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Democrats Need To Put Their Trump Cards On The Table

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It’s been 7 years since Donald Trump rode that escalator down to the lobby in Trump Tower to announce one of the greatest publicity stunts in history. The only problem for those who thought it was all an attention-getter was Donald Trump went on to win the presidency. From that moment on, every aspect of Trump’s life has been the subject of wild speculation and straight up lies. There really isn’t anything he hasn’t been accused of, yet there isn’t anything that has ever been proven. It’s time to put up, or shut up.


Think about it: Short of murder, what hasn’t Donald Trump been accused of doing or at least trying? Actually, forget that because I’m sure someone out there on the left has accused him of murder too.

Everything else, I can reliably say, he’s been accused of. The only problem is they haven’t ever proven anything, and progressives have yet to install a form of justice where you’re automatically innocent if you’re on their team, and automatically guilty if you’re not. OK, that’s not true – that system doesn’t exist nationwide, but it is the norm in a place like Washington, D.C. Most other places not named New York or California a person who does not conform to left-wing orthodoxy can still get something of a fair trial. At least for now.

Those headhunters are out for Trump, and you can tell the tenuous nature of their allegations by the locations where they are launching their investigations, places like Atlanta and New York City. Even with the home field advantage, Democrats haven’t been able to bring in indictments. The famous saying “A prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich” is true, but with even with that they still haven’t gotten him charged with anything.

Think about it: Trump has been accused of treason, theft, tax evasion, and “collusion with Russia” (which their own investigation found he didn’t do and, at least as far as I know, isn’t a crime even if he had), and everything else from J-walking to inciting a riot. Where are the charges? 


The truth is Democrats don’t want the charges, charges mean a trial and a trial means an open examination of the evidence. That last bit is what they offer can’t stand up against.

The January 6th Committee is the perfect example of this. Nancy Pelosi disallowed any Republican who might question witnesses or assertions in a skeptical way. She ended up with 2 “Republicans” who agreed with the left’s pre-approved conclusions. The public, to the extent they paid attention (which isn’t much) didn’t really buy the idea that this was any more than a witch hunt, but it was a way for Democrats to try while keeping the anti-Trump fires burning in their base.

That committee, and none of the other investigations launched years ago seemingly for the express purpose of trying to bankrupt anyone associated with then President through the imposition of legal fees, have produced nothing of substance. The corrupt Attorney General of New York campaigned on investigating Donald Trump. Not for anything specific, because there were no allegations or evidence, but to just see if she could find anything with which to charge him because she hates him. She won, because it’s New York, and has crawled through every nook and cranny of Donald’s life. The best they could come up with is harassing a top employee to plead guilty on tax issues. If you gave your taxes to 3 different accountants they would come back with 3 different results, so getting a plea out of someone you’re financially ruining to stop the bleeding is not the most sincere admission of guilt, in my book. Think General Michael Flynn. 


When something is reported in the liberal media disappointingly like, “But for prosecutors who have long sought to indict Mr. Trump, Thursday’s hearing was something of a consolation prize. Mr. Weisselberg refused to turn on Mr. Trump himself, something prosecutors had hoped he would do since they charged him with 15 felonies last July,” it is most likely a plea to stop the beatings, not an admission of truth.

Donald Trump either inspires the most loyalty humanly possible in everyone who works for him to the point that every employee is more than happy to risk prison to cover for their mastermind boss, or he hasn’t done anything.

Look, I’m ready to believe any politician is corrupt, but you’ve got to offer more than just the word of someone with an agenda to vouch for it. I need evidence, evidence that holds up to scrutiny and witnesses whose story survives cross-examination. When it comes to Donald Trump, nothing the obsessed left has offered up comes close to doing that. 

The only conclusion that can be drawn is it doesn’t exist. It isn’t for lack of looking, it isn’t for lack of willingness to do anything, no matter how corrupt, to get their way, it might just be that Donald Trump is clean. It could be that his only crime is existing wrong in the minds of Democrats. 

Donald Trump is the left’s “White Whale,” and those Captain Ahabs aren’t about the let their lack of proof dissuade them. So it’s time they put all their cards on the table – let us see what they think they have, including by releasing all the affidavits that led to the issuing of a warrant to search Mar-A-Lago – so we can judge for ourselves what they actually have or don’t and get on with our lives. 


Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily nationally syndicated radio show, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


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