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New Sin

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"Global warming is an offense against God, and God is going to hold us accountable if we don't do something. He is going to judge us."

So warns conservative Republican Richard Cizik, the District-based vice president of government affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals, in an interview with the Covenant News Service.



There must be something in Oklahoma's drinking water that breeds conservatives.

The American Conservative Union is out with its annual list of five senators who scored a "perfect 100 percent" in the ACU's annual Ratings of Congress: Tom Coburn and James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, Jim DeMint of South Carolina, Jon Kyl of Arizona, and John Barrasso of Wyoming.

Boat for Barry? If the late senator's supporters in Congress have their way one of the nation's future nuclear aircraft carriers will be christened the USS Barry M. Goldwater. Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican, is behind a resolution to name one of the U.S. Navy's new carriers after the former Arizona senator, who was a pilot in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II and later a major general in the Air Force Reserve.

Born in the Arizona Territory in 1909, Mr. Goldwater was elected to the Phoenix City Council in 1949 and went on to become U.S. senator from 1953 to 1965 and again from 1969 to 1987. He was nominated by the Republican Party as its candidate for president in 1964.

Mr. Tancredo praised Mr. Goldwater for being an "avid a proponent of a strong national defense as he was a staunch opponent of communism and totalitarianism."

Tenor's tune

That was renowned operatic tenor Placido Domingo, who sings the lead role in the current Washington National Opera production of Handel's "Tamerlano," being saluted this week on Capitol Hill for stirring the lives of millions in this country and around the world.


"It is his 130th role, an unprecedented feat," Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat, noted of Mr. Domingo's latest performance in the District. "He paid me one of the nicest favors last year when at a special function, my wife, Marcelle, asked him to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me. Rarely has the simple tune been heard with such color and finesse. It was a moment that I will never forget."

Chinese drills

If it isn't already in your neighborhood, a gallon of gasoline will soon cost $4, with projections of $5 in the not-too-distant future.

But now one congressman is warning that $8 a gallon isn't out of the question unless some drastic measures are taken soon. Writing an op-ed for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Rep. John Kline, Minnesota Republican, calls for opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to "environmentally safe production," while increasing offshore drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf.

"Clearly, drilling for oil in Alaska or in the Gulf of Mexico is not a short-term solution, but if we continue down this course of inaction, we may still be discussing plans for rising energy costs when gas reaches, say, $8 per gallon," he says.

The congressman points out that the Chinese are drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba.

Aiming high

What do a bowling alley and courtroom have in common?


That would be Melissa Rhea, who grew up in her family's bowling alley in small-town Alabama and went on to roll two perfect 300 games in tournament bowling.

Now, the senior trial lawyer in Washington, who works at the malpractice law firm of Jack H. Olender & Associates, has received the D.C. Trial Lawyers Association's coveted "Trial Lawyer of the Year" award.

Reached yesterday, Mr. Olender was not surprised with Ms. Rhea's selection.

"The same work ethic and determination that made Melissa excel as a champion bowler has enabled her to become a champion in court," he explains. "It's always 'practice, practice, practice.' "

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