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CNN Basks in the Glory of Retaining Toobin

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"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage on the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation. We'll look to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


Presentation Paradox – CNN

  • Maybe try lecturing to the mirror, Jake.

Across the news spectrum, the serious journalists are sure concerned with the drama surrounding the game show "Jeopardy." Now, the latest is that the deposed host of the show, Mike Richards, is also deposed producer, as he has been let go by Sony from working on the show and "The Price Is Right."

At CNN, Jake Tapper saw this announcement and felt he had a pithy observation to make on the matter.

It really comes off as unseemly to be lecturing on higher standards from the network with Jeffrey Toobin on the payroll.

Glossary Over Things – CNN

  • The network is basking in the glory of their decision to keep him on the air.

And on the topic of CNN's resident self-abuser, Mr. Toobin was asked to sit in today and deliver comments on the new Texas law putting tighter restrictions on abortion. It is just wrong-headed enough to have him weighing in on this subject, but then he goes and delivers this unfortunate commentary on the air.

- "A real blow against the Supreme Court's institutional reputation."

Just...yikes. Then he took to Twitter and continued with the fractured discourse.

Okay, first – phrasing! Secondly, this is the man who had an affair with Casey Greenfield and reportedly tried coaxing her to have an abortion. This is who the network felt was a good representative on this subject.

Keep up the great work, CNN. You are burnishing your reputation daily.

Gilded Reframe – THE BULWARK

  • It seems unclear how this shift fits in with the "Principled Conservatism™" Bill Kristol touts.

While understandable that he is tied up in knots today for having promoted this disaster of a president so strongly, Bill Kristol is no less hilarious in his fumbling and grasping to explain away his position. Following this self-created disaster in Afghanistan, Kristol is facing the plunging support for Biden and flailing as a result.

This is where the Never Trump crowd has wandered off to. They will now start voting against Democrats, which means they began this from the standpoint of full Democrat support – the position they staked out as "True Conservatives." They cannot even make up their own minds on where to find their principles.

Legalized Press-titution – USA TODAY

At USA Today, the ever-eager Biden cheerleader David Rothkopf penned a list of items he claims critics of the disastrous Afghan withdrawal have gotten wrong. The level of spin he employs to exonerate Biden of blame for the fiasco is both lengthy and laughable. Just some of his entries:

BIDEN OWNS THIS  - He cites decades and numerous leaders as behind the actions when it was Biden's abysmal plan of extraction that led to disasters, but Dave tries excusing this in his second entry.

HE OWNS THE CHAOS OF THE EXIT - Dave blames this on the Taliban, even though Biden and Gen. Milley initially assured they would not sweep in so rapidly.

WE SHOULD HAVE WARNED THOSE IN COUNTRY – Dave says they were all warned in April. He completely avoids Biden pulling the troops before we got Americans out safely.

THE EVACUATION WAS BUNGLED – Rothkopf actually denies this. "No. It started off badly but turned out to be masterful." Murdered Marines, untold billions in warfare in the hands of terrorists, and Americans still left behind – Masterful.

As for the PEOPLE WHO ARE LEFT BEHIND – "It is wildly unrealistic to think the United States could remove everyone at risk from Afghanistan." 

It is unclear if he thinks leaving no men behind is a foreign concept or if he believes our military to be so inept that getting all Americans out was too big of a chore. Also, note how earlier he blamed those people who were warned ahead of time.

First Amendment Strike Force – CBS NEWS

  • It should make one pause when they are beginning to agree with a Communist regime.

On the "CBS This Morning" broadcast, they reported on the crazy oppressive government policy passed in China, where the authorities are going to limit how much screen time children will be able to have to play video games in a week. Wait, did I say it was a crazy notion? Host Tony Dokoupil sets us straight on how this is a super idea.

- "This is the whole government saying like, 'You cannot have video games on weekdays.' Amazing. What do they know that we don't?"

A Chi-Com policy that restricts personal liberty. This is what a CBS News host is raving about on the air.


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