Tens of millions of people from all walks of life across the United States support President Donald Trump. Men and women. Wealthy and poor. Black, white, brown and every skin tone in between. Backers of his administration's policies are diverse, and they are many.
So, too, are the reasons for supporting and reelecting him to serve America for another four years: His unapologetic and full-bore efforts to improve America's trade policy and willingness to withdraw from international deals that don't put America first. His ironclad commitment to our great ally Israel and tremendous accomplishment of helping the Jewish state secure two new peace deals with its Arab neighbors. His support of the American worker and demonstrated ability to trade business as usual for smart business moves.
But when you boil it down, Trump really only has two types of supporters.
The first type is the Americans who are all-in for Trump with a devotion the likes of which we have rarely seen in American politics. These are the people who view Trump as the sole source of straight talk and adamantly believe that he can do no wrong.
These supporters are fully devoted to him, both in personality and in ideology, elevating him to near cult status. They reject criticism, unwilling or unable to recognize that he is like all of us -- imperfect. Instead, they deign his speeches, statements and social media posts the sole source of information worthy of their trust. They believe, with fervor, that the only person with the ability to lead our country forward is Donald J. Trump.
In the worldview of this Trump supporter, the media is eminently untrustworthy. Any and all criticisms of the president or his actions or rhetoric are overlooked and ignored, shoved aside with the label "fake news." Any critique of Trump's policies or personality is considered an ad hominem attack by the liberal media. For these men and women -- who comprise much of what is referred to as his base -- Trump's every utterance takes on the sheen of immutable truth.
These Trump devotees are loud and proud, donning MAGA hats and adorning their vehicles with Trump 2020 flags. They are outspoken and quick to rush to Trump's aid to defend him as he punches back against every perceived slight.
The other camp of Trump supporters is the silent majority. These people have tremendous support for the policies enacted by the president and believe that he is fulfilling his pledge to make America greater. That being said, they do harbor some concerns about his controversial style.
If we are being honest, then we would have to include a majority of Republican senators and congressmen. Privately, they are willing to express concerns about the president's behavior or his erratic style. At the same time, they will work tirelessly to back him and endeavor to secure his reelection because they believe that the ends justify the means.
And what are the ends? Qualified conservative nominees to the Supreme Court. Reduced government spending and waste and the elimination of bureaucratic red tape. More business-friendly economic policies.
Since Day One, Trump has been a revolutionary president, unlike his predecessors, demonstrating the courage to shake things up and refusing to accept the business-as-usual approach in Washington, D.C., which has failed the people for generations.
While these more measured supporters may find the president morally questionable at times, and disapprove of divisive rhetoric and bombastic tweets, they also see immense value in the changes he is bringing to this country. Despite their frustrations, they are willing to look the other way when it comes to his shortfalls because the policies he is enacting are right.
Religious communities may be uneasy with many of his actions, but they are still willing to stand with him to keep America close to our cherished Judeo-Christian values, even if our leader sometimes fails to demonstrate them with his pugilistic approach.
In the end, Americans will have to choose between a Democratic ticket that will jerk America toward a hard-left socialist slant or a president with the proven ability to create jobs and restart our economy.
Is Trump perfect? Of course not, but that is a standard to which none of us should be held. On many occasions, I have expressed disapproval about certain choices he has made and encouraged him to pursue a more unifying approach.
But make no mistake, President Trump is the right man for the job at a time when America needs strength, confidence and optimism.
To find out more about Armstrong Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.
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