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This Is Going to Be a Close Race

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There was a ray of sunshine recently for Joe Biden. A bit of hope in what looks like a sea of crusty, perverted, corrupt despair. Shower Daddy got a poll in from Fox News, and that poll isn't very favorable, but it has him up by two. Biden hasn't been up by two in forever, and everybody else says he's not up by two. Is it a good or bad poll? Who knows. Here's the thing. This is going to be a close race. It's not going to be a blowout. People are thinking this is going to be easy. People are thinking it's going to be a Ronald Reagan-Jimmy Carter landslide. Hell, maybe a Ronald Reagan-Walter Mondale landslide. Dude...there are a lot of stupid Americans out there. I think we underestimate how dumb many Americans are. 




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