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Final Score: Hillary's Unsecure Server Held 2,079* Classified Emails

Why the asterisk? Because that "finalized" number is based upon Hillary's emails that did not include any of the 32,000 messages she and her lawyers unilaterally deleted with no oversight
. She has claimed that all of the emails she failed to produce were unrelated to official business. We know for a fact that this is not true, based on emails discovered by the Pentagon, as well as work-related missives that turned up when Sidney Blumethal's private emails were hacked. So she lied about that, as she's lied about so many things pertaining to this national security-compromising scandal. That (important) caveat aside, the State Department has determined that more than 2,000 emails on Mrs. Clinton's unsecure, improper server were classified. Many of these emails were low-level and retroactively classified, still a far cry from her categorical, false "there is no classified material" assertion last March. But there were dozens of emails designated as secret, top secret and even above top secret -- allegedly covering extremely sensitive topics from the Iran nuclear negotiations, to North Korean nuclear weapons, to the identities of foreign nationals on the CIA's payroll.  Bottom line figures, tallied by the RNC:

Clinton and her defenders have claimed that none of these messages were "marked classified" at the time, which is legally irrelevant. Intelligence and classification experts say highly secretive material is "born" classified, and that US officials are trained to recognize and protect such information. Mrs. Clinton signed a 
binding nondisclosure agreement to that effect upon taking office, swearing to safeguard secret information, regardless of markings:

The bootleg email server violated "clear cut" State Department rules, which has been affirmed by a Bill Clinton-appointed federal judge. It was woefully under-protected, so much so that several high-ranking members of the Obama administration have concluded that its contents were accessed by foreign governments. Clinton maintained her national security-endangering scheme even after she was specifically and personally warned that foreign hackers were seeking to penetrate classified secrets by exploiting American officials' private email accounts.  Various attempts at spin and misdirection from Clintonworld have failed under scrutiny.  The FBI's ongoing and expanded criminal investigation into the matter remains underway. Conservative research group America Rising notes that the latest tranche of emails includes classified information about enemy missile launches, US drone strikes in Pakistan and Americans operating abroad. It also includes a fully-redacted email between Clinton and John Kerry, who has said he knew nothing of her secret server. As they've done in the past, Team Clinton is trying to deflect from this scandal by 
assailing the integrity of the Intelligence Community's Inspector General, who was appointed by President Obama and confirmed unanimously by the Senate.  Meanwhile, the opacity-addicted and scandal-plagued continues to refuse to release the transcripts of speeches she delivered to Wall Street firms, despite some of her outlandish claims about what she told them.  The pressure for her to do so ramping up via television ads and barbs from her Socialist opponent:

One element of the FBI's investigation into Clinton reportedly deals with entities and individuals making contributions to the Clinton Foundation and offering massive speaking fees to former President Bill Clinton as they were actively lobbying Hillary Clinton's State Department.  As the federal probe continues, the Clinton camp's desperate hyperbole is telling:

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