Results for: abortion pregnancy

Bill Clinton's Speech at the DNC Was Tragically Ironic for These Pro-Life Activists…dnc-as-pro-life-activists-convicted-under-face-act-n2643759
– While Democrats may have been pro-choice on abortion at the time, they've since ramped up their views to bring us the most pro-abortion … Not once, but twice, he vetoed legislation known as the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, which outlaws an abortion performed late in … would limit access to birth control, ban medication abortion, and enact a nationwide abortion ban with or without Congress.""…
Dems at the DNC Whine About Abortion Access, but Here's the Catch
– "Together, we must protect abortion rights," declared Gov. … Eleven states allow abortions if the pregnancy results from rape or incest. … So does the Guttmacher Institute, a left-wing research group, from a pro-abortion angle.…
A Laughing Beshear Won't Apologize for 'Vile' Comments Wishing Rape on JD Vance's Family
– The governor then reminded how obsessed the Democratic Party is with by abortion by bringing up stories from abortion activists who … forces, many of them from outside of Ohio, women and minor girls can get an abortion up until birth for any reason in Vance's state … The ticket also believes in states being able to decide their own abortion laws after the Dobbs v.…
A Democrat Attorney General Targeted Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers. Here’s How the Centers Responded.…n-pill-reversal-heres-how-pro-life-groups-responded-n2643187
– New York Attorney General Letitia James is being sued by pro-life pregnancy centers in her state for targeting them for providing abortion …  “Letitia James is a vocal abortion advocate who has made no attempt to hide her deeply entrenched animus against pregnancy help … , after taking the first abortion pill.…
Does Life Begin at Conception? Science Has a Voice
– Complications and quandaries immediately appear.If life begins at conception, then every abortion is murder -- the intentional taking … deserving of life than the mother by any moral metric.The United States Constitution would prohibit any state from permitting abortion … The Constitution permits states to punish abortion as murder, to permit abortion on demand, or choose something in between.Neither…
A ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law Took Effect in One State
–  Previously, abortion was legal in the Hawkeye State until around five months of pregnancy, well into the second trimester. …  Iowa’s legislation is a sharp contrast to many Democrat-led states, like New York and California, which expanded abortion access … On the contrary, pro-life states worked to protect unborn life, which Townhall covered.The Associated Press reported abortion clinics…
Kamala Harris’ Extreme Abortion Policies Coming to a State Near You…xtreme-abortion-policies-coming-to-a-state-near-you-n2642511
– more extreme abortion agenda than that of her predecessor if she’s elected. … Her record and actions prove that she is a ‘shout your abortion’ candidate who supports no limits on abortion – even in the seventh … , eighth and ninth months of pregnancy.…
Kamala Harris Supports Women’s Rights Except When She Doesn’t…arris-supports-womens-rights-except-when-she-doesnt-n2642854
– She supports women’s rights on some occasions, such as the “right” to abort a baby at any time during a pregnancy, opposing the Born-Alive … Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and supporting the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021, all of which are discussed here.…
What Is Kamala Harris' Biggest Accomplishment As Vice President?…la-harris-greatest-accomplishment-as-vice-president-n2642671
– Harris' big achievement was...visiting an abortion clinic? This is a party that is not "pro-choice" on abortion. … It is actively pro-abortion. … Harris' position is that taxpayers must fund elective abortions for any reason, on demand, throughout all nine months of pregnancy,…
Kamala Harris Endorsed by Major Pro-Abortion Group
– She has been an especially powerful advocate for abortion rights, and broke new barriers as the first Vice President to visit an abortion … provider and to invite abortion providers to the White House. … czar.5 things to know about Abortion Czar Kamala HarrisWhile @JoeBiden has trouble saying the word abortion, @KamalaHarris shouts…
Kamala Harris Could Be Your Worst Nightmare
– She rails against anyone who opposes abortion at any stage of pregnancy or for any reason.…
Massachusetts State Government Erects Pro-Abortion Billboards…s-launches-asian-american-voter-outreach-initiative-n2641609
– Centers" and direct them to a government website that attacks pro-life pregnancy centers. … centers and turn toward abortion. … ,” Pregnancy Care Alliance of Massachusetts told Fox News Digital.…
This State Is Being Sued for Rejecting a Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative…sued-for-rejecting-a-pro-abortion-ballot-initiative-n2642062
– Pro-abortion supporters are suing the state of Arkansas after the secretary of state rejected an extreme ballot measure last week. … Amendment.⁰⁰Abortion will NOT be on the ballot in November! …  The law these activists want enshrined in the state would prohibit abortion restrictions in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.…
Here's How Democrats Are Going After Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers…emocrats-are-going-after-pro-life-pregnancy-centers-n2641743
– resource centers, sometimes referred to as “crisis pregnancy centers," or CPCs.Pro-life pregnancy centers provide women with resources … can obtain an abortion and are instead talked out of it. … Maura Healey, a Democrat, launched a public education campaign against pro-life pregnancy resource centers.…
Extremist Democrats Count on 'Fact-Checkers' on Abortion
– Nothing in that language expresses any time limit on an abortion. The "right to choose" is absolute. … Wade" and that ruling's apparent discouragement of abortions late in pregnancy. … on demand later in pregnancy.…
Pregnant Democrat Contemplates Aborting Her Unborn Child
–  She claimed that because of her age, she is considered a high-risk pregnancy with possible complications. … The Democrat suggested she was concerned that if Trump were in office she would not be able to get an abortion late in her pregnancy … The section on abortion was significantly softened from its original 2016 document.…
Don’t Turn Away from Your DNA, GOP
– We see this belief carried out in every federal and state law proposed and passed by Dems: unlimited abortion throughout pregnancy …  The Democrats’ platform demands funding for Planned Parenthood and their abortion “services.” … Democrats are the Pro-Abortion Party. Republicans are the Anti-Abortion Party.…
Arizona's Attorney General Just Clarified the State's Pro-Life Law. Here's Why It Matters.…ified-the-states-pro-life-law-heres-what-it-matters-n2641290
– of her pregnancy to avert her death,” or “a delay [in providing an abortion] will create serious risk of substantial and irreversible … Throughout all this, Cox claimed she sought the abortion for her own health. … abortion that Americans do not support,” Adam Schwend, the western regional director at Susan B.…
Pro-Life Leaders Insist RNC Not Weaken Pro-Life Provisions in Party Platform…s-rnc-include-pro-life-provisions-in-party-platform-n2641300
– As we get closer to the Republican National Convention taking place this month, how the party plans to frame abortion for the party … Trump’s anti-abortion record as president.Mr. … Ralph Northam (D-VA) who infamously supported leaving a child to die from a failed abortion.…
Fact-Checking the Two Presidents
– There are two extreme positions on abortion during pregnancy: that it should never be legal, or that it should always be legal. … A reasonable inference from that answer is that abortion should always be legal, regardless.In the debate, Donald Trump claimed that … Wade allows for abortion to be outlawed once the fetus reaches the point of viability outside the womb.…
Biden Was Asked About Trump's Impact on Abortion Access. It Didn't End Well.
– , Trump said that the two parties are beginning to come together on the issue of abortion and that he would not outlaw the abortion … in all three trimesters of pregnancy. …  President Biden, angered by Trump highlighting infanticide, breaks from Dems on abortion: "We are not for late term abortion.…
SCOTUS Officially Announces Decision in Idaho Abortion Case
– United States, which surrounds the issue of what the Biden administration touts as “emergency abortion care.” … In addition, the state law includes criminal penalties of up to five years in prison for anyone who performs one or assists an abortion … This appears to be a "win" for the Biden administration's aggressive pro-abortion agenda.…
SCOTUS Decision for Major Abortion Case Accidentally Posted Online
– wrote.Reportedly, Justice Elena Kagan authored a concurring opinion, stating the decision "will prevent Idaho from enforcing its abortion … ban when the termination of a pregnancy is needed to prevent serious harms to a woman's health,” adding that allowing the injunction … In addition, the state law includes criminal penalties of up to five years in prison for anyone who performs one or assists an abortion
Roe v. Wade Was Overturned Two Years Ago. Here's What Kamala Harris Said About It.
– Democrats will stop at nothing to push their pro-abortion agenda. … Since, extremist legislators across our nation have passed ban after ban after ban [on abortion]. … Cox eventually traveled out-of-state for the abortion to end her unborn daughter’s life.…
Democratic Nominee in Key House Race Against Don Bacon Hasn't Been Very Forthcoming on Israel…nst-don-bacon-hasnt-been-very-forthcoming-on-israel-n2640973
– He has, however, posted plenty in recent days about abortion, especially in light of the Dobbs v. … Jackson anniversary from Monday, and to advertise his event pro-abortion event for Saturday.Falling right in line with this fearmongering … narrative from Democrats, Vargas even had his wife featured in a video message to detail her health concerns during her pregnancy
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