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So WHY Not?

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AP Photo/David Goldman

It was only a handful of weeks ago that most of America heard of the name of Antrim County Michigan for the first time. 

But the consciousness of the populous was changed markedly after doing so. The GOP voters there headed to bed on November 3rd believing they had won, on November 4th believing there were questions, November 5th believing they had lost, and November 6th being told that “no... they had indeed won after all.”


The process and length of time it took to get the results were way out of whack from normal. And the outcomes so highly irregular that the local officials felt a bit more investigating was needed.

In just a simple hand canvassing of signature qualified paper ballots the officials discovered that the machine totals did not match the paper totals and that in a swing of nearly 33 percent of the county, candidates from school board officials to the president had actually secured a victory that the county, secretary of state and the Michigan attorney general would’ve certified falsely. 

We also heard something else for the first time. 

Dominion Voting was discovered to not only have been used in Antrim County but in more than 40 additional counties in the state of Michigan. On November 8th, the AP reported that the Michigan Department of State headed by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson claimed a clerk’s oversight in the tabulation errors.

Imagine if 33 percent of those 40 counties were as badly in error as Antrim County was proven to be. But then we discovered that Dominion Voting was being used across 1,600 counties in nearly 30 states, and intriguingly they were being used in all six of the eventual states in question. 

And did you know to date no other signature verified audit/canvass/recount has been allowed in any of those counties? Politically biased elected state judges in those mostly Democrat strongholds have disallowed them, and in Georgia the Republican governor and secretary of state are so deep in bed with Dominion they may end up impeached before all is finally revealed.


With all of that as context then the events of this last week become very important. 

A judge in Antrim County ordered that a third party be allowed to run a forensic analysis on 22 Dominion Voting machines last Sunday. They were allowed 8 hours. 

The third party had pledged to make the results public within 48-72 hours. Yet by Friday they had not.


Because the same county officials, secretary of state, and attorney general for the state of Michigan, intervened in the courts petitioning the court to prevent disclosure of the results of the audit.

Their legal reasoning—get this—election security.

They expressed fear that allowing the transparent audit’s results to become known might tip a hand that would prevent them from being able to conduct a future election safely. Full stop.

As if rigging a 33 percent upset hadn’t demonstrated that enough already.

They also again tried to lay the blame of the original malfunction at the feet of a local Republican clerk. Then they issued statements to the public via the press to be wary of wild claims that the third party audit might reveal.

One reason they may have said that is because the lead attorney working for the third party audit team claims the team, based on the evidence retrieved, can prove that the vote switch didn’t come from a faulty clerk mis-tabulating totals, but rather a computer connected to the tabulating system. 

Dana Nessel, the Attorney General for the state of Michigan, knows something about the election in Antrim County that she is disallowing from being made public. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson does too. But she’s been busy making up claims about Trump supporters being armed and protesting at her home.


Antrim County gave us the tip of the spear of truth regarding Dominion Voting. It may now also hold key evidence of a nationally stolen election.

And while Democrats keep saying show us the evidence, they continue to use the power of public office to prevent the people from seeing the evidence that does exist. 

That they don’t want us to see it is likely pragmatic and self evident. 

But if they want the American people to have confidence in the election of 2020, wouldn’t it make sense to have ultimate transparency?

So why not?

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