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Stephanie Ruhle Notes Inflation Is Due to Peer Pressure, and More Bad News from The Tragic Kingdom

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Townhall Media

"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage of the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation. We'll look to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


Gilded Reframe – MSNBC

  • Discussing the economic concept of price hikes due to rumor-mongering.

Recently this year, and especially since her move to replace Brian Williams at 11 pm, Stephanie Ruhle has positioned herself as an economic expert. This is not to say that she actually is such an expert. Case in point, last night, she was discussing the current strife with inflation and specifically looking for ways to avoid placing the blame on the White House.

Her read on the matter? We are all to blame for higher prices because we are talking about it.

- "Another thing the Fed can't do, though, is control media hype or political agendas. In some ways, we're talking ourselves into an inflation frenzy. When you talk about it every minute of every day, then every possible business out there raises their prices, why? Because they can. Cause no one's going to argue, why are you raising that price? Inflation, inflation, inflation. Every restaurant, I can't get enough workers, and they're not acknowledging because of COVID and outside seating – they have now doubled the amount of customers they serve every day."

There you have it. Prices will come down and the economy will recover if you people would just shut up about how bad things are! 

Presentation Paradox – ASSOCIATED PRESS

With the impending SCOTUS ruling due to arrive concerning the prospects of Roe v. Wade, the AP is deeply concerned about the potential for attacks on abortion clinics as a result. This is a particularly curious stance, given that one would expect those attacks now, with widespread legality. But also curious is the lack of concern we have been witnessing of attacks already taking place – on pro-life organizations.

Almost grudgingly, the AP followed their lengthy hand-wringing opening of this article by getting around to admitting that since the leaked draft memo that came out of SCOTUS, dozens of violent attacks have been recorded.

- "Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America said there were more than 40 incidents of violence, intimidation and vandalism at pregnancy centers and churches in recent weeks."

Both Kinds of Standards – NBC NEWS NOW

  • The hard news about January 6 does not sit well with the press.

On his now dispatched daily show "Meet the Press NOW," Chuck Todd wrestled with the concept that it was only Republicans ignoring the allegedly huge news of the Capitol riot investigation. The host grappled with the announcement that the January 6 Committee was now delaying its next hearing to an undisclosed date in July. Chuckles asked Betsy Woodruff Swan of Politico if this move means that the impact of the J-6C is not breaking through with Americans at all. As pained as he was in asking the question, Betsy's answer had to hurt even more.

- "I don't think it does. I talked to two separate Democratic members of Congress the last couple of weeks about January 6. And both of them have said, offhandedly, 'Nobody gives a bleep about January 6,' when they're talking about their districts and the way elections play out."

Pre-Written Field Reports – THE DAILY BEAST

  • This is what it looks like when you try to insult those who actually agree with your position.

It is always a pleasure to see those journalists reacting in activist fashion based on assumptions they make about the other side, proceeding to step on a rake in the process. As possibly the one journo who could be more obsessed with race than Joy Reid, Wajahat Ali is as dependable as they come with making sweeping pronouncements that are based on his bias and not facts.

He responded to the SCOTUS ruling in Maine, which gave parents the right to apply tax dollars to private schools, and gave what he felt was a stinging rebuke to the ruling.

Not only is this any kind of problem for anyone on the right, but Ali displayed his reactionary ignorance as he seems unaware that an amicus brief was filed in this case by the Religious Liberty Initiative of Notre Dame on behalf of Catholic, Muslim, and Jewish schools in the state.


Fresh off of the news from this weekend of the big theatrical release "Lightyear" becoming a big disappointment at the box office, now Disney is looking at dealing with significant internal strife, with CEO Bob Chapek coming under severe fire.

Abigail Disney, daughter of Roy and granddaughter of the revered Walt, is making moves with major investors to have Bob Chapek's salary trimmed down in light of the numerous issues with the company this year. One of those issues was self-created and backed by Abigail. She is fiercely opposed to the Florida parental rights in education law – as she delivered an unhinged rant about it back in April –  and her now-embattled CEO voiced their corporate opposition to the law, and it has led to a PR nightmare for the company. Now, after Chapek reacted in what was said to be an appropriate fashion back then, he is under fire for the aftermath.


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