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It's Unsettling How Stormy Daniels Has Lawrence O'Donnell Sounding Like a Harlequin Romance Novel

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Artisanal-Crafted Narratives – MSNBC

  • And AOC thinks everyone wants to date her – Lawrence is creepily focused on Stormy!

As the press is particularly focused on the testimony of Stormy Daniels in the Trump case, it is remarkable what they have to deny. There is the contradiction of her prior claims, her having already lost in a court case to Trump, and then all of the similarly lurid details involving Trump being eclipsed by Democratic Party icon Bill Clinton. (Including a payout to his paramour in excess of $800K.)

On Lawrence O’Donnell's show, they picked apart the testimony of Ms. Daniels, and particular focus was on where she detailed the alleged tryst with Trump, and the panel was beside themselves over her claim they had sex without using (GASP!) a condom! This would be the point where it is helpful to remind everyone she is a former porn actress.

Larry was particularly fascinated with Stormy's appearance as she strode into court. Just behold this DEEPLY uncomfortable detailing of her appearance he regaled his audience with, live on camera:

She entered wearing all black. The loose fitting plain black clothing draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun. The makeup was minimal, the way she and the other moms in her neighborhood might look when shopping at the local grocery store. The long blonde hair held up with a clip at the back of her head the way it might be in a utilitarian way while she was doing dishes, or checking one of the horseshoes on her horse.

Most amusing was Larry describing what he claims was the mood in the court, when by the sounds of it all, described his own reaction:

Well the excitement and anticipation in the room hit a new high…

It seems O'Donnell accidentally let some of his fan fiction find its way onto the MSNBC teleprompters!

News Avoidance Syndrome – CNN

  • What more proof is needed that someone needs to point out Daniel Dale's bio to…Daniel Dale.

On his Twitter account, CNN's resident fact-checker has this as his biography: "Fact-checking the president, 2024 candidates and others."

We offer this reminder to Dale because he seems to have forgotten his own mission statement. On CNN, we watched as Joe Biden sat for a rare interview and promptly lied to Erin Burnett, telling the reporter that when he took office, the inflation rate he inherited from Trump was at 9%. Wrong-O, because the figure was a meager 1.4%.

This seemed like just the kind of thing Daniel Dale would (make that, should) be jumping all over in his job duties. But no, Daniel is far too busy to correct the man running the country – he's been on the case of another man in need of having words rectified!

Gilded Reframe – NEWS NATION

  • To understand, today we are supposed to listen to him as an authority on the subject he previously lied about?

Chris Cuomo just sat in on a podcast, and during the interview, disclosed that today he takes regular doses of Ivermectin to combat the lingering effects of his bout with Covid, which he famously had contracted years ago. He infamously had demonized Joe Rogan – and others – years ago for taking the same drug as a means of combating the virus. 

What makes this so galling is Cuomo today stating that back in 2021 he took that stance of raging at those suggesting the drug could help because that was the information the journalists had been given at the time. Allow me to humbly call this complete and utter rhinoceros dung.

In 2021, CNN was saying anyone suggesting Ivermectin as a possible helpful agent was risking the health of humans and was calling the medication a "horse dewormer." This, despite it being verifiable that the drug was applicable for humans across a variety of uses. There was the Nobel Prize for Medicine awarded to doctors who discovered one of the latest applications for human remedy. And this is not us Monday Morning quarterbacking this issue: We covered this very FACT in this column at the time.

That means CNN either knew or should have known this at the time. It also means that Cuomo can zip up his cannoli vacuum regarding this subject.

First Amendment Strike Force – CNN

  • Finding this journalist offensive over this detail is all the more reason to ignore the bleating from these collegians.

Amid all of the upheaval seen across college campuses right now, this one seen at Dickinson College is rather small in nature. That is not to say it is any less stupid, however. Since the protests seen at Dickenson are not nearly as disruptive as some of those seen at other schools, they are able to proceed with their graduation ceremonies – however, they will need to bring in a new voice for the ceremony.

Due to some cranks on campus, the scheduled commencement address from CNN and Sirius XM pundit Michael Smerconish has been canceled. It turns out that the kids have taken exception to an opinion the mostly neutral and largely inoffensive commentator has expressed. It was actually one line…from a book Smerconish wrote…20 YEARS AGO.

He responded to the decision:

The twisting of an uncontroversial book when I wrote it twenty years ago without acknowledgment of the context in which it was written — and the resultant cancellation of constructive graduation remarks — is regrettably a reflection of our times. I am collateral damage. This will not dissuade me from seeking to be a voice of reason in unreasonable times.

Blue-Anon – MSNBC

  • When fever dreams become political analysis.

The court case involving Donald Trump's classified documents issue was completely tossed into the trick bag once it was discovered that Jack Smith may have falsified evidence. In other words, he mishandled the documents in the case of Trump mishandling documents. This has tossed the entire case up in the air, and as a result, the trial has been delayed. This upsets a great deal of people on the left and the press (yes, we know, we know…). 

The pundits, however, need to keep the dream alive and also need to avoid Smith screwing up his own case. This means that the ire of journalists has been focused on Judge Aileen Cannon. Since she is called a Trump appointee, there are all manner of accusations now that this delay is her doing Trump's bidding. Joy Reid has taken this already stretched premise and made it now hair-thin. 

Reid declares that Cannon is doing this with the enterprise ahead that if Trump gets elected, the judge will become appointed to the Supreme Court. Don't bother asking what evidence there is to lend anything to approach support for this hypothesis; this is Joy Reid we are talking about, after all.


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