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Kentucky Democrat Senate Candidate Distances Herself From Obama in New Ad

Katie and I have written previously about the curious case of Alison Lundergan Grimes, who has the unenviable position of running for Senate as a Democrat in what is a pretty thoroughly red state. In an effort to further distance herself from President Obama, Grimes released a new ad today explicitly stating that she is "not Barack Obama" and that she disagrees with him on "guns, coal, and the EPA."


Despite the biting ad and attempts to appeal to moderate Kentucky voters, Grimes still has a lot of ground to make up for if she intends on unseating Sen. Mitch McConnell. While McConnell was once considered to be "vulnerable," he has shed that image and now has a "clear advantage" in polls. From The New York Times:

On average, Mr. McConnell leads by five points, and Leo, The Upshot’s Senate election forecasting model, now gives him a 93 percent chance of winning re-election. That’s partly because candidates usually win with such a clear lead at this stage, but it’s also because the underlying fundamentals point to a McConnell victory.

It's apparently going to take more than an ad with a shotgun for Grimes to pull out a win.

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