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Black Lives Matter

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Genna Martin/ via AP

I'm a conservative, and I agree that black lives matter. Why is this even controversial?

Conservative's policies, values, and principles have demonstrated over the decades our deep concern and compassion for black lives, black futures, black upward mobility, and black educational progress. Meanwhile, progressive policies put in practice in Democratic-controlled cities across America and the national education system from K through graduate school have created, nurtured, and empowered the most devastatingly racist outcomes in the past century for black Americans.


Why should conservatives take a back-seat on these issues to the failed progressive leftists who have allowed decades of squalor and urban decay from Baltimore to Detroit to Los Angeles while enjoying one-party domination and control? Make no mistake; left-wing Democrats have had free reign and completely unencumbered power to institute any policy they've wanted in every major city in America since the late 1960s and look at the state of African-Americans in those cities today.

This is the moment for conservatives to stand up and be heard. Yes, black lives matter. That's why black voters should give us a chance.

Black education matters. That's why conservatives decry the failed government-run schools that have devastated opportunities and futures for black Americans for over fifty years. You think it's hard to fire a corrupt, ineffective cop who abuses his authority because of internal protections and labor agreements? Try firing a lousy teacher with tenure in a government-run school.

If black Americans think we have "systemic racism" in our government, why on earth do they want to hand their children over to that same government and entrust them with their education?

We are conservative, and we believe black lives matter. Defund the government-controlled schools and allow black Americans to use their tax dollars to choose a better school for their children.

Black churches matter. That's why we conservatives are in favor of empowering black churches and faith-based communities to have private-public programs to tackle societal dilemmas like drug addiction, homelessness and domestic violence. We agree that law enforcement officers should not be the first responders for issues that involve cultural decay and mental health concerns. Criminalizing addiction and schizophrenia is not a construct of the conservative movement; it's a construct of the political philosophy that all of society's ills are remedied with a new government program and bureaucracy.


If black Americans think we have "systemic racism" in our government, why on earth do they want to create more government-controlled social programs and community centers and feel-good initiatives?

We are conservative, and we believe black lives matter. Defund government-run social programs run by ineffective bureaucrats and reinvest tax dollars in black churches, faith-based programs, and mental health facilities that have shown to make a real and significant difference for homelessness, addiction, and domestic abuse.

Black jobs matter. That's why we conservatives want to throw off the shackles of taxation and regulation so that black entrepreneurs can thrive. We want black Americans, whether they wear a blue-collar to work or a white-collar, to keep their hard-earned money so they can spend it on the things that improve their lives and their children's futures. It's not a coincidence that the economic decay in America's largest cities coincides with the highest tax rates in the country. Black Americans want a bigger paycheck, just like everyone else.

If black Americans think we have "systemic racism" in our government, why on earth do they want to continue to empower that government to confiscate more and more of their hard-earned wages and wealth?

We are conservative, and we believe black lives matter. Defund the tax-collecting apparatus in America so that black Americans can keep and spend their money on improving their lives rather than building a bigger government that will abuse its power.

Black families matter. That's why we conservatives decry the culture of abortion and fatherless families that have grown exponentially in African-American communities. If progressive Democrats value black lives, why are they so eager to fund and promote abortion as a means of birth control? Abortion has devastated the black family, and the modern abortion movement in America was invented by Margaret Sanger, a racist eugenicist who is seen as a hero by the same radical leftists who march for black lives while marching for the killing of black unborn babies.


If black Americans think we have "systemic racism" in our government, why on earth do they want to have that government pay to kill more unborn black babies and encourage welfare programs that replace black fathers in the home with that systemically racist government's money?

We are conservative, and we believe black lives matter. Defund Planned Parenthood and welfare programs that incentivize fatherless families.

This is the point where the radical Left will tell us that "Black Lives Matter" is about systemic racism in the criminal justice system and police departments need to be defunded and reimagined. 

OK. Let's talk about that.

No conservative in America can deny that law enforcement is capable of abusing their power and behaving as though they are above the law. If you've followed the Obamagate saga and the corruption at the highest levels of the Department of Justice and FBI you'd agree that James Comey and Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok and Loretta Lynch abused their power, infringed on several American's civil rights and railroaded Gen. Michael Flynn with false charges, bullying, and intimidation.

If the FBI and the Obama White House can be so corrupt and abuse their power so easily without any hint of criminal repercussion (as of now), then why is it hard to believe police officers could do the same?

We are conservative, and we recognize that power and authority can corrupt and government figures from the beat cop to the clerk at the DMV to the IRS auditor to a school teacher to the FBI director to the president of the United States are capable of abusing their power. All government authority figures must be held accountable for their actions and face the same criminal repercussions you and I would face.


Black lives matter. Conservatives agree. We just don't buy into the solution promoted by the radical leftists that have controlled the governments, schools, and culture that have contributed to the problems black Americans face in their communities. We have a better way.

The solution to a systemically corrupt government (whether it is corrupt due to racism or due to the kind of abuse of power we've seen throughout world history whenever a government has control over its citizens) is not to implement more socialist programs that are doomed to fail the communities the Left has been promising to help for half a century.

Every white, liberal politician from Joe Biden to Nancy Pelosi to the Cuomo family has been promising black Americans that if they could just have more money and more control they'll be able to fix everything, and in Baltimore and New York and San Francisco and Detroit they've had their way.

How's that working out?

The solution is to defund the ineffective, neglectful, and power-hungry government at all levels and empower the individual with their own freedom and their own money to live their lives and make their choices unencumbered by the all-powerful fist of the state.

Black lives matter, and we conservatives want a chance to prove it. What have you got to lose?

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