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Republicans Must Unite Against Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: The Abortion Extremists

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AP Photo/Joe Lamberti

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz represent the most extreme ticket in our nation’s history regarding abortion, and Republicans must not allow them to seize control of the levers of power.


Some conservatives have suggested sitting out this election due to concerns that President Trump has not been sufficiently firm in his pro-life convictions. As a staunch advocate for the pro-life movement, I believe this is not only a mistake but also a dereliction of duty in our mission to save lives.

While I share some reservations about recent statements made by President Trump and changes to the Republican Party platform, these concerns must not overshadow our commitment to protecting life in the face of evil.

In March 2024, in St. Paul, Minnesota, Kamala Harris became the first Vice President in history to tour an abortion clinic. Accompanying her was Governor Tim Walz. This visit marked the beginning of Harris and Walz’s collaboration, aimed at showcasing the Biden-Harris administration's commitment to abortion on demand. They chose this clinic specifically to highlight Minnesota’s newly enacted abortion policy, The Pro Act.

This legislation, signed into law by Governor Walz, legalized abortion up until the moment of birth in Minnesota, with no exemptions. It also ended requirements to provide life-saving care to babies surviving abortion and to report such cases, leaving no opportunity to truly know how many late-term abortions even occur. This lack of transparency serves to conceal the atrocities of the Pro Act.

To make matters worse, these are not new revelations for Governor Walz. As a member of Congress representing a socially conservative district in southern Minnesota, he once provoked Nancy Pelosi with his extreme pro-abortion views, prompting Pelosi to advise him to “tone it down.”


In 2018, Walz inadvertently voted in favor of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (HR4712), which provided medical care to babies who survived abortion. Walz later reversed his vote with a personal exemption.

As Governor, Walz also defunded pregnancy resource centers—organizations that provide critical resources for families, such as diapers, wipes, formula, and counseling services for mothers in need. His Democrat trifecta even removed language that would have made baby items tax-exempt in Minnesota.

After all, the business of killing babies isn’t free, and Democrats are willing to have taxpayers foot the bill for the greatest injustice of our time.

Now, as the pro-life movement faces a crucial test following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Kamala Harris is poised to pack the Supreme Court alongside a man Nancy Pelosi deemed too extreme in his pro-abortion stance.

What will they do with that authority? They will return power to the federal level and enact the same policies that led them to that abortion clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota.

I too considered abstaining from this election for similar reasons as some in the pro-life community. However, standing idly by while handing power to the most extreme abortion ticket in our nation’s history would be catastrophic to our cause.

I have marched for life on the steps of the Supreme Court, volunteered at local pregnancy resource centers, and fought for the unborn as part of my Students for Life chapter. This fight is personal for me, and the pro-life generation must stand up in the face of evil.


President Trump is a fallible man, just as you and I are, but he is our only ally in this fight. We must set aside our differences for the millions of lives that hang in the balance.

The choice could not be clearer: Do we support the man who helped overturn Roe v. Wade, or do we support those deemed too extreme even by Nancy Pelosi?

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are not the answer to our shared mission. If the pro-life generation allows them to seize the levers of power, we won’t be preserving life; we will be destroying it.

Dustin Grage is a Minnesota-based Republican Strategist and President of Honeyhive Strategies. You can find his latest commentaries and subscribe to see future contributions. Follow him on X/Twitter at @GrageDustin.

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