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Bill Clinton to Step Down From Foundation Board if Hillary Wins White House

In a new statement posted on the Clinton Foundation website, Bill Clinton has announced he will step down from the foundation board should his wife win the presidency in November.

If she is elected, we will immediately implement the following changes:  The Foundation will accept contributions only from U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and U.S.-based independent foundations, whose names we will continue to make public on a quarterly basis.  And we will change the official name from the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation to the Clinton Foundation.

While I will continue to support the work of the Foundation, I will step down from the Board and will no longer raise funds for it.

Clinton's statement comes among a bevy of scandals surrounding the foundation. First, the conservative legal group Judicial Watch discovered potential pay-for-play relationships between foundation donors and the State Department while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state. After this revelation, the foundation pledged not to accept any more foreign donations if Clinton is elected. 


On Monday, we now have news that former Clinton aide Huma Abedin granted special access to foreign leaders who donated to the foundation. Emails, for instance, suggest that after The Kingdom of Bahrain donated thousands of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, the Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain was able to gain easy access to the secretary of state.

If Hillary Clinton doesn't win in November, will these questionable practices at the "charity" continue?

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