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Pelosi: You Know Comey Might Be A Casualty Of This Election

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) warned that FBI Director James Comey is probably no longer up to the job anymore and he could be a casualty of the 2016 election if Hillary Clinton becomes the next president of the United States. She also delved into the tired talking point that the Russians are hacking Democrats to possibly help Donald Trump in the election (via Washington Examiner):


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that FBI Director James Comey could become a casualty of the election given his decision to publicize a probe into new emails related to Hillary Clinton with just a week to go before voters head to the polls.

"Maybe he's not in the right job," Pelosi told CNN. "I think that we have to just get through this election and just see what the casualties are along the way."

Pelosi expounded on Comey’s double standard concerning Trump and the Russians, referring to the CNBC story that Comey said it was too early to declare the findings of a probe into Russian activities this close to the election. At the same time, The New York Times reported that there is no link between Trump and the Russian government, “And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump,” reported the publication. That’s not necessarily earth-shattering news: nations spying on each other. Heck, Obama was quite embarrassed when it was exposed that he was spying on our allies in Europe. It’s just the nature of geopolitics—and unless Trump is in cahoots with Putin, which he’s not, there’s really no reason detail anything other than preventive measures to ensure our election system will be safe, which isn’t what the Democrats want. They want a link between the GOP nominee and Russia, which doesn’t exist.


Again, the FBI was going to be a player in this election cycle no matter what, given that the Democrats decided to nominate someone who might have mishandled classified information by setting up an unauthorized and unsecure email server while secretary of state. It was a criminal investigation. It’s been reopened since 650,000 related emails from a top aide’s estranged husband’s laptop were discovered in that house of horror probe.

Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner shared the same laptop that was used by the latter engage in illicit online interactions with an underage girl. That’s a separate investigation, which meant the FBI needed to obtain a new warrant to review those emails, which they got last Sunday.

Clinton is a presidential nominee. She’s the subject of two investigations by the FBI, the other being the Clinton Foundation. And Comey has testified before Congress on the investigation and originally said that it had come to a close in July. Yet, this new information prompted him to inform Congress because Clinton did have an unauthorized server, she did receive classified information on that server, and he did testify before the Hill multiple times. Comey made a sound calculation that he was going to be accused of playing politics with either decision, though the accusations of being part of a cover-up if he disclosed the new details after the election probably seemed to be the worst of all outcomes.


Let’s not forget that James Comey and the FBI are in the hot seat not based on their decisions, but of Clinton to grossly disregard the rules and regulations set for electronic communications and the Democrats who decided to pick her to be their 2016 standard-bearer. Say what you will about Trump, he hasn’t done anything to warrant a federal investigation. Yes, a few Republicans have agreed what Comey did was unprecedented; Democrats have been frothing at the mouth over this for days—noting the break from protocol. Yes, just like that deviation Clinton made when she set up that email server, but let’s not get into the blatant hypocrisy and amnesia on the Left.

Of course this was an unprecedented move by Comey; a presidential candidate is under a federal criminal investigation. That last part always seems to get lost in the Left’s alternate reality, which is a world where Hillary Clinton doesn’t suck.

Pelosi also said that Comey made a mistake. No, he did his job.

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