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What the Democrats Want to Give America

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AP Photo/Wong Maye-E, File

From Breitbart: “Report: Angry North Korean Workers Occupy Chinese Factory, Beat Manager to Death.”

Here is the first paragraph of the story: “A group of North Koreans sent to work in a Chinese seafood factory last month rioted and occupied the building to protest unpaid wages, Japanese media revealed Sunday. During the protest, they took a factory official hostage and beat a representative of the owning company to death.”


According to further information, North Koreans working in Chinese factories isn’t uncommon, and they get paid very little. In fact, if they even do get paid, they get less than they were promised, as the Chinese government keeps most of their wages for “expenses” and “contributions” to the motherland. This bunch of NK workers apparently heard a rumor that they weren’t going to be paid at all, that their wages were to be used to finance “war preparations” against South Korea, but that actually the money was being embezzled by high-ranking officials. So, these workers rioted and killed a company manager.

I lived in China, remember, and worked for Chinese employers. I can believe every word of the report above. In fact, it happened to me, so why shouldn’t I believe it?

And this is what the Democratic Party wants to give to America. Totalitarianism.

When you have a totalitarian, one-party system (the only kind of totalitarianism), the ruling class can do whatever it wants, certainly whatever it can get away with. There are “hierarchies” within the system, of course, and the guy with the biggest stick usually wins.  But the common people never have any stick at all. They have no leverage, they have no power, they have no influence, all they can do is what these North Koreans did and riot. The Breitbart story doesn’t say what happened, in the end, to the North Korean workers, but it doesn’t take much imagination. More than likely, if they are still alive, they are lounging in a slime pit North Korean gulag somewhere.  It won’t be the Hilton.


Most Americans have absolutely no clue how utterly vile and corrupt the communist system is. They read people like me say how “utterly vile and corrupt the communist system is,” but they’ve never experienced it (I have), and “surely it can’t be that bad” (it is). By the grace of God and the extreme wisdom of our Founding Fathers, America has never had such a system, so we have no practical experience with it. The stories are just words on a page to most Americans. I can tell you, from my own personal experience, and from continuing to talk to many Chinese people, that what those North Koreans workers went through—being robbed and lied to by their employers—is exactly the truth. Actually, that’s about the nicest thing Chinese “masters” do to their slave laborers. At least I’m still alive, was never in a gulag, and was never beaten for a misstatement. Literally dozens of millions of Chinese did suffer such torment, and ultimately death.      

It’s what godless, atheistic, Leftist, totalitarians do. They have no reason not to. Their morality is expediency, totally self-centered, totally narcissistic, and why not? This is the only life we are ever going to have, so we might as well enjoy it to the fullest, i.e., do whatever we can get away with, and so what if it hurts or kills somebody else? They are going to die someday anyway. We all are. What does Hitler care, right now, what we think of him?

Yeah, I know what those North Koreans experienced. Within two months of working for a Chinese employer, he was stealing money from me. The next month, he informed me he was going to cut my salary, which was already a pittance. When I resigned because of it, he stole another pile of money, including my computer, from me. I had no leverage against him, I was totally in his power because that is the way the communist system is set up. Oh, there are supposedly laws to protect workers, but when I sued him, the judge decided in his favor. I got nothing. What do you do in a system that doesn’t respect the rule of law or have any honesty or morality? Well, yeah, it was my fault for moving to that toilet bowl country in the first place.


My Canadian friend here in Thailand (whom I met in China) has a Chinese girlfriend. She had to quit her job when her boss, who drives a BMW, said she didn’t have the money to pay her employees. It doesn’t just happen to Americans and North Koreans. Another former student of mine was working for a company with 500 employees. He quit when they told him they didn’t have enough money in the bank to pay him. They were lying and he knew it, but, as he told me, “the government doesn’t give a s**t what they do.”  He recently had to quit the next job he got because “the boss was terrible.” Yeah. Been there, done that. When I left the thief who was stealing from me, I went to work for another company that underpaid me. They assured me, “Yes, your previous employer broke the law, and we will help you sue him.” They lied. They did nothing but cheat me, too. I left them in the middle of my contract and came to Thailand.

One former student wanted to take the Chinese civil service exam after she graduated from college. The government wouldn’t let her because her father—not her—was a member of a Christian prayer group.  

I could tell you an endless number of stories like this. It’s not the Chinese people, it’s the godless, Leftist, totalitarian system they live under. The very system the Democratic Party is working overtime to bring to America.

Well, I’m warning people. It’s all I can do. It’s real, folks.

Subscribe to my substack mklewis929.substack.com for more on Leftism, our Founding Fathers, and true freedom. My “Story of the Bible” series will help you understand God’s Word. Follow me on Twitter: @thailandmkl.  Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  


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