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Biden Is a Weapons Grade Disaster

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AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

As the world teeters on the edge, the truth is clear: Joe Biden is the worst president in modern history. The fight we're now engaged in is the ultimate one that will determine if America survives. This is what you get when you have a president whose brain is oatmeal. The arrogance of this administration doomed it from the start.

They came in thinking they could ride this "Trump is gone" wave for four years. Wrong. We're stumbling from one crisis to the next. Now, we're increasingly staring down the barrel of nuclear war with Russia.

Our economy is being supported by matchsticks, and Joe Biden wants to exacerbate his gas price crisis by cutting off Russian oil and gas imports. To those infuriated by the spike in fuel costs, this administration has taken the "just buy an electric car," let them eat cake approach, which spits in the face of Americans. Biden takes a blowtorch to our oil and gas industry and now has the gall to lie about how he's the king of domestic energy production?! That would be Trump, old man.

Don't forget Gigi Sohn. She's Joe Biden's nominee for FCC commissioner, and she's hell-bent on destroying us forever. She will seek to regulate conservative media completely out of existence and collude with Big Tech to make sure the truth is censored Soviet-style. The enemy is at the gates. Liberal state media is a few small steps away. But we've been fighting to take her nomination down, and we may have a last-ditch chance to win before she gets confirmed... however, we need your help to keep fighting.

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There's a boatload of stories that need covering. The border is still not secure. Our own Julio Rosas has been there to cover the chaos. Inflation is an issue, a big one—and Biden barely mentioned it during his State of the Union address. COVID is over. The political science shifted, so now Democrats and the media are abandoning the plastic wrap agenda. They're getting away with murder.

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Biden has totally lost it. He isn't up to the task of being president - he's too stupid, too slow, and too mentally diminished. We know it. The world knows it. That's why we need to fight to tell the truth and save America. But we need your help...

We don't follow the leftist narrative, and we won't back down. Join us in the fight by becoming a Townhall VIP member.

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Also, Let's Go, Brandon.

- Matt Vespa
Senior Editor

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