts to immigrants and illegal … The cost of immigrants is so high because, as Rubenstein writes, "Immigrants are poorer, pay less tax and are more likely to receive … Of the 48.4 million public-school children, pre-K through 12th grade, 9.2 million or 19 percent are immigrants or the children of immigrants
The Conservative Case for Temporarily Stopping All Immigration To America…for-temporarily-stopping-all-immigration-to-america-n2090572
– "We are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens." – Mark Levin Immigration is not good for America. … Perhaps even more disturbingly, the problem is nearly as bad with LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. … Given how many Americans are out of work, how many immigrants are on some form of government assistance and how poor our vetting system…
Just In: New Numbers Shatter Kamala's Bogus 'Progress' Narrative on Border Crisis…r-kamalas-bogus-progress-narrative-on-border-crisis-n2628466
– immigrant encounters, fake-quasi-'legal' parolees, and known got-aways, it's very plausible that more than 10,000 illegal immigrants … The inability to locate illegal immigrants who have been apprehended and then released mean federal officials are likely to be unable … Millions of illegal immigrants have entered the US under this president, and the federal government has no earthly idea where vast…
The Irish Aren't Red-Headed Mexicans
– He said that illegal aliens aren't "bad people," but also "not people that would easily assimilate into the United States into our … Let's not sugarcoat what wonderful immigrants the Irish were. All immigrants have been a problem in their own way. … (Imagine a time when our worst immigrants were the Irish!)…
Sen. Manchin Would Betray Appalachia if He Supports Amnesty…chin-would-betray-appalachia-if-he-supports-amnesty-n2591596
– Over 172,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended in March alone, the highest total for March in over 20 years. … A continued influx of illegal immigrants would hurt the working-class folks that Senator Manchin claims to fight for. … It means cheaper meals out to eat, since restaurants can staff their kitchens with illegal -- or newly legalized -- immigrants who…
Is the Biden Admin Failing to Remove Illegal Aliens on Terror Watch Lists?…necessarily-removing-illegals-on-terror-watch-lists-n2623473
– As a troubling number of illegal immigrants match identities of individuals on U.S. terrorist watch lists, there's been a curious … "DHS has previously indicated in congressional correspondence that illegal aliens 'with terrorism related records who are encountered … But with the number of illegal immigrants flagging on terror watch lists now reaching monthly numbers greater than multiple previous…
Immigration Deformed
– We already know that, once granted green cards and ultimately citizenship, illegal immigrants will be able to access all public benefit … Additional public benefits for illegal immigrants should not be seen as far-fetched, given a Boston Herald report about the family … Illegal immigrants know this, which leads many of them to believe that even if they break the law to get here, they have a "right…
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