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So What Happens After Election Day?

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Should Donald Trump win, we will see things that we have never seen before.

I still don’t know if our votes were counted in 2020. We received absentee ballots in a chaotic manner: some were mailed to Israel, others were sent to our US address, and some of us received two ballots, while others received none. The ones that reached us here were shipped back to the officials in Clark County by fast mail. I received a confirmation of delivery from the Israeli postal service, but in our personal data at the Nevada site, there was no word that our ballots had been counted. Then immediately after the election for a period of a few months, there was no way to enter the website of the state election body. So did we vote? Yes. Were our votes counted? I don’t have a clue. We have a better plan for this time around to make sure that our votes are counted.


While many indicators such as early voting results, betting websites, general polls and overall campaign vibes would suggest a future victory for Donald Trump, it isn’t over until it’s over.. Never write the Democrats (sic) off, no matter who is at the top of the ballot. My family and Israeli friends think that I am nuts when I tell them that California passed a law that forbids local election officials from demanding to see a picture ID in order to vote. They think that I am making a joke. No, Gavin Newsom and his posse are making a joke of elections and the United States of America. If you want to enshrine fraud in US elections, then you pass the very law California now has on the books.

But let’s be hopeful. Let’s say that Donald Trump wins beyond the margin of cheating and 5 days of vote counting. He is the undisputed champion for the 2024 election cycle. What happens next? In European systems (including here in Israel), a new government can take power as soon as it has its affairs in order. Sometimes it requires a few days to weeks to cobble together a coalition. But two and a half months? Almost unheard of. So what will happen during that long period of transition of power? Much of what we will see will be coordinated but presented as being grassroots and instantaneous. What comes next:

*Riots. The BLM and Hamas folks will be funded to riot continuously in big cities and reprise the death and destruction of the summer of 2020. The charge may be that the vote was stolen or that Trump will be Hitler times Stalin to the power of Mao. There will be endless excuses to cause mayhem, and in blue states and cities, there will be little political interest in stopping the rioting and violence. Jews and whites will be blamed for Trump’s return to power.


*The electors will be attacked. As in 2016, A-list actors and the like will beg electors to violate their Constitutional obligations and change their allegiance from Trump to Harris. The woman who was handed the nomination without a single delegate will expect 271 electors without having won them. It is hoped that the electors will stay true and stick with their Trump representation until the end of the process.

*The Congress will get beyond creative. The Democrats will invent new reasons why Trump cannot be certified as the 47th president. His being a “convicted felon” will somehow be found to make Trump unable to be allowed to return to power. New Constitutional theories will come from the mouths of elected officials and Department of Justice lawyers, as they try to figure out how to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the Oval Office.

*The Biden Factor. Joe Biden could either deny that Trump won, stay quiet or accept the results. As Biden appears to dislike Kamala Harris and the Obama team for pushing him out of the plane without a parachute, he would have no reason to help them post-election to steal the job from Trump. My guess is that should Trump win, after a few days, Biden will announce that he will meet with the once-and-future president to discuss the orderly transfer of power. It will be one more finger poked in Harris’ eye and as Biden knows that he is on his way out but his legal risk remains, making nice with Trump might be a good business decision for him and his family.

*The News/Social Media. If you think that they have lost their minds during this campaign cycle, wait until they have to explain why Donald Trump cannot be allowed to return to power, even though results suggest that he won fair and square. They will come up with endless theories that Putin controls him or that the Republicans stole the election or that Donald Trump having so many legal proceedings against him cannot be allowed to have the nuclear codes. They will go even deeper into their task as shills for the Democrats and will use their pulpits to incite against Trump and all of those who voted for him.


Donald Trump winning offers hope for sanity: a controlled border, ejection of illegal aliens, especially criminals, a rejuvenated military focused on China and not pronouns, freedom of speech, a thinner federal government, and a better economy for the American people. The Democrats pulled out all stops prior to the election with bogus stories, fawning Harris interviews, suicide bombers masquerading as debate moderators and the rest. If Trump wins, they will not accept the results or resign themselves to four more years of orange man bad. Just as in Israel, where the left understood that changes to the supreme court would be the end of their control of the country, Democrats will realize that the loss of the White House means that all of their globalist, Soros-funded dreams are going to die on the vine. They will not roll over and play dead.

So first, vote. We plan to vote and to make sure that our voices are heard. Watch out for and report any apparent fraud or election shenanigans. And should Donald Trump win and better yet, should the Republicans take Congress, make a l'chaim and then get ready for open warfare against your candidate and ultimately your right to express your political preference. The Democrats, even broken, will not go quietly into that good night. So be ready to fight for your candidate until January 20, 2025.

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