Results for: "creepy joe"

Biden Sure Had a Creepy Moment Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud About What His Staff Doesn't Want Him Doing…out-loud-about-what-his-staff-doesnt-want-him-doing-n2645166
– had a habit of making people uncomfortable with how he approaches women, including young women, thus earning him the nickname "Creepy Joe … children and adult women uncomfortable by touching or sniffing them at public events — with his political adversaries dubbing him 'Creepy Joe
GOP Sen. Recalls Moment Joe Biden Got Handsy With His Wife
– been caught inappropriately touching and smelling young girls' hair several times, so much so that critics have labeled him "creepy Joe
Biden: Oh, I Wish I Could Beat Up Trump For Those Remarks He Made About Women
– Well, gee, ladies—where would you be without creepy Joe Biden standing there to say he wishes he could time travel and beat up a person…
Sen. Coons Calls Biden a 'Model' for How to Handle Sexual Assault Allegations…iden-a-model-for-handling-sexual-assault-allegation-n2568392
– He's earned the moniker "creepy Joe" after a long government career spent touching, smelling, and whispering secrets in the ears of…
This Is a 'Closed Issue': Pelosi Turns on the Spin to Protect Creepy Joe…she-sees-tara-reades-allegations-as-a-closed-issue-n2568273
– House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Tuesday said Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden are "case closed." "I have said I'm proud to support Joe Biden for president. I believed him when he says [the sexual assault] didn't happen. But I also believe him...
Yikes: Here's How Biden Reacted to the Stereotypes that He's 'Creepy' and 'Lame'…onted-with-the-stereotypes-that-hes-creepy-and-lame-n2568723
– We've all seen the memes of Sleepy Joe and Creepy Joe sniffing young women. … The top three results were "Dementia Joe," "Sleepy Joe," and "Creepy Joe." Not very flattering.…
Twitter Explodes After Biden Makes Creepy Pass at Young Girl…xplodes-after-biden-makes-creepy-pass-at-young-girl-n2614583
– The political commentator said “creepy Joe Biden is at it again,” while the conservative duo Hodge twins tweeted “Biden’s handlers … Creepy Joe is at it — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 15, 2022 Another Twitter user said “So…
Creepy Joe Biden is Back, Tucker Carlson Reveals Shocking Allegations From Ashley Biden's Diary…eveal-shocking-allegations-from-ashley-bidens-diary-n2608955
– Last year, creepy Joe Biden caused uproar over his comments about a girl at a Virginia military base, saying "I love those barrettes…
Ashley Biden's Shocking Diary Is Real, Confirming Creepy Joe Biden Allegations…diary-is-real-confirms-creepy-joe-biden-allegations-n2612267
– Two Florida residents pleaded guilty to stealing President Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley Biden’s diary; and then selling it to the conservative group Project Veritas.  Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander admitted in a New York City federal court to conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property involving the theft...
Does Joe Biden Have 'Me Too' Drama Heading His Way?
– And yes, she also cited Ash Carter’s wife being manhandled on stage because…that’s a prime example of a creepy Joe story [emphasis…
Caught in a Time Warp
– Former Vice President Joe Biden has transitioned through headlines and photographs from affectionate Uncle Joe to Creepy Joe, shorn…
Joe Biden's Apology
– There are playlists of "Creepy Joe Biden" videos on YouTube.…
'It's On Us:' Joe Biden Promises To Not Manhandle Any More Women
– It could get nasty, but for now, Creepy Joe has released a video where he said that he wouldn’t manhandle women as much (via WSJ):…
Creepy Joe Comes Out Of The Closet
– Wait…this is episode 66? We’ve lasted this long without getting fired, so I guess the show goes on, right? And what better way to execute episode 66 than talking about how Joe Biden is now a total creep, who likes to touch women on the shoulders from behind, smell their...
Twitter Ain't America
– The phrase "creepy Joe Biden" generated half a million Google searches.…
The Bidens: They're Still Not Like Us
– Now that Creepy Joe Biden thinks he has put to rest all the cringy questions about his grabby hands, he has reverted to one of his…
The GOP Base Is Done Tolerating RINO Collaboration With The Democrats…ne-tolerating-rino-collaboration-with-the-democrats-n2546315
– Establishment payback down the road – a nice job on K Street, an appointment as the token GOP Secretary of Mediocrity for President Creepy Joe