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The Crumbling States of America

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.
AP Photo/Reed Hoffmann

If you’ve taken notice of the condition of our nation’s soul recently you’ve noticed we’re in deep trouble.

I’m not referring to a casual loss for a Senate seat in the second consecutive run-off in Georgia in three years. Nor am I referring to the “divide and dominate” approach the left has employed with literally the smallest margins and tightest divides in American political history.


I’m referring to the essence of who we are as a people, and why we aren’t what we thought we were. More importantly, the things preventing us from becoming the nation we need to appear to be out of our reach. Add to this the reality that corruption is a more deeply embedded part of the process than ever before and we are quickly slipping down the icy backside of the mountain towards the landing place in the utter abyss.

Consider our values. 

In the first 24 hours following the announcement of the release of Brittany Griner, nearly every pundit in the media, cow-towed to the obligatory “don’t get me wrong, anytime we get an American back—I’m happy.”

So we’re supposed to be thrilled that someone who hates us as much as her captors did got released, instead of a marine who served his country with dignity?

Not only that—just hours after calling out gun owners across the country Mr. Biden released a gun-selling ghoulish villain who equally hates America. My national security sources tell me they believe that said terrorist, Mr. Bout, is already on his way to see action in Ukraine against the interests and resources we have invested in trying to keep Ukraine free.

So forget about the sad speeches of Biden claiming children are dying at the hands of guns, and instead welcome home a freakishly talented basketball player, who’s been convicted of domestic abuse, has a chemical dependency and just hates her nation. She hates it enough at least to protest it by refusing to acknowledge the national anthem.


Consider the responses.

Like the armed forces we humiliated in Afghanistan, we left a Marine behind in Russia. A man who has been detained for nearly four times as long as Griner was. 

Within a single day, Russian news chat programs were discussing our unfathomable decision to take the basketball player and asserted that one of the reasons the Marine was left behind was due to his heterosexuality. THEY WERE SAYING IT OUT LOUD!

In the next breath, they praise the ghoul for being a hero and how happy they were to have him home.

Meanwhile, stateside Karin Jean-Pierre gaslights the American media by telling us that it was the basketball player or no one. This is a flat-out falsehood if the now scrubbed original NBC report was true showing that the administration was given their choice of the two.

Unconfirmed reports also state that the administration never even asked about Whelan.

By the weekend Rebekah Koffler, author of “Putin’s Playbook” is confirming to my listeners that Putin desperately wanted Bout back and that he will likely receive a battlefield command in Ukraine in short order. And for a cherry on the sundae, Koffler revealed Putin’s already planning more prisoner swap proposals. One in her estimation would yield equally good prospects for the Russians and equally poor ones for the US.


KT McFarland, a former Pentagon official for multiple administrations—including President Trump—revealed the reason it went down the way it did. “No one is afraid of US,” the national security expert confirmed. She also recounted how all the bad actors feared Trump: Putin had zero invasion of neighbors, Kim Jon Un ceased bad behavior, Iran was out of the nuclear deal, and Xi Jinping watched as Trump carried out a missile strike enforcing his red line in the sand in Syria.

The American left believes the way we get America to be more “liked” in the global community is to disarm our strengths, expose our weaknesses, and allow our enemies to walk all over us. The last three years have proven textbooks on that theory—in being the opposite of the truth.

When America is feared (respected) for our strength, the entire globe becomes safer. 

America’s image has been crumbling since Biden took office. With failure after failure, much of it now lies in shambles at the feet of those who wish us ill.

President Trump put the world on notice that as President his focus would be to protect America and provide for her common good. In doing so much the rest of the world benefitted from his policies.

Mr. Biden believes only in the protection of his inner circle and in figuring out a way (as the big guy) they can provide for his common good.


Our union is crumbling, our borders are smashed, and our respect has been obliterated. No one fears America therefore evil runs wild.

And with corruption embedded so deeply into the ability of the people to elect the persons of their own choice (I.e. Maricopa County, AZ allowing 294k plus votes to be counted that had no persons attached to the ballot) the outlook seems dire.

What the circumstance requires is a fighter, a builder, and someone who stands up to our enemies and for our way of life. 

In other words the exact opposite of what incompetent buffoons currently in charge offer.

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