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State Dept. Spokeswoman "Not Going to Put Any Labels" on ISIS Beheading of Second American Journalist

Earlier today in their second direct message to America, the terror army ISIS beheaded American journalist Steven Sotloff. 

"I'm back Obama," an ISIS executioner says in the newly released video.


Two weeks ago in their first direct message to America, ISIS did the same to American journalist James Foley. The video showing his execution was titled "Message to America." 

Despite video evidence of the gruesome acts and masked men issuing direct challenges to the United States, the Obama administration still has no strategy for dealing with these savages. Adding insult to injury during her daily briefing Tuesday afternoon, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said she isn't going to "label" what ISIS did to Sotloff.

Many thanks to Fox News' James Rosen for asking the question.

Beheading Americans, which ISIS has done twice now, certainly count as acts of war. This kind of political correctness, the constant "no labeling," has not only resulted in Americans being killed but will get more Americans killed in the future. This administration is more interested in giving poll tested answers to questions posed by reporters than they are in fighting radical jihad as it marches across the Middle East to the West.

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