Results for: dissent from supreme power

A 'New Day' for Iran Will Realize the Promises of the 2022 Uprising
– The process resulted in the further consolidation of power and closing in ranks by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. … Now even so-called “moderates” from within the establishment have been systematically marginalized, unable to offer any conceivable … It is a lesson that Iranians of all demographics, from all walks of life, are eager to teach.…
Trump’s Legal Struggle Imperils Free Speech
– Last week, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments on a ridiculous ruling from Colorado’s top court that deemed Trump … In a functioning Constitutional Republic, the power to remove elected officials should ultimately lie with the voters. … The Supreme Court's decision to fast-track this case speaks volumes about its significance in 2024 and beyond.…
America’s Largest Corporations Are Contributing to Our Censorship Problem…orations-are-contributing-to-our-censorship-problem-n2635184
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. … Alarming as it is, this story is far from isolated. … Supreme Court. Both concern this destructive nexus of government and corporate power.   In National Rifle Association v.…
Liberty Relies on Rule of Law
– Meanwhile, the central government consolidated its power and worked with media companies to suppress dissent and even discussion of … be removed from their states’ primary ballots. … They have no shame in their unbridled efforts to accumulate power.…
Jack Smith's Desperate Gamble at SCOTUS
– This is an egregious misuse of prosecutorial power by Smith, and it should be harshly rebuked by the Supreme Court. … Several conservative Supreme Court justices have a markedly dim view of Roberts. … , which is likely to offend Supreme Court justices.…
O'Connor's Parting Dissents Highlighted the Twin Perils of Local Tyranny and Federal Overreach…quently-defended-property-rights-and-state-autonomy-n2632049
– The month before Justice Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement in 2005, she dissented from Supreme Court decisions in two cases … O'Connor's dissent began with a 1798 quote from Justice Samuel Chase, who cited "a law that takes property from A. and gives it to … While Kelo involved a constitutional limit on local power, Gonzales v.…
Iran's Presidential Meltdown
– Now there are visible signs of dissent, even with the ranks of the theocratic regime. … They know that a single spark could ignite a new revolution that could sweep them from power. … There is even growing evidence of defections from the IRGC and their thuggish Basij militia.…
Iranian Regime on Edge as Protest Anniversary Looms
– Within Tehran's inner sanctums of power and among its suppressive forces, an uneasy apprehension looms. … Within the regime's strategic calculus, the expanding MEK-affiliated Resistance Unitsemerge as foci of dissent. … Recognizing the power of these organized units, the regime strategically shifts to suppress them, employing tactics ranging from calculated…
Biden Must Put Human Rights Front and Center In Iran Policy…st-put-human-rights-front-and-center-in-iran-policy-n2587724
– Then-supreme leader Khomeini declared in a fatwa (religious decree) that anyone associated with the principal opposition Mujahedin-e … He has reportedly overseen an escalating crackdown on dissent, aspects of which an earlier Amnesty report titled "Trampling Humanity … effort to consolidate power.…
The Supreme Court's Failures to Act Are Putting America on a Path Toward Tyranny…to-act-are-putting-america-on-a-path-toward-tyranny-n2588295
From such glaring displays of indefensible Supreme Court inaction, the following incontrovertible truths have been set out in plain … A place where unquestioned obedience is expected and dissent from any of the state’s propaganda narratives can expect to be silenced … After all, how is a nation supposed to lawfully remedy the corrupt silence of a politicized Supreme Court from which there are NO readily…
Manchin Is Not the Media's McCain
– This is where you can sense that the only dissent liberal media outlets seem to enjoy comes from the left of their so-called "mainstream … That's proof that the view is different from the cheap seats." … Their grand power grabs are failing, from voting laws to Supreme Court expansion.…
Iran Regime's Sham 'Elections' and the Alternative
– But, this year, the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is desperate to consolidate power by ensuring his top candidate gets the presidency … When rival factions were purged from the presidential race this week, none of them mustered the courage to voice protest. … Six of its members are appointed by the Supreme Leader himself, while the other six are appointed by the Judiciary Chief, who is himself…
The International Community Must End Iran's Culture of Impunity for It's Leaders
– Not to mention that the president is completely subservient to the Supreme Leader, who wields ultimate power in Iran. … On July 10, a different growing voice will be heard from Iran and Iranians. … Tens of thousands of Iranians from all over the world, joined by pro-democracy activists from across Iran are expected to take part…
Unless Checked, Judges’ Power to Unfairly Punish Could Be Used Against January 6th Defendants…punish-could-be-used-against-january-6th-defendants-n2591404
Supreme Court or federal law. … Now, seven years later judges still are not prohibited from doing precisely what those three highly respected Supreme Court justices … House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003.…
Justice Scalia's Greatest Dissent
Supreme Court has been throwing off sparks at every turn. … Wouldn't any abuse of this statute be checked by Congress' power to impeach a president or the people's power to defeat him at the … , and from the perspective that multiple responsibilities provide."…
11 Principles for a Free America After the Liberals Secede…ciples-for-a-free-america-after-the-liberals-secede-n2160995
– We will become a beacon of freedom when the blue states’ Supreme Court finds the whole Bill of Rights unconstitutional. 2. … We need to strike down laws that protect entrenched business interests by keeping others from competing. … So, the loss of the blue states from the United States would be less a loss than an opportunity.…
The Clarence Thomas Story: An American Masterpiece
Supreme Court, inaugurating a tenure marked by unwavering commitment to principled originalism.Justice Thomas’s life is an only-in-America … The current era of muscular federal power showcases that courts need not coddle federal power to protect Washington from the states … This was a reference to Justice John Harlan’s 1896 solo dissent in Plessy v.…
The Left's Different Approach to Rights That It Opposes
– You probably don't think so, particularly if you took part in the celebratory riot of good feeling in the wake of the Supreme Court's … -- have the unilateral power to put American citizens on a secret list barring them from exercising two constitutional rights: the … As Justice Clarence Thomas put it in his Hellerstedt dissent: "The Court employs a different approach to rights that it favors."…
As If On Cue…
– I had to check to see if somehow they were running a show from 2008. They weren’t; it was new. … Radical Islam operates on a mentality from 1,000 years ago. … One side believes in the largess of the state, the other the power of the individual.…
Rudy’s Right and His Critics Know It
– Enforcers from the Left are scrambling to delegitimize Rudy Giuliani’s statement that he doesn’t believe Barack Obama loves America … He opposes the Constitution’s restraints on national and executive power. … He opposes its protections of people’s property, speech, and active dissent.…
Another Dred Scott Ruling?
– That 1857 ruling of the Supreme Court said it was legal to take slaves from slave states into free territories and the slaves would … Justice Curtis’ dissent in Dred Scott. … This is what the Supreme Court threatens in its latest entry into legislating from the bench.…
First Lessons for the Trump White House
Supreme Court nominee – this White House has tackled many issues in whirlwind fashion. … Sure, they have a right to protest and register their dissent. … from establishment Republicans.…
BREAKING: Neil Gorsuch Confirmed 54-45, Will Join SCOTUS Next Week
– McConnell endured endless carping from his colleagues across the aisle, kept GOP dissent to a minimum, and ignored Democrat-friendly … objections from the press. … They will certainly be back in power someday, but so will Republicans after that.  …
America Should Be Ready, Venezuela Might Become the Next Syria…uld-be-ready--venezuela-might-become-the-next-syria-n2317171
– In their quest for more and more power, Chavez and then Maduro made reliable access to basic necessities a virtual impossibility. … Maduro then had the Supreme Court dissolve the Congress after the Venezuelan people stocked the legislature with opposition members … This administration would rather starve its people than relinquish power.…
Liberals Want To Kill Free Speech, So We Patriots Must Fight Back…to-kill-free-speech-so-we-patriots-must-fight-back-n2317165
– Understand that if America is stupid enough to let liberals take power again, they will persecute and prosecute normal Americans like … us who dare to dissent. … Look, the left has told us what it wants – the power to force us to be silent and submit.…
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