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Lying Hacks and Morons

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Paula Lobo/ABC via AP

However much you hate these leftist so-called “journalists” is not enough; you need to double it. Then double it again, and you might get close to where they deserve to be thought of, but doubt it.

I force myself to watch these people and their shows occasionally. I woke up this morning and watched “This Week,” which is still called “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” even though George doesn’t host it very often (egos and contracts). These people reinforced every bit of hatred I had for them.

Martha Raddatz, who, along with fellow left-wing hack Jonathan Karl, actually hosts the show, needs rotten fruits and vegetables thrown at her in public. She is awful. 

Raddatz declared anything happening in Springfield, Ohio, to be a lie and racist because Haitians are better than Americans. ABC News, the rest of the media, and the idiot Governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine, still haven’t gone there to see anything for themselves because that’s too much like work, so they’re all declaring something not to be based on the word of a local Democrat elected official who stands to benefit from that lie. Why would anyone trust that?

Smart people shouldn’t, and normal people shouldn’t. Neither group appears to have any representation in the media.

It’s amazing what you won’t find when you refuse to look for it. Are Haitians eating pets? I don’t know. But I do know I won’t simply take the word for it from the person who would be most politically damaged by it being true on the local level, as the leftist media and some dumb Republicans have. 

Is it beyond the pale that people who come from a country where people eat literal dirt cookies wouldn’t have a problem eating a dog? How about grabbing a goose out of a park? Of course not. Yet, they pretend like it is and, naturally, declare admitting as much to be racist.

It’s not racist to acknowledge reality. Of course, it’s a reality that not a single person on that show, or even in that industry, is directly impacted by it. They’re rich; they live in rich areas regularly patrolled by police, gated communities, doorman buildings, etc.; what the hell do they care about? What’s happening somewhere, people they look down their noses at live?

They don’t. 

Susan Glasser, unoriginal blogger for the New Yorker, wrote what you’d expect from someone so inside the bubble that they’ve suffered oxygen deprivation. Naturally, the Democrat declared the Democrat the winner – she’s not about to risk her job with an original thought. Then she wrote, “I’ve watched every Presidential debate for the past two decades, and I can’t think of anything that ranks higher in pure stupidity than Trump ranting and raving to a national audience about immigrants supposedly eating people’s cats and dogs. His line about how the vice president ‘wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison’ was pretty memorable, too. What the hell was he talking about? No one knows, which was, of course, exactly Harris’s point. Trump was so unprepared for the debate that even he did not seem to know what he was saying at times.”

First, is having watched debates, which is part of her job, something people are supposed to be impressed by? Naturally, she also dismissed the possible happenings in Ohio because no good drone would dare question a narrative.

Then she shows her ignorance of the news, which is presumably another part of her job to follow, by showing how confused she is by the trans in prison issue.

She was sitting at a computer when she wrote that but could not be bothered to search for and read the CNN story about how Kamala Harris said exactly that to the ACLU in 2019. Glasser simply declared it to be false. 

Susan then tweeted it, getting hammered by Community Notes, and then, like a good liberal, ignored everything and let the lie stand. Her New Yorker piece reads the same to this moment, with no one at the magazine having any problem with one of their bloggers lying to their readers long after they’ve been proven so.

These are bad people, all of them. Not one of them gives a single damn about what’s happening in your life unless they can exploit it for ratings, money, or both. Otherwise, they lie to advance the cause of the Democratic Party. However much you hate them, it is not nearly enough.


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